Chapter 11: Hmph!

August 6, 20XX (Tuesday)

Crystal Hotel and Road Side

Wan Qi and Lu Fan who were still at the banquet hall was still daze from the incident few minutes ago. They were still thinking whether that Song Yu Yue was the Song Yu Yue they know.

After Song Yu Yue and Gu Chen left the banquet hall many guests also left not long after Song Yao said that the banquet was over.

Song Yao who were at the side watching Song Yu and Lu Fan fight, he was shocked that his granddaughter was not the same girl she was anymore. No longer weak and timid but now strong and smart.


After about 30 minutes in the car, Song Yu didn't know how long she had fallen asleep in Gu Chen car after being woke up by the fragrant aroma of different types of food starting from chinese, indian, western, seafood, mexican and many more.

Gu Chen didn't know what Song Yu would like to eat so he just bought different types of delicacies. After he got into to his car, he place all the food on the back seat before silently watching Song Yu sleeping face.

Song Yu woke up and was stunned that she actually fell asleep in a stranger car, she was so ashamed of herself. Maybe because she was busy this past weeks that she did not have enough time to sleep a good night sleep, that's why she was able to let her guard down and sleep with a stranger around.

After Song Yu woke up, Gu Chen was seating at the drives seat staring at Song Yu adoringly, he looked like he is absorbing each and every feature of Song Yu flawless face. After he saw Song Yu woke up, he quickly switch back to the indifferent and cold Gu Chen.

Song Yu saw the wide variety of delicacies and was quickly tempted to eat the delicious food without realizing Gu Chen is staring at her intently. She look at Gu Chen with those puppy eyes of hers asking for permission to eat, after Song Yu saw Gu Chen didn't say anything she proceeded by taking the food from the back seat and started gobbling down the food that Gu Chen brought.

Gu Chen was getting more intrigued by her now, after looking at her eating as if she is the only one in the world, happily eating while squealing with satisfaction. He find her adorable, different from other women that always suck up to him for benefits.


Qiao Lin was worried about Song Yu after she saw her being taken away by Gu Chen, after a while of contemplation. She called Jack Ho, Song Yu right hand man. Jack ho answered the call and asked Qiao Lin what is she calling him for. Qiao Lin asked Jack Ho if Song Yu was safe or not after being taken away by Gu Chen.

"President Song is safe, she's currently eating inside of President Gu car. Nothing seems abnormal." Jack reported.

"This is abnormal, how did Yu Yue know Mr Gu. Anyway now i know Yu Yue is safe then i'm going to sleep, bye. Qiao Lin hang up the call after knowing Song Yu was safe." Qiao Lin disagreed.

Jack Ho felt saddened that Qiao Lin called him just to ask about Song Yu.


While Song Yu was eating Gu Chen join her to eat while trying to ask her question hoping to know more about her.

Gu Chen: Yu Yue, so what's your relationship with Mr Lu?

Song Yu who was eating happily suddenly stop eating and look up at Gu Chen with her two pairs of emotionless and guarded eyes. She look at Gu Chen and say, "Mr Gu i don't think we are that close for you to call me yu Yue and also i think we're not close enough for you to ask me such a personal question." Song Yu tried distance herself from Gu Chen.

Gu Chen made a playful smile and say, "are we not close enough? we already kissed each other already, so how are we not close enough?" Gu Chen teased.

Song Yu was baffled by Gu Chen, she was even more mad and embarrassed by Gu Chen when he said they kissed twice, when it was he who forced a kiss on her not once but twice.

Song Yu shouted, Mr Gu! it was you who force a kiss on me not once but twice and you dare to say we are close because we've kissed!!! How shameless are you. "Hmph!". Song Yu Shouted and look to the side, placing her food down on her lap and fold her arms to her chest.

Gu Chen couldn't help but laugh lightly when she say Song Yu acting like a child, "What are you laughing at?" Song Yu asked.

"You", Gu Chen replied.

Song was even more furious now, her ears and face started to turn red from embarrassment and she made a hmph and wanted to get out of the car when Gu Chen grab her wrist and said, "Okay Okay calm down, I won't tease you anymore okay?"

Song Yu glare at Gu Chen like a wild kitten and sat back down to her sit and continue eating. Gu Chen on the other hand wanted to laugh at the wild kitten in front of him, he started to become more interested in her wanting to find out more about her. One time she can turn into a ruthless woman and the other became a feisty woman. Gu Chen find that Song Yu is like a mystery with many deep secrets and past that she was hiding behind the facade of her cold and ruthless self.