Chapter 53: Its not something you can control!

September 8, 20XX (Sunday) - September 9, 20XX (Monday)

Beijing - Gu's mansion and M Club

After the dinner, Song Yu and Gu Chen stayed at the Gu's mansion for a night. As Han Mei Yi insisted of them to stayed for the night, reluctantly. Song Yu and Gu Chen resigned to fate and stayed for the night.

Song Yu and Gu Chen each were busy, but due to Han Mei Yi asking them to stay for the night and in consideration of how late it was. They decided to stay for the night, they could take this time to enjoy each other company. As Gu Chen had to go for a business trip in Country H for two to three days, and Song Yu will busy with the Shackles of Love movie. Which will be starting to film.

Before she could start the filming, she needed to handle Wan Qi. Which made the two couples busy, the only free time they had were only that night. after that, it would be their first time separating for a few days.


In the bedroom,

"Yu Yue, why did you do this?" Lu Fan asked frustrated.

Song Yu kept silent, without answering Lu Fan. Letting the man speak what he needed to say, before answering.

"Why did you went to find my brother and not me to collaborate?" Lu Fan could not control his anger, he was the 'president' of Lu Corp. But Song Yu did not treat him like one and decided to find his brother, Lu Nan Cheng to collaborate.

Song Yu sneered hearing what Lu Fan said, "Are you done?" Song Yu asked coldly.

"Yu Yue, are you still angry about what happened 3 years ago?" Lu Fan said with some guilt in his voice, he did not know what to say. He felt angered yet guilty about the incident 3 years ago.

Song Yu eyes became colder, her amber eyes glowing in the dim room. Looking deep in thoughts, "Blame yourself for not being competent, I told you before. I could give you power, I could also bring you down to nothingness." Song Yu said coldly, voice holding no emotions.

"ha, do you think you as a president secretary can be of threat to me?" Lu Fan no longer felt guilty towards Song Yu, he felt anger and disgust. He could tolerate anything but not ridiculing his pride and capability.

"Why are you so angry than?" Song Yu deadpanned.

"YOU!" Lu Fan shouted in anger.

"Come and talked to me when you are capable to let me take a glance at you." Song Yu could guessed that it was Wan Qi who told Lu Fan that. She paused for a moment before continuing.

"If you have so much time to call me, why not take the time to hold your seat?. I'm sure your 'president' seat is barely hanging" Song Yu ridiculed.

"Yu Yue, you've changed!" Lu Fan said in disdain, he knew that the Song Yu he knew was always cold and aloof. But kind in the inside, in that instant. He felt Song Yu became ruthless, he did not know why. But he felt like he was not talking to the Song Yu he knew, but to a stranger. He felt intimidated.

"You just haven't known me better." Song Yu said solemnly.

Song Yu was just about to hang up, when Lu Fan asked. "Yu Yue, I really need your help. The business deal between Lu Corp and Z.D.Y Corp is a big deal, it is the most crucial and start of Lu Corp success in jewelry industry. If it succeed, my brother will be able to over throne me." Lu Fan could not bare to lose his throne, leaving him to no choice but to begged.

Song Yu felt disgusted, she hated men who begged. She disliked incapable men, "I think Lu Corp really need to change a new person to take over the president seat, if not the company will fall in your hands." Song Yu mocked.

"Ah, I almost forgotten. This is just a small punishment, if you ever touch my people again. Lu Corp will disappear into thin air over night."

Lu Fan had droplets if sweat coming down his forehead, he felt threatened. "What...What do you mean?" He acted ignorant.

"I don't care whether you are acting ignorant or you really don't know, let me enlightened you. You must have remembered Huang Hu right?. Since you needed his helped to keep your president sit, you helped his daughter to harmed Qiao Lin right?"

"How?" Lu Fan did not know what to say, the only thing that came out of his mouth was 'How?'.

"If you were to touched my people will be like the Su's. You should know about what happened to Su corp right?" Song Yu gave a sinister smile, as she threatened Lu Fan.

"Yu Yue, I..." Lu Fan felt threatened.

"Try me again, and you will become nothingness!" Song Yu hung up afterwards.


It was in 5 am in the morning, when Song Yu woke up. Normally Song Yu would wake up at around 6.30 am to exercise, as she was living in an unfamiliar place. She could not sleep comfortably and woke up slightly early for the day.

When Song Yu woke up, she could not find the warm pillow beside her. She did not think that Gu Chen would wake up so early, though the man had always woke up first before her. Song Yu sighed and climbed out of the bed to freshen up.

When Song Yu was done changing into a simple white astrid cami top and cobain khaki high rise pants, pair with a black high heel boots. She walked out of the room and went around the house to explore.

Creak...Just after Song yu stepped out of the room, Gu Chen came in through the front porch. He was wearing a simple slim fit black shirt and black joggers, "Why are you up so early?" Gu Chen saw Song Yu and frowned in displeased, as he wanted Song Yu to have more sleep.

Song Yu lowered her head as though she had done something wrong, "Erm, I could't sleep." Song Yu replied softly, after a few moments of silence.

Gu Chen walked up to Song Yu an brought her back into the room, "Have some more rest, I'll wake you up when breakfast is ready." Gu Chen said sternly, his eyes full of concerned and love.

Song Yu pouted in displeased, as she felt that Gu Chen was trying to make her become a pig. "I've already rest enough!, anymore and I am going to become a pig, Hmph!" Song Yu complained as she smacked Gu Chen hands away and walked out of the room.

Making the cold and aloof man to sighed in helplessness, he followed Song Yu and let the wild kitten to do as she pleased. Once they reached the kitchen, Song Yu went to wash her hands and started preparing the breakfast.

She took out some tomatoes, onions, garlic, pork and eggs. "Let me do it, go sit at the sofa. Hmm?" Gu Chen said in a coaxing tone as he sneaked his arms around her waist and carry her with one arm, getting her away from the fire.

"GU CHEN HAN!" Song Yu had enough as she glared at the over protective man, making Gu Chen raised his eyebrows at the angry kitten. "I am not a kid, I won't get hurt just by cooking!" Song Yu said in a higher pitch, as she pushed the man away and started cooking.

Leaving the amused man standing behind her, "Fine, if you get hurt. I will punish you!" Gu Chen hugged the woman, and speak beside her left ear. After speaking, he lowered his head and sucked on Song Yu's fair shoulder.

Song Yu gasped as she did not expect the man to suddenly sucked on her shoulder, "What are you doing!" Song Yu stopped what she was doing as she turned back and glared at the man.

Gu Chen chuckled at the angry kitten in front of him, "You're not allowed to wear such a revealing clothes." Gu Chen said sternly.

"..." 'How is is revealing?' Song Yu thought to herself, "Nothing is showing!" Song Yu refuted.

"Your shoulders and collar bone are exposed!" Gu Chen face darkened at the stubborn kitten.

"...." "Gu Chen Han, you are being too unreasonable!" Song Yu felt unfair and irritated at the possessive man.

"I can't control that, my baby is just too beautiful that I want to locked you up and never let any people see you!" Gu Chen said in all seriousness as he looked at Song Yu.


Song Yu blushed as she turned towards the other side to avoid eye contact with the man, "I don't want to argue with you!" Song Yu turned back and head back into the room, Gu Chen smirked in victory.

After their breakfast, Song Yu and Gu Chen were preparing to go. When Han Mei Yi walked towards her and said, "Xiao Yue, do come by often with Gu Chen."

Song Yu gave a polite smiled, "I will, please do take good care of yourself."

Han Liang Yi, had been standing at the side. She was staring at Song Yu, as if thinking of something deep. She had wanted to talked to her, but Song Yu was going to go back that day. Hence, she decided to chat with her another day. When she saw her leaving, she wanted to asked Song Yu to come another day and have a quick chat with her.

But when she saw her daughter-in-law, chatting merrily with her granddaughter-in-law. She waited patiently at the side, but the conversation did not seem like it was going to stopped anytime soon. Han Liang Yi got irritated and walked over, "Aiya, talked another day. I want to chat with my granddaughter-in-law, don't interrupt us." Grandmother Han chided.

Han Mei Yi sulked, when she saw how caring and doting Han Liang Yi is to Song Yu than her. "Alright Mother, you both have a chat. I shall not interrupt you both, Xiao Yue. We'll talked next time." HAn Mei Yi smiled and walked away, afraid of being scolded by Han Liang Yi again.

Seeing that Han Mei Yi was gone, Han Liang Yi turned towards Song Yu and held her hand. "Xiao Yue, grandma wanted to have a small talked with you, but it seem. that rascal is unhappy about it, never mind. Let's talk next time, since you both are very busy."

Song Yu looked behind her and saw Gu Chen imposing aura. He had his hands inside his pocket, while he was leaning at the black maybach. Staring at her with a bored expression, looking cool and unapproachable. When Song Yu saw Gu Chen seems angry and bored, she gave an awkward smile. "grandma, I will come by with Gu Chen next time. Then we can have a nice chat."

"Good, then I shan't bother you youngsters any further. Quick go, that rascal is getting impatient." Grandmother Han said dotingly at Song Yu.

"En, please take care grandma." Song Yu smiled and said politely.

After the whole family bid farewell to Song Yu and Gu Chen, they went back into the house. Inside the car, Song Yu did not talked to Gu Chen and had been avoiding the touches of Gu Chen. "Why are you throwing a tantrum?" Gu Chen was being helpless in front of.