Chapter 58: are you crazy?

September 11, 20XX (Wednesday)

M Club

"Ariela, the list of the people that are going to be in today's race are all here." Dong Chen An reported.

"En, thanks Chen An" Song Yu said indifferently, Dong Chen An is the new care person for M Club. Since Ling Tan is already not around, Song Yu had to find someone to help her take care of M Club. She would be too busy to do so, her 3 best partners also cannot help. Which only left with Song Yu other guy friend, Dong Si An younger brother.

The dong's owe Song Yu a big time because of an incident, and hence. Dong family treated Song Yu very well, she is also very familiar with everyone there. Song Yu and Dong Si An are also childhood playmates, so Song Yu seek helped from Dong Chen An.

Dong Chen An left after giving Song Yu the list of participants for that night, "Lin, the one you said that was going to be competing with me is?" Song Yu pointed at the list of people, as she looked towards the person sitting next to her.

Qiao Lin pointed at the number 22 participant, "Shen Wen"

Song Yu eyes darkened, her piercing gaze staring at Qiao Lin. Making the woman gulped in fear, "Yue, its not my idea. Few days ago, Shen Wen came and find me. He asked me and said that he wanted to have a race with you, just like last time." Qiao Lin guiltily looked at Song Yu.

"Its fine, it is also time to settle old scores. I still owe him a match anyways, after this I no longer have any connection with him." Song Yu place the list on the table and walked out of the room.

"Yue, that's the....."

"When I am done with the race, you are next!" Song Yu threatened, after saying her piece. She walked out of the room, leaving the terrified Qiao Lin in the room.


"President Gu, we still have 2 hours before reaching country Z." Ye Xun reported softly, afraid of the furious Gu Chen scolding him.

Gu Chen continue to look through his document without looking at Ye Xun, "1 hour!" Gu Chen said without any emotion, his eyes were bloodshot.

Ye Xun secretly prayed for Song Yu, as the more calm Gu Chen is the more terrifying he could be. It was just like the saying, calm before the storm. "Got it!" Ye Xun scrambled to do his worked.

After no one is in the room of the jet, Gu Chen calm facade was turned into a dark murderous expression. He felt furious at the stubborn kitten, he gave in to her and allowed her to go out with Qiao Lin late at night. But the woman dared to go to a club and not only that, she also wore such a revealing clothes.

Gu Chen reached his bottom line, he needed to punish Song Yu. He is the high and mighty Gu Chen, nobody dared to go against him. The high and mighty president of Gu corp and Emperor Corp, is used to people listening to him and not the other way round. He is also used to being controlling and demanding, what could he do. But Song Yu kept going against him, Gu Chen did not treat her like how he treat anyone else for going against him. But he still had his bottom line, who knows what is he going to do to Song Yu.


There was few hundred of people watching the race, they were all standing around the sports car. Nobody had seen a Bugatti Chiron Super Sport before but now they saw one. A beautiful woman was leaning against it, beside her. There was a Hennessey Venom, a man was leaning against it too.

"Yu Yue its been long!" Shen Wen stared at Song Yu in nostalgic.

Song Yu did not looked at the man, "It sure is, since after so long. A certain someone is still persistently pestering me!"

Shen Wen gaze suddenly turned sad, "Yu...."

"Start the race" Song Yu signaled Dong Chen An, as she went into her sports car. Before she fully closed the door, she said "After this, we will not have any connection anymore!"

Shen Wen wanted to say something, but he could not as he was interrupted by Dong Chen An. "Racers, please get ready. We are starting in 5 minutes, who will win the queen today?" Dong Chen An asked to heightened the mood.

"Maybe the guy with the Hennessey Venom" One guy casually said it.




A lot of the racers shouted and said that they would win, a lot of people who joined the race all want to win Song Yu. As Song Yu always win the race, making everyone form a goal to win her.

After 5 minutes, Dong Chen An started counting down. "In 3,2.1...Peep!" and the race begins.

All the cars drove off, there are a lot of traps and difficult stunts that needed the racer to pull off. the whole route is like a maze, racer have to keep making turns and turns, making it difficult to race. the fun part of the race are, racer can form a team of two, they can try to stop other racer and eventually win the game themselves.

People die during the race, that was why it is so dangerous. "Lin, spilt." there was two routes up ahead, the left one was more dangerous than the right one, Song Yu made a swift turned towards the left, when she turned. She purposely made the back of the car to bang into Shen Wen's car which was behind her. Making the man slow down a few seconds.

"got it!' Qiao Lin speed up, there was a hurdle in front of her. Making Qiao Lin stop the car and speed up again, one of the car passing her.

Now it came to the second part there would be guns shooting at the car, which further enhance the race. "Lin, there's three turns up ahead. Speed up in front of me, I'll be behind you!"

Song Yu made a 360 turned when she saw Qiao Lin's car, she went behind her and followed suit. There was 3 cars in front and behind of her, "Yue take the back!"

Song Yu abruptly stopped her car, making the other three cars bumped into her car. She pushed the 3 cars back and suddenly sped off. "Yue are you crazy!"

Song Yu gave devilish smile as she said, "Lin, you need risk to win!" as soon as she said that Shen Wen drove side by side with her, he blocked her way using his car. Qiao Lin saw that from the rear view mirror and quickly turned and went behind Shen Wen's car, leaving the man in front of them now,

"Shoot!" Qiao Lin cursed, as she quickly chased up to Shen Wen. Song Yu saw that and quickly stopped her, "Lin go above Shen Wen, are you able to do that?"


"stop in front of him!" Song Yu instructed, they were on a straight line track. After that it would be the finish line, Song Yu and Qiao Lin had to quickly get pass Shen Wen to win the race. Qiao Lin speed up and went above Shen Wen, she stopped right in front of Shen Wen.

Forcing the man to brake his car, Song Yu took the chance. She turned to her left and turned her car to bump Shen Wen out of the lane. "Lin drive!" Before bumping Shen Wen, Song Yu quickly tell Qiao Lin to drive.

Song Yu took advantage of the road and pushed Shen Wen out of the lane and into the mud, as it was a narrow road, with a simple push. One would be easily pushed out of the lane.

The whole place was crowded as they all anticipate who will win, when they say it was a Bugatti Chiron. Everyone sigh, as they lost the bet again. The Queen win again.

Song Yu and Qiao Lin full speed and stopped right in front of the crowd. Behind come Shen Wen, "I commence the top three, Song Yu, Qiao Lin and Shen Wen are in the top three."

"Ah Queen won again!"

"We lost money again!"

"How can that guy lose to Queen?"

Everyone was depressed, Song Yu and Qiao Lin got out of the car. "Yue, what happened to your arm!" Qiao Lin shouted as she ran towards her.

When Song Yu bumped into Shen Wen, she accidentally lost her gripped and her body sways and bumped the car. "It's fine!" Song Yu assured.


Inside the lounge, Qiao Lin was tending to Song Yu's right arm. "Yue, that Shen Wen looked depressed"

"Doesn't concern me" After Song Yu's injury was tended to, she called Dong Chen An in.

"Chen An, how much did we win today?" Song Yu asked, as she bet it would be quite a lot of money as she personally participated in it.

"About 700 million" Dong Chen An replied.

Song Yu was not surprised by it but Qiao Lin was a little taken aback by it, "Why...."

"Qiao Lin!" The door to the lounge room was slammed open as Han Ye ran into the room. He ran towards Qiao Lin and look for any signs of injury, "Are you hurt?"

Qiao Lin was dumbfounded by Han Ye, "Where did you go?, weren't you joining the race too?"

"Are you hurt!" Han Ye ignored Qiao Lin question and asked her again.

"No, no I'm not. Relaxed, I am fine!"

"I was busy just now, so I left for a while." Han Ye relaxed after hearing what Qiao Lin said, when he went back to the club. He heard that the race had ended and he heard that a beautiful lady wearing a sports bra and windbreaker got injured, making Han Ye panicked and rushed to find Qiao Lin.

Song Yu who had been watching at the side raised a brow as she asked, "Are you two?"

"Obviously not!" Both Han Ye and Qiao Lin shouted at the same time.

Song Yu gave a understanding look, she stood up and walked towards the exit. "I'll give you two some personal space, Lin i'll go back first. I still have something to do:



Both Han Ye and Qiao Lin just looked at the playful Song Yu who gave them a wink and went out of the room.
