Chapter 59: Let go of me!

September 11, 20XX (Wednesday) - September 12, 20XX (Thursday)

M Club and Royal Mansion 4

It was 3 am in the morning, when Song Yu came out of M Club. She was beyond tired, both mentally and physically. She had been working in the office and had not been exercising, the race made her too tired to even walk. Song Yu felt weak, she made a note to start training.

"You said you wanted to join the race!" Qiao Lin quickly followed Song Yu out of the club with Han Ye in tow, they were arguing like two childish kids.

"But I got something on, so I quickly went and settle it. At least i still came back and find you isn't it?" Han Ye said annoyed at the boorish woman, yet he somewhat find it cute.

"That is not an excuse!" Qiao Lin felt annoyed, she walked towards Song Yu. Ignoring the man behind her.

"Why are you so angry?" Han Ye did not get it, why would Qiao Lin get so worked up over such a small thing.

"Yue, look at him!" Qiao Lin encircled her hand around Song Yu's elbow, looking at Song Yu wanting her to help her.

Song Yu raised an eyebrow, amused at her bestie. "Spare me, I do not want to get involve in your lovers quarrel." Song Yu escape from Qiao Lin's grip, she patted Qiao Lin shoulder and walked towards her Audi R8 spyder.

"We are not!" Both Han ye and Qiao Lin refuted, while staring at the care less woman in front of her.

Song Yu opened the car door, before getting in. She looked at the 'couple' and said, "Then I'm blind then, alright i'm going back. Hopping on?" Song Yu asked Qiao Lin.

"Yes, I'm hopping on!" Qiao Lin quickly escape from Han Ye, she ran towards Song Yu as though her life was on the line. She quickly open the car door and went inside, without sparing a glance at Han Ye.

Before song Yu close the door, she looked towards Han Ye and said in a mischievous tone. "Opps, there's no more space for Mr Han to seat. So unfortunate, well. Be safe on your way home~" Song Yu winked at Han Ye and closed the car doors, before speeding off.



Royal Mansion 4,

Song Yu drove into the garage and parked her car, after parking. She looked at the woman beside her, "Lin, are you hiding something from me?"

Qiao Lin who was scrolling through her phone turned and looked at Song Yu, "Nope, nothing"

"Spill!" Song Yu looked at Qiao Lin, not believing her.

Qiao Lin and Song Yu are best friends from young, she and Song Yu have never hide any secret between them. Both of them know each others darkest secret, they never hide anything between each other.

"Really, Han Ye and I are nemesis. I would never like him!" Qiao Lin declared.

Song Yu did not seem to believe it, from what she saw. She knew that Qiao Lin must have fallen for Han Ye, just that she had not realize it. Song Yu wanted to let Qiao Lin handle her own love life, "If you say so, let's go in and have rest for the day." Song Yu got out of the car, Qiao Lin followed behind her.

"Yue, can we sleep together today?" Qiao Lin ran and stood beside Song Yu's room door.

Song Yu stopped in front of her room door and look at the child like woman, "Fine, don't complain if I kick you in my sleep" Song Yu open the room door and walked in, with the happy Qiao Lin behind her.

It was 5 am in the morning, after an hour, Qiao Lin and Song Yu was done drying their hair. They lie down on the bed, preparing to sleep. "Yue~" Qiao Lin called out to Song Yu.

Song Yu who almost fallen asleep replied tiredly, "Yes?"

Qiao Lin flipped to her right and hug Song Yu from behind, "Your body had gotten better than the last time I saw you naked." Qiao Lin said straightforwardly, startling the woman beside her.

Song Yu widen her eyes, "Lin!"

"Your boobs and butt gotten firmer and also your body is also more curvy now!" Qiao Lin teased.

"Sleep!" Song Yu said annoyed at the woman beside her.

Song yu and Qiao Lin would bath together occasionally, and Qiao Lin would always tease her. Qiao Lin could sense that there was something wrong with Song Yu that day. She could not pint point it, but she felt there was something wrong wit Song Yu's mood.

Whenever Song Yu and Qiao Lin meet up, they would always become very wild and energetic. Like two troublemakers, but that day. Qiao Lin felt that Song Yu was not in the right mid, she was not as active as usual. Instead, calmer and colder than usual. Hence, Qiao Lin wanted to tease her to hange the mood.

Sensing that the mood got lifted up, Qiao Lin snuggled close to Song Yu before closing her eyes. Less than 10 minutes, both of them drove off to their dreamland.


"Sir, this is a private property. Please refrain yourself!" 10 man in grey suits came out of nowhere and blocked the intimidating and majestic man in front of them. The few men are trained killers, they have sensitive senses. The few guards are from SHADOWS, Song Yu's secret bodyguards. They would only show themselves if necessary, they came out as they could sense a very dangerous killing intent.

Gu Chen came out of his maybach with Ye Xun behind of him, he was wearing a black three piece suit. The slim fit suit, showed his slim waist and long legs. The man had on a cold look, his black brows slightly furrowed as he stride towards the front porch of Song Yu's mansion.

He could sense many people guarding the mansion, but he did not bother about them and just stride into the mansion. But before he could get to the front porch of the mansion, he was stopped by 10 bodyguards.

"Move!" Gu Chen said impatient evident in his tone.

The 10 bodyguards are like the wall of aegis, not budging. They neither say anything nor do anything, they just stood there blocking Gu Chen from coming in. "SHADOWS?" Gu Chen said amused.

Before that, Gu Chen had some suspicion that Song Yu is connected to SHADOWS. He concluded that she is just someone working for the boss under SHADOWS, Gu Chen had his suspicion about Song Yu being deeply connected to SHADOWS. But he did not want to jump to conclusion, he just brushed it off. But seeing SHADOWS people coming out to protect Song Yu, he could somewhat confirm his suspicion.

The 10 bodyguards did not reply, they continued to stand on guard. Before Gu Chen could take a step forward, a slightly lazy voice from behind the bodyguards could be heard, "What happened?"

The 10 bodyguards stayed on guard not moving, Song Yu felt annoyed at the few wooden blocks. She lazily walked towards the few man who had form a human barricade, once Song Yu reached few bodyguards They made way for her, Song Yu walked in and saw the man she did not want to see.

"Why are you here?" Song Yu frustratingly questioned.

Gu Chen did not reply Song Yu, he just stare blankly at the woman in front of him. Feeling annoyed, Song Yu turned. Before she could make a step forward, Gu Chen use his right arm to hug Song Yu's waist before using his other hand as support. He place his left hand on Song Yu's butt before hurling her on his shoulder. Like carrying a sack of rice, Song Yu yelp as she struggle to get down.

"Let go of me!" Song Yu shouted.