Chapter 55: Babe Yu...

September 10, 20XX (Tuesday)

Gu Corp branch, Z.D.Y Corp and M Club

"Boss, how are you going to handle the board of directors?" Ye Xun could already guess what would Gu Chen do, but he still wanted to clarify.

"Fire the ones that is not on my side, I do not need barking dogs. As for the rest, give them a warning. Let them know whose the boss in charge, they would be smart enough to know. Whether to support me or my dad and uncle." Gu Chen said indifferently, as he looked out of the floor to ceiling window.

Ye Xun find that Gu Chen method was clean and merciless, not leaving anyone to bite him back. Since the day he started following Gu Chen, he had always been in awe by his intelligence, calmness and ruthlessness. Ye Xun would sometimes feel terrified by Gu Chen, he is also a human being, no matter how long he had followed Gu Chen. He was still not used to Gu Chen method in handling situation.

"But boss, wouldn't the old house be displeased?" Ye Xun could not helped but ask.

"I will handle those old fox, they cannot do anything even if they want to." Gu Chen said indifferently, after he finished what he wanted to say. He waved at Ye Xun, signalling him to leave.

"Boss, about the person who talked to young madam." Ye Xun paused what he was about to say.

Gu Chen furrowed his brows, "Speak!"

Ye Xun nodded before continuing, "It was Mr Lu Fan, the current president of Lu Corp. He is young madam half-sister, Ms Wan Qi fiancee. There seem to be some history between Mr Lu and young madam. Boss, do you want me to dig deeper?"

"No need, she will tell me when she's ready." Gu Chen walked back to his desk and sat down, continuing to looked through the documents.

Ye Xen saw that Gu Chen started to busy himself again, he quickly reminded Gu Chen. "Boss, you have a meeting conference with all the departments head at 4 pm." Ye Xun left afterwards.

Gu Chen waved for Ye Xun to leave as he went back to work, no matter what he do. He still felt angered by Song Yu, he was unsettled as their relationship is still at the starting stage. It could be said that, one mistake. Their relationship would break, Gu Chen could not lose Song Yu.

Unbeknownst to him, a certain someone felt the same way too.


In Country Z, Z.D.Y Corp

"President Song, the two malls are declining. Why did you want to buy the two malls?" One of the board of directors questioned Song Yu.

"What I decided, have it ever been wrong?" Song Yu was calm, she had one hand propped up on the arm chair. Resting her chin on it, looking relaxed and lazy. But had an intimidating aura, making the board of directors sweat.

"No President Song, what you have decided. It had never went wrong before, we did not mean to questioned you. It was just..."

"Then leave it there, the transfer of malls is done. The next few days, I will personally handle the two malls. The mall is declining now, but it will go up in 3 months time." Song Yu paused and glanced around the meeting room, wanting to see if anyone still have something to say.

All the board of directors felt assured by what Song Yu said, seeing that no one want have any objections. "Shackles of Love filming is starting in three days time, the actors and actress had already been decided. Be alert, i do not want Shackles of Love to have any problem. Once the filming is done, we'll proceed to promote the movie before we promote Shackles of Love jewelry series."

"Yes President Song" All of the board of directors did not have problem with it, Song Yu stood up and went out of the meeting room with jack behind her.

Song Yu eyed Jack, signalling him to handle the old man that questioned her just now. Jack nodded and proceeded to work.

Inside Song Yu office, she was startled when she saw Qiao Lin inside. "Lin?"

Qiao Lin was currently sitting on Song Yu chair, using her computer. "Babe!" Qiao Lin jumped out of her seat and ran towards Song Yu, pounding on Song Yu when she was near her. Song Yu almost fell backwards because of the sudden impact, "Wow, be careful!"

"Babe, I miss you sooo much." Qiao Lin squealed in happiness while looking around her, looking for something.

Song Yu did not know whether to laugh or cry at the cute woman, "Stop calling me that." Song Yu walked pass Qiao Lin and pressed the call button, "Yes President Song?" Tang Ai answered.

"Bring the gifts I prepared for Lin."

"Yes President Song."

Within a few seconds, Tang Ai walked in with three big bags of Steamed Rice cakes with sweet stuffing. "Babe Yu, i don't know what to say right now.."

"Anymore, I am going to take away the rice cake." Song Yu threatened.

"Yue, how can you do that." Qiao Lin said, while she took the bags from Tang Ai.

"Lin, why did you come to find me today, surely not just for the gift right?"

Qiao Lin pouted, "Yea, I came here partly because. M Club have a competition today..."

"No, I am not going. You too!" Song Yu said sternly.

It was a car racing competition, the prices for the race is three hundred thousand dollars. Together with a sports car, the special thing about the race was the competitor. The competitor strongly asked to compete with Song Yu, as she was the unbeatable one.

"Yue, you just came back. You haven't been spending time with me, today is our girls night. Have you forgotten, every friday!" Qiao Lin sad in a disappointed voice.

"Its tuesday today..."

"Yes, but you did not spend time with me last friday!" Qiao Lin refuted.

"Fine!" Song Yu gave up.

Qiao Lin ran towards Song Yu and pulled her towards the exit, "Hey, I still have things to do. I will meet you outside of M Club at 12 am."

Qiao Lin sulked as she let go of Song Yu hand, "Fine, you better be there." Qiao Lin knew that Song Yu would be very busy as it is going to be the end of the year, and also the new movie Shackles of Love is going to start filming in three days time.

After Qiao Lin went out of the room, Song Yu phone rang. "Hello?" Song Yu spoke.

"Ariela, the Wan's are starting to make a move. Old man Song Yao attention is on them too, it is the best time to take action." Daemon reported.

"Not yet, we'll wait for a little while more. I'll go back to Song Mansion first, I go and see how is the situation there first. Do not let grandfather Qi know about this, I'll get Yvonne to pay more attention at grandfather Qi."

"We had already buy the small shares of Song Corp and Wan Corp, we can take action anytime." Daemon did not know why Song Yu still did not want to take action.

"I know, we'll bring down Wan group first. In three days time, we can take action on Wan Group. Once Wan Group fall, together with Song Yao attacking them. That will be the best time to take action, don't worry." Song Yu assured Daemon.

"Fine, I don't know what you are up to. But I will support you." Daemon words held a deep meaning in it.

"I know." Song Yu hung up afterwards.