Chapter 40: Getting to know more about each other (3)

September 5, 20XX (Thursday)

Tranquil Land

In Country Z, 7.30 in tranquil land.

Song Yu drove Gu Chen out of City A, a city in Country Z. City A is where Song Yu and Gu Chen lives in. Song Yu drove Gu Chen out of the city and to a deserted route, after an hour. They reached a seaside, there was a speedboat beside the wooden platform at the sea.

Song Yu parked her black jeep wrangler JK 2 door at one side, Song Yu got out of the car with the puzzled Gu Chen behind her. Song Yu walked towards the speedboat and said, "We need to cross over the sea and to the plot of land across the sea." Song Yu said calmly without looking at the man behind her.

Gu Chen quietly listened to Song Yu, he intertwined his left hand with Song Yu's right hand as they walked towards the speedboat. After 15 minutes, they reached tranquil land. Gu Chen helped Song Yu got off the speedboat safely before waiting for her to lead the way.

Tranquil land is a plot of land, located in the middle of an isolated sea. It was a small land, in the middle of the land, there was a big tree. Beside the tree there was a small brick house, there was one bedroom, one study room, small living room and a kitchen. Comfortable and cozy.

There was wooden fence around the land, some small trees surrounding the land too. Song Yu lead Gu Chen into the small house as they hang their jacket and trench coat on the clothes hanger and sat on the small grey two seater sofa. Gu Chen looked at Song Yu as they sat on the sofa, waiting patiently for Song Yu to say something.

"This land is called, tranquil land. the land is just like what the name of it means. Free from disturbance, this land had a lot of history to it. But I am not going to tell you the complete story yet, the reason I brought you to let you decide from whether you want to continue to play...."

"I do not play with feelings, I am serious about you." Song Yu was interrupted by Gu Chen as he grabbed Song Yu's shoulder and turned her towards him so that she was facing him as he looked at Song Yu with a genuine and serious looked.

Song Yu shrugged off Gu Chen before saying, "I know, but I am not sure about my feeling towards you. I am interested in you, I feel that I can trust and be dependent on you but I felt that everything is too sudden. I brought you here, to let you be clear of who you are involving yourself in. If you regret, you can turned back now before everything was too late." Song Yu said coldly as she stood up and lead Gu Chen out of the house and towards the big tree.

Song Yu and Gu Chen stood in front of the tree as she said, "I hope you are ready for what you are about to see, if you don't want to. We can..."

"I want, to know more about you." Gu Chen interrupted Song Yu yet again as he looked at Song Yu genuinely.

Song Yu smiled at Gu Chen, she turned towards the tree and took out her self made tactical knife and was attempting to make a small cut on her hands when Gu Chen snatched the knife away from her hand.

Gu Chen stared angrily at Song Yu, "What are you doing!" Gu Chen shouted at Song Yu.

Song Yu was slightly taken aback by Gu Chen's sudden anger, she felt warmth as she smiled at Gu Chen and said, "This tree needs my blood to activate the locked before it will open and let us go to the basement underneath the tree." Song Yu reassured Gu Chen.

Song Yu took the knife from Gu Chen and made a small cut on her hand before placing her hand in the middle of the tree. After 10 seconds the tree got split into half and the ground underneath the tree got opened, flights of stairs could be seen.

Gu Chen was slightly shocked seeing the hidden passage, he got out from his shocked and followed Song Yu. The basement was light up with each steps they took and turned dark again. after they pass the stairs. Slowly walking down the flights of stairs, there was pictures of a mother and daughter pair, family photo and other people's photos.

Once they reached the basement, the whole place lead up. There was a cremation pot in the middle of the basement, there was a name tag on it. Song Lin written on it. Other than the cremation pot in the basement, there was pictures of Song Yu's childhood in the white and grey interior basement.

Gu Chen looked at all the pictures which held Song Yu's genuine and cheerful smile, rid of any worries and evils. Song Yu lead Gu Chen in front of the cremation pot, Song Yu look at Gu Chen and said, "I am a tainted woman, I killed many people. My hands is stained of blood, but do you know what. Gu Chen, I killed my own father. My biological father, Song Lin."

Gu Chen was taken aback by the sudden turns of events, he did not know what to feel at the moment. It wasn't that he blamed Song Yu or anything, it was just that. Gu Chen was puzzled by what Song Yu said. "Song Lie?" Gu Chen asked Song yu calmly as though not affected one bit by what Song Yu said.

Song Yu was slightly shocked that the man did not have any big reaction to it and was pretty calm about it, she closed her eyes and breathed in before continuing "Song Lie is not my biological father, look at my eyes. Isn't it like the Qi empire, Qi Ling Hu's amber eyes. I found out that Song Lie and my mother Wan Yu is not related to the Qi's in anyway, but why was I a Qi. I investigated and found out that Song Lin is the half brother of Song Lie."

Song Yu stopped for a moment before continuing, "My grandfather, had an affair with Qi Ming Lan. The second wife of Qi Ling Hu, who had died before I was born. After my grandfather, Song Yao had an affair. Song Lin was born, he hated being the illegitimate son of the Song's. He tried all ways to win Song Lie, hence. Thought of a way to win Song Lie, he raped my mother and got me afterwards. Since than, I have known the reason why my mother had hated me so much."

Song Yu paused again and looked at Gu Chen with her amber eyes, Gu Chen patted Song Yu's hand before waiting for her to continue. Song Yu breath in and out once before continuing, "I yearned for my mother's love, but it never happened. Even before she left, she still did not love me. After i found out about the incident, I was furious. If that man did not rape my mother, I would not have suffered. After i found out that he was threatening my mother about my birth, I killed him."

"Gu Chen do you get it now, I am stained with blood in my hands. Sometimes, I may lose control of myself when I kill people. What do you think now, disgusted." Song Yu said coldly as she turned away from Gu Chen and was preparing to walk off, when Gu Chen pulled Song Yu into his embraced.

"You don't have to be strong by yourself anymore, I am here with you. Why do ask me such a silly question as to whether I accept you or not?" Gu Chen hugged Song Yu as he said calmly.

Song Yu kept silence, "I torture and kill people, I do not care about any of the people who died. I am also tainted by blood, are you ok with that?" Gu Chen asked as his voice was slightly shaking, scared that Song Yu would not accept him of who he is.

Song Yu cried and said, "I do, I don't want my man to be tainted by blood. I don't want you to dirtied you hands."

Gu Chen's smiled widen as he said, "From now on, I am your pillar of support. Act as spoiled as you want. Anyhow, I will still love you for who you are. You can act like yourself when you are in front of me, you don't have to restrain yourself from me. I will stand by your side from now on." Gu Chen hugged Song Yu tightly in his embraced.

Song Yu continued to cry as she said, "Why" the word why was the only think on her mind.

"Because you are my wife, my love and my world. I can give you anything you want, but the only thing I asked for is for you not to leave me" Gu Chen became silent as he pulled back from the hugged and kissed away Song Yu's tears.