Chapter 43: Gu Chen Han, you are my man

September 6, 20XX (Friday)

Z.D.Y Corp

"Daemon, thanks for helping me take care of the company on my behalf." Song Yu looked at Daemon with a grateful expression as she thanked Daemon.

Daemon rolled his eyes at Song Yu and said in a mocking tone, "You always says that after you asked me to take care of your company, don't think an apology will be enough. You better treat me to a meal tonight, or else I won't help you anymore."

Song Yu smiled and admitted defeat, "Yes, Yes. I'll treat you to a meal. Later..."

Song Yu was cut off by the phone on her desk, Song Yu took her phone and check the caller ID and saw it was 'Chen' displayed on the screen. Song Yu turned and looked at Daemon with an apologetic expression, her eyes saying "Sorry I need to go and answer the call".

Song Yu stood up and went to the huge glass window, which can see the whole of A city. Daemon got out of the office, knowing that Song Yu needed some privacy. Song Yu picked up the call, after Daemon left the room.


"Why did you only pick up now." Gu Chen interrupted Song Yu and complained.

Song Yu said in an apologetic tone, "Sorry, I was talking to Daemon just now."

Gu Chen frowned and asked in an accusing tone, "You dare have an affair with other man?"

....!!!! "What are you thinking!, Daemon is only my friend!" Song Yu quickly explained, as she was flustered by what Gu Chen said. She did not know what was going in the man's head, for him to think that she was cheating behind his back.

Gu Chen was no longer angry at Song Yu, after he saw how flustered Song Yu was. He remained to his usual cold face and said, "I know, I was just joking. Why would you want other guys, when you already have me. The richest and handsome man?"

Song Yu felt like hiding into hole, she did not know how shameless can that man be. She found out that there was no limit to his shamelessness.

Hearing no response from Song Yu, he said, "Alright, I'll stop teasing you. I called to asked you to go and eat dinner with me tonight." Gu Chen said in his usual cold tone but this time round there was a little gentleness in it.

Song Yu lowered down her head, after hearing what Gu Chen said. She felt guilty all of a sudden and did not know what to say. She knew if she tell Gu Chen about her going to eat with Daemon and not with him that night, she was sure the man will surely get angry.

Song Yu thought for a moment and decided it would be best for her to be honest with Gu Chen, as she did not want to lie to him. "I cannot eat with you tonight, I promised Daemon that I will treat him to a meal tonight, for helping me" Song Yu said in a barely whispered tone, but Gu Chen heard it loud and clear.

Gu Chen eyes darkened as his hold stature became stiff, he was getting jealous and angry. "Song Yu Yue." Gu Chen said in an extremely cold tone, through the voice. Song Yu could feel a tinge of anger from Gu Chen.

Song Yu shuddered at how Gu Chen called her name, as she knew Gu Chen would only call her in her full name when he was truly angry. "I'm just going to eat with daemon for today, I can eat with you any other time. So don't act like a sour bucket, it's not like Daemon is my husband." Song Yu tried to coax the jealous man.

Gu Chen was angered was slightly better after hearing what Song Yu said, but as a possessive man like himself. He could not let her wife go and eat with other man, he could not take it. "No, you are eating with me tonight."

Song Yu got irritated at the annoying and jealous man, Song Yu felt the jealous Gu Chen was cute but she could not tolerate if it went to overboard. Song Yu felt that she was just eating with her friend and Gu Chen had already stopped her from eating with her friend. She felt that Gu Chen should give her some personal space and not be too possessive.

"You are being too possessive." Song Yu said in an annoyed tone.

Gu Chen was getting more and more angry at Song Yu, he promised to himself that he was going to punish the little wild cat when he sees her tonight. Gu Chen was near his limit, he tried to calm himself down and be more patient with Song Yu. "You are being too stubborn."

"I am not." Song Yu denied.

"You are and I don't allow you to go and eat with that daemon guy. I am your man not him, why are you choosing that man over me." Gu Chen tried to talk things out with Song Yu.

Song Yu scoffed at what Gu Chen said, she was trying to tell Gu Chen that from the start and was hoping that the man would stop making a fuss over a simple meal with other guys. "Precisely, listen up. Gu Chen Han, you are my man not daemon. It's not like I am going to date daemon, I am just going to eat with a friend. He is not my boyfriend or husband, you are my boyfriend and husband. So why are you being so petty with such a small thing. " Song Yu blabbered out what she was holding in her throat, when Gu Chen was being annoying.

Song Yu hung up on Gu Chen, without waiting for the man's reply.

Du...Du...Du... Gu Chen heard the sound of the call ended, he was slightly taken aback by what Song Yu called him earlier on and was left in a stupor not knowing what to say for a moment. He was taken aback by Song Yu calling him in his full name, Gu Chen Han and knew that woman was truly angry at him. He too was angry at that stubborn woman and was more angry that the woman had the audacity to hung up on him.

he shook his head and thought to himself, 'I bring this upon myself'. Gu Chen knew that he was being a little possessive but he could not take it when Song Yu chose him over another guy. Even if it was just a friend.