Chapter 12: Shackles of Love

August 6, 20XX (Tuesday) - August 20, 20XX (Tuesday)

Road Side, Z.D.Y Corp and Emperor

After Song Yu and Gu Chen finished their meal, Gu Chen wanted to drive Song Yu back home as it was already midnight but Song Yu insisted that she wants to go back alone. Gu Chen was getting irritated at her as he was being fairly patient with her but she did not seem to feel nor care about it

Gu Chen look at Song Yu intimidatingly before cornering Song Yu by putting his hands beside Song Yu head and warn her, "woman, don't test my patients."

Song Yu didn't want to lose to Gu Chen so she said, "I don't care, let me go before you regret it!." Song Yu challenge Gu Chen hoping he would let her go but to her dismay it only triggered Gu Chen to not stop and continue to intimidate her.

Gu Chen asked, "so how are you going to make me regret it?." Gu Chen gave a devilish smile looking at Song Yu playfully before waiting for her reply. Song Yu knew that she wouldn't be able to win Gu Chen so she tried another method.

She tried to use her head to bump Gu Chen head before trying to run away but unfortunately, Gu Chen dodge it. After Gu Chen block it Song Yu lean in to his ear and asked seductively, "so how do you think i will make you regret it?"

Song Yu lips brush across Gu Chen ears, before using her hands to push Gu Chen away by putting her hands at his chest. After she successfully made Gu Chen guard down. She make use of the time and quickly got out of the car before looking back and give a victory smile and said, "Mr Gu, remember not to let your guards down even when you're with a woman." Song Yu winked at Gu Chen before closing the door and walking to her car where Jack had prepared for her.

After Song Yu left, Gu Chen felt fascinated that he actually lose to a woman, he took note that he should never let his guard down around her anymore.


2 weeks later, 10.30 am

Z.D.Y Corp announce that they are going to held an audition for the cast of Shackles of Love, after Z.D.Y Corp announce that they were starting to find cast to act on Shackles of Love many famous actress and actors were handling their resume for the audition and Wan Qi was one of them.

Knock...knock.....knock.... After 3 knocks on the door, jack enter Song Yu office after hearing Song Yu allowing him to enter. Jack went into the office with many application for the Shackles of Love movie and also many paperwork of some proposals and some files that need Song Yu signature.

Song Yu did not look at Jack and continue to use her fingers and dance across the keyboard typing away with lightning speed.

''President Song, these are the applications for Shackles of Love movie cast audition and also paperwork of some new proposals and some files that needs your signature. I've arrange the important proposals that need your attention and the rest i've put it at the side. Some proposals that are more important are the ones from Emperor Corp, S.L Corp, Lu Corp and K King Entertainment."

After hearing Jack mention about K King entertainment, she felt like something light up in her head and she asked Jack to leave the paperwork all these at her desk. Jack place the documents at her desk and left after slightly bowing at Song Yu before leaving.

After Jack left, she continue to busy herself with what she was doing and put the plan she had after she heard Jack mention K King Entertainment at the back of her head first.


Gu Chen was in a meeting talking about the plan to work with Z.D.Y Corp one of the biggest entertainment and jewelry company. Gu Chen was interested in Shackles of Love series for the jewelry as it contains a very deep history to the ring and he foresee that it's going to be a big hit as it's design is very unique and exquisite. It looks like ruby red on the outside of the bracelet, ring and necklace but it looks like there's cracks on the bracelet, ring and necklace.

It's just like its name, Shackles of Love. It look so elegant and beautiful on the outside but it gave a sense of loneliness and unapproachable feeling for the Shackles of Love series jewelries. It gave a lot of feelings just by the jewelries itself.

Emperor Corp is a worldwide company it varies from gaming software, entertainment, jewelries and many many more.

But Emperor focus on gaming software and entertainment, Gu Chen want to collaborate with Z.D.Y Corp to create an opportunity to let his models to endorse in The Shackles of Love exclusive series for jewelries and also use Z.D.Y Corp using their own movies to promote their own jewelries as a selling point for Emperor Corp. He can help Z.D.Y Corp to promote their products not only by their international models but also through their own new movie series called The lost love which was similar to Shackles of Love history.

Through the collaboration they could earn up to billions of dollars. But first they need to wait for Z.D.Y Corp to accept their proposal and further discuss about their collaboration.

The rest of the day ended by Gu Chen and Song Yu stuck in their office the whole day occupying themselves with the documents.


At 11.30 pm,

Song Yu was still busy with her work when Qiao Lin Called her, after the last ring Song Yu pick up the call.

"Hello, Who is this?"

"Hey! Yu Yue it's me. What are you doing now? let's have a girls night today and do what we always do. Since tomorrow is weekend and you're the boss, you can obviously don't go to work for a day or two.

"Oh Hey Lin! ermmm....okay i'll finish most of the documents by 12 am, so we'll meet at the usual place by 12.30 am. Bye!

"Okay you better don't be late Kay". Qiao Lin hung up afterwards.