Chapter 54: Do you think I am a fool?

9 September, 20XX (Monday) - 10 September, 20XX (Tuesday)

Beijing international airport - Gu's Branch company

"Take care of yourself when I am not around, call me if you need anything," Gu Chen said caringly.

Song Yu smiled at Gu Chen, they standing at the stairs of Z.D.Y Corp private Jet. Gu Chen held onto Song Yu's right hand as he looked down at her pretty face, seemingly in deep thoughts.

"I will, now stopped acting like a wife that do not want to be part with the husband." Song Yu said adoringly as she stared at Gu Chen with her big doey eyes. Teasing Gu Chen, making the man narrow his eyes at the wild kitten.


Gu Chen sneak his hands around Song Yu's nape, pulling her towards him and gave her a fervent kissed. He bit on her lips, sucking hard on the bleeding lips. Before licking and putting open mouth kisses all around her face. Starting from her lips and to the cheeks, nose, eyes and forehead. Gu Chen kept doing the cycle, torturing Song Yu.

Making her want to kissed Gu Chen badly, but the man did not allowed so. He kept doing the same thing until Song Yu could not take it anymore, she grabbed Gu Chen's black dress shirt collar. Pulling the man down to her level, before hugging him and finally kissed him on his lips.

Their lips stuck to each other, as though their mouth are going to be connected together. Gu Chen got more aroused, when Song Yu suddenly became aggressive. He quicken the kissed, taking away Song Yu's breath.

The couple seem to forget where they were, they continue to kissed. The time seems to stopped around them, there was only Song Yu and Gu Chen. They continue to intertwined their tongues together, while looking at each other deeply. When Song Yu saw Gu Chen looking at her, as though he could devour her right there and then.

She shuddered, slowly she start to regain consciousness that they are currently in the airport. Knowing where she was, she quickly pushed Gu Chen away from her. "There is people looking!"

Gu Chen chuckled at the little wild kitten in front of him, a while ago she was like a wild kitten and now she became a docile cat. As though just now the person who just kissed him fervently was not her but another person. Looking at the blushing woman, he could not control the urged to teased her.

"Where did that boldness go?" Gu Chen looked at Song Yu, raising an eyebrow at her.

"You!" Song Yu was beyond disbelieve, the man had just teased her with the kissed. Which made her lost control and initiated the kissed, she looked at the man. Feeling angered, Gu Chen said as though she was the one who was at the wronged.

Seeing that Song Yu could not take anymore teasing, he decided not to teased her anymore. If not, Song Yu would really explode in embarrassment. "Alright, take care." Gu Chen pulled Song Yu for a hugged before kissing her forehead.

Feeling warmth all over her body, "You too, take care of yourself." Song Yu hugged back Gu Chen before letting go of him and started walking up the stairs of the private jet.

Seeing the woman enter the jet, Gu Chen turned and said, "Send some people to keep an eye on Song Yu, report everything about her to me while I am gone. If she was to lose a strand of hair, you know what will happen." Gu Chen facial expression and voice turned cold, devoid of any emotions after Song Yu left. The warmth that he showed Song Yu was gone, coldness was overtaken by it.

Ye Xun who was used to the cold and aloof Gu Chen, quickly replied him. "Yes boss!"

Gu Chen was about to head towards his plane when, he remembered something. He turned and looked at Ye Xun before giving him a murderous looked, "Go and find who did Song Yu talked to yesterday." Gu Chen said coldly.

Ye Xun felt chill down his spine, "Yes boss!"


The next day,

In country H, inside the meeting room of Gu's branch company. The vice president Lan Jing Xun, was sweating tones of cold sweat. He did not dare to looked at Gu Chen, who was sitting like a king in the silver swivel chair.

His aura was intimidating, not only Lan Jing Xun but everyone in the meeting room were anxious and terrified by Gu Chen. The board of directors did not know what to do, "President Gu, about the G.C Mall...."

"What about that?" Gu Chen interrupted Lan Jing Xun and said coldly.

Lan Jing Xun stood rooted to the ground, not knowing what to say. All the courage that he had mustered before being interrupted by Gu Chen were gone, now it was overcome by fear.

"Gu Si Han, when did he became the General Manager of G.C. Mall?" Gu Chen looked at Lan Jing Xun and all the people with his black dark eyes, "We..." Lan Jing Xun did not know how to continue.

The reason Gu Chen had to come all the way to Country H was because of, G.C Mall losing a 1.5 billion profit. Gu Chen found it suspicious as to why would G.C Mall one of the top most famous mall in Country H, all of a sudden made a loss of 1.5 billion dollars.

For a big company like Gu Corp, this kind of thing would not be common. But when this type of situation happens, there was only two situation. One is someone in the company of a higher position embezzled the companies money or an accident happen in the company, causing the companies stock to dropped and eventually lose money.

Gu Chen bet it was the latter, as usually if companies stocks dropped. It would not lose such a big amount of money and also to put in account. The Mall is not small, it is influential and popular. Such a thing would not harmed the company by a lot, hence. Gu Chen decided it was the latter.

Making him need to make a trip to settle the problem, "Let me help you say, G.C Mall losing 1.5 billion was because of you and you bunch of old man. Helping Gu Zhi Han to let his son, Gu Si Han into G.C Mall. Due to that, he agreed to give you a quarter of the money that you helped to embezzled the money from G.C Mall.

Do you think I will not be able to detect anything wrong?, do you take me as a fool?. Vice president Lan." Gu Chen said coldly.

Not all the people in the meeting room were involved in it, and not all were truly innocent. Some may not be involved in it, but they would some what know about it. just that they chose not to say anything.

"President Gu, it is not what you think..."

"I do not want to listen to any excuse, I want to see the result and not the crap!" Gu Chen glanced at everyone at the meeting room, before standing up. "Yes, President Gu." Lan Jing Xun hurriedly said.

Gu Chen did not look at Lan Jing Xun, "Have you all not heard me clearly, I will not give a second chance for the people who made mistake. Once fail, there would be no second chance. So vice president Lan, the 1.5 billion. I'm sure you have, I give you before I leave Country H to fill up the loss amount.

As for the rest" Gu Chen gave a sinister smile before leaving the room, Ye Xun stayed behind. "You all should know what President Gu meant, before he leaves Country H. He hoped all of the directors to be more proactive!" After instructing, Ye Xun followed Gu Chen.