Chapter 57: I miss you~

September 10, 20XX (Tuesday) - September 11, 20XX (Wednesday)

Z.D.Y Corp, M Club and Gu Corp branch

"Gu Chen Han, you are being too controlling!" Song Yu said irritatedly.

"Song Yu Yue!" Gu Chen was certainly more displeased than ever, seeing Song Yu not wanting to listen to him. He was certainly not happy about it. He wanted to discipline the woman.

"I miss you~" Song Yu decided that, going head on with the man would not work. Hence, she decided to change another method.

!!!..... Gu Chen whole body became stiff, his displeased expression got taken over by gentleness. The angered expression a while ago seem like as though it did not happen, "Song Yu Yue, this will not work on me." Gu Chen voice got a little more gentle and less domineering than earlier on.

Song Yu smile at the cute and stubborn man, she knew from the tone of Gu Chen voice that the man was not as angry as before. "Chen, I promised Lin that I would go..." Song Yu tried to persuade the man.

"Don't think about negotiating with me in the future, if you don't video call me when you reached." Gu Chen gave in to Song Yu but he still set a ground rule for her.

Song Yu wanted to refute, but upon thinking that the man had gave in to her. She decided against it, "Fine" Song Yu promised.

The anger in Gu Chen had finally been diminished after Song Yu promised him that she would video call her, though he did not like it. But he knew the woman would go no matter what he said, he did not want to fight with Song Yu and decided to set a ground rule for her. If she could not meet the rule, then she would need to listen to him.

"Good girl"

"..." "I am hanging up!" Song Yu did not bother about the man and decided to just hang up the call, but before she could do that the man spoke again.

"Didn't you say you miss me?, then give me a call before you hang up." Gu Chen shamelessly declared.

"..." Song Yu did not know what to do with the man, she knew if she were to decline. The man would surely be angered, and may change his mind on letting her go. She looked towards Jack and signaled him to leave the meeting room first.

The man nodded and left the room, after he left Song Yu kissed her phone. Making a mua~ sound, Song Yu was utterly embarrassed.

The man on the other line was slightly taken aback by what Song Yu did, he was merely teasing the woman. He did expect Song Yu to actually gave him a kiss through the phone, "My Love, you are getting more and more bold by the day." Gu Chen teased.

Song Yu blushed a bright red as she shouted, "You're the one who said to kiss you!" Song Yu hung up afterwards.

After hanging up, Jack came in. "Boss, you have a video conference in 30 minutes" Jack reported.

"..." Song Yu quickly looked at the time and saw that it was 11.30 pm, "Jack, let daemon go to the video conference on behalf of me. I need to go and meet Lin, you know her." Song Yu quickly packed her things and got ready to go.

"About working with Lu Corp it had already been decided, I do not want to hear any discussion about it." Song Yu instructed and went out of the office, she went to the basement and went into her Spyder R8. She changed into the outfit Qiao Lin gave to her, a hooded two tone windbreaker jacket and a white sports bra, pair with a black joggers and white sneakers.

'Gu Chen is going to punish me, if he knew I wore such a revealing clothes!' Song Yu thought to herself. She quickly changed and drove off to M Club.


At M Club, at 12.10 am

Qiao Lin was outside of M Club together with Han Ye, waiting for Song Yu. "Throw the cigarette out, I don't like the smell of cigarette!" Qiao Lin saw that Han Ye was about to take out a cigarette and smoke, she quickly stopped the man from smoking.

She did not particularly dislike the smell of cigarette, but seeing Han Ye wanting to smoke. Qiao Lin felt unusually displeased, making her dislike Han Ye to smoke. She did not know why, "Fine..." Han Ye threw away the cigarette and wind up the window.

Qiao Lin felt pleased, "Ye, could you get me bottle of mineral water?" Qiao Lin showed Han Ye her puppy eye.

Han Ye scowled, "Don't get too ahead of yourself!" He said in disdain as he got out of the car, making Qiao Lin sulked.

5 minutes later, Han Ye came back. He got into the car and passed a bottle of water to Qiao Lin, "Here, you're really troublesome today" Han Ye was usually playful, but when one person know him better. He was actually a quite man, "Can you help me open the cap?" Qiao Lin love the way Han Ye acted, disagree in everything but complied to every word she said.

"Where is your friend?" Han Ye uncapped the bottle of water and passed it to Qiao Lin, while asking her a question.

"She's coming, you saw her before too." Qiao Lin told Han Ye.

Han Ye raised and eyebrow, "Who?"

Qiao Lin raised her index finger and signal Han Ye to lean closer, the man lean closer and Qiao Lin whispered into his ears. "You guessed?" Qiao Lin giggled and went out of the car, as she saw Song Yu's car pull over at the entrance of M Club.

"Yue!" Qiao Lin ran towards Song Yu and jumped on her.

"Lin, you're gonna get me into deep trouble!" Song Yu got out of the car with many eyes on her, she looked around ad saw Qiao Lin running towards her.

"?" Qiao Lin showed a confused look, "Never mind, let's go in" Song Yu head towards the entrance with Qiao Lin clinging onto her.

Han Ye who had been on the side watching the both of them, got shocked. He did not know the bestie Qiao Lin was referring to would be Song Yu, his sister-in-law. Han Ye quickly snapped a picture of Song Yu and send it to Gu Chen and texted a few words.


Gu's Corp branch, Gu Chen was in a video conference when his phone rang. All the directors looked towards Gu Chen and waited patiently for him, Gu Chen took out his phone and saw that it was Han Ye who texted him. Saying, "Brother, I saw sister-in-law in M Club with Qiao Lin!" Han Ye sent a photo as evidence.

Gu Chen eyes darkened at the picture and also the text, when he saw what Song Yu was wearing. The whole meeting room became few degrees lower, Gu Chen closed his laptop and called Song Yu.

After the last ring, Song Yu picked up the call. "Chen?" Song Yu;s voice could be heard from the other line.

"Woman you are really getting bolder!" Gu Chen said in his usual cold voice.

..... Song Yu did not know what she did, she guessed the man had found out where she went. 'he wouldn't know what I'm wearing right?' Song Yu thought to herself.

"You not only went to a club, you also wore such a revealing clothes!" Gu Chen growled.

"Chen, I..."

"Do my word not meant anything to you?" Gu Chen sounded angry and disappointed.

"Chen, I..."

"Change it right now, in front of the video call." Gu Chen demanded.

"Gu Chen Han, I...." Song Yu could not stand it any longer, she knew she was in a wrong, but the man did not want to listened to what she was saying.

"Baby, do not force me to punish you!" Gu Chen was losing his patience, he could not stand his woman being fantasies by other man or even looked at by other man.

"..." Song Yu actually felt a little scared by what Gu Chen said, she knew the man mean it. But she did not want to back down. "Hmph, suit yourself!" Song Yu hung up the call afterwards.

Gu Chen became furious, "YE XUN, ARRANGE A FLIGHT FOR ME. I AM GOING BACK TO COUNTRY Z NOW!" Gu Chen shouted, he grabbed his coat and went out of the meeting room.

Ye Xun was truly terrified by Gu Chen, he had never seen his boss like that before. It was the first time seeing him this angered, and he did not need to think. He could already guessed who the culprit was, 'lady boss please spare us, subordinates!'