Chapter 42: Getting to know more about you (4)

September 6, 20XX (Friday)

Tranquil Land, Z.D.Y Corp and Emperor

The next day at Tranquil land,

It was 6.00 am, when Song Yu woke up the warming sunlight shone through the windows of the room. Song Yu rubbed her eyes before trying to sit up from the bed, but realized that she could not sit up as she was bound by the arms of a man, behind of her.

As though lightning strike her body, she remembered that yesterday she kept crying none stop and Gu Chen had been beside her the whole time, when they was at basement. She did not know how she ended up in her room of the small brick house, but she thought that it should be Gu Chen who brought er into the room and sleep.

Song Yu still felt awkward that the man was sleeping beside her, as this was her first time sleeping with the opposite sex. Afraid of waking up the man from behind of her, she gently untangled herself from Gu Chen and got out of the bed to freshen up and prepare breakfast for the both of them.

Unbeknownst to her, Gu Chen had been woke up from his sleep. The moment Song Yu rubbed her eyes, he did not want to spoil the little kitten planned of not wanting to disturb him from his sleep. Gu Chen pretended to be asleep and waited for Song Yu to go out of the room before he wake up for the day.


After Song Yu was done bathing and changing into a caramel double-button blazer with a white long sleeve blouse and a black tapered trousers pair with a brown heels. She placed her blazer on her sofa before rolling up her sleeves to her shoulders and started toasting some breads and cooking some scrambled eggs, hams, some meat patties and prepared some coffee for Gu Chen and tea for herself.

After about 30 minutes, Song Yu was done cooking the breakfast and had placed the food and drinks on the table. Song Yu washed her hands and wipe her hands with a tissue before going into the bedroom to wake Gu Chen up.

Before she could open the door and go in to wake Gu Chen up, the latter had already came out of the room. Wearing the same outfit as yesterday. Song Yu was slightly stunned by Gu Chen, she took a side stepped to the right and let Gu Chen pass through. Song Yu looked at the floor shyly and said, "Erm, breakfast ready." Song Yu mumbled.

Gu Chen chuckled at the cute little kitten in front of him, seeing Gu Chen carefree attitude sends butterfly inside Song Yu's stomach. Song Yu was slightly taken aback by the carefree Gu Chen, she did not know the cold and aloof man was capable of being so carefree. Song Yu smiled as she thought to herself that, Gu Chen may only be carefree in front of her and not anyone else. That made her happy, she smiled at Gu Chen and said, "What are you laughing at." Song Yu pouted her lips and fold her arms, acting like a spoiled brat.

Gu Chen gave a light peck at Song Yu's kissable lips and said, "Getting to know more about you." Gu CHen looked at Song Yu in the eye, his eyes looking deep into Song Yu's.

Song Yu tilted her head and slightly parted her lips, "What do you mean." Song Yu faked ignorant.

Gu Chen pinched Song Yu's left cheek before saying, "Little wild cat." Gu Chen said adoringly as he looked intently at Song Yu.

Song Yu pouted and rubbed her cheeks, "It hurts" Song Yu whined.

Gu Chen eyes darken, he held Song Yu's shoulders and bend forward before placing a light peck on Song Yu's wounded cheek and licked it afterwards. "Does it still hurts?" Gu Chen said in a husky voice.

Song Yu felt shivered down her spine as she placed her hands at Gu Chen chest and push him way, Song Yu turned towards the dining table and said, "Eat the food while its still hot." Song Yu said shyly and walked towards the dining table. Gu Chen smiled and followed suit.

After their breakfast, Song Yu and Gu Chen each left for their work. And of course, Gu Chen did not forget to asked for a morning and goodbye kiss before they left.


Z.D.Y Corp, 8 am.

Song Yu just arrived at her office when she saw the huge piled of files, documents and proposals that needed her urgent attention, pile up on her office table. Song Yu slouched her shoulders and resigned to fate, she went around her desk and to her chair and sat down.

Song Yu pressed the a number on the telephone on her desks, after a second. Tang Ai, one of Song Yu's secretary answered the call. "What can i do for you boss?"

"Call Jack in my office." Song Yu instructed before starting to look through all the files, documents and proposals on her desks.


"What's the old man up to lately?" Song Yu asked Jack, upon seeing him entering her office.

Jack nodded at Song Yu, "Old man Song is trying to pull over, Mr Gu Chen. The second biggest shareholders of Song Corp. He is also trying to buy all the lower shares." Jack reported.

"Gu Chen?" Song Yu inquired.

"Yes, Mr Gu Chen is the second biggest shareholders of Song Corp." Jack answered and pass Song Yu a black file, consisting of the information of all the shareholders in Song Corp.

Song Yu took it and started looking through it, after 10 minutes she was done reading the report given by Jack. "Wan Group is the third one after Gu Chen, surely the Wan's are going to try and take over Song Corp. Let's not do anything first, we'll wait until the best time to take action. When they are not ready for it. Meanwhile, buy out all the shares of the smaller shareholders before Song Yao." Song Yu said coldly.

"Oh and call Daemon in my office after you leave." Song Yu added.

Jack nodded, "Boss your itinerary for today is, you have a meeting at 9.00. Which is 40 minutes from now, after the meeting, you need to go to the..."

"Go to the audition for the female lead and second female lead role, for the Shackles of Love and another meeting with Lu Corp right?" Song Yu said in a rather teasing tone. "You had already told me that in the morning, don't be such a nagged." Song Yu shooed jack away and went back to work.

Meanwhile when Song Yu was busying herself with the pile of work on the desk, Gu Chen was also not falling behind.


Emperor Corp,

Ye Xun was standing in front of Gu Chen's desk, looking at Gu Chen. Without saying anything as he was afraid to disturbed the extremely focus and serious man in front of him at that moment, after 10 minutes of waiting. Gu Chen still did not stopped his work, Ye Xun got worried and anxious as the man have a meeting in 10 minutes time and another meeting with the human resources department.

Ye Xun mustered up the courage and finally said, "Boss, you have a meeting in 10 minutes time and also another meeting with the Human resources department."

Just when Ye Xun thought that he was going to be killed for disturbing the king Yama at work, Gu Chen without looking at Ye Xun and said, "En."

Just when Ye Xun thought that he was going to be killed by the King Yama for disturbing him, he was shocked by Gu Chen. The man not only did not get angry with him but in fact replied him with an "En", Ye Xun was beyond sane. He did not know whether the man in front of him was his boss or an impersonate.

Ye Xun stood in front of Gu Chen with a bewildered expression, without leaving the room after Gu Chen replied. Gu Chen who was typing away and looking at his computer, frowned and turned towards Ye Xun. "Anything else?"

Ye Xun was finally out from is stupor and stuttered to say, "Ah, nothing else." Ye Xun hurriedly left the office, afterwards.

Gu Chen shook his head and thought to himself that, 'this secretary of his is surely weird'. Gu Chen stopped his worked after Ye Xun left and fish out his phone in his suit pocket and typed a few keys of number and pressed that call button.