Chapter 69: Where are you hurting?

September 16, 20XX (Monday)

Z.D.Y Corp and Z hospital

It was 6.30 pm in the evening, Gu Chen got off from his black maybach. "President Gu, President Song is still in her office. Let me bring you there" Jack said curtly.

Gu Chen nodded, he followed Jack with Ye Xun in towed. Inside the private elevator, Gu Chen scrutinized Jack, he did not like Song Yu having a male secretary. He was not pleased with it but he had promised Song Yu to not be too controlling, he hide his displeased once they reached the top level.

jack stopped in front of Song Yu's office and knocked, he knocked twice but there was no response. "President Song, President Gu is here." Jack reported, but there was still no responses.

Gu Chen frowned, he became worried. "Open the door" He commanded.

Jack hurriedly open the door to find an unconscious Song Yu lying on the ground beside her desk, he did not have the time to response when a flashed a shadow passed by him. Gu Chen moved beyond human speed to Song Yu, before anybody could respond. He had already picked her up, princess style and ran out of the office.

"Baby, please wake up. Where are you hurting?" Gu Chen asked worriedly, he ran towards the elevator as though he was not carrying someone. Seeing there was no response coming from the woman in his arms, he anxiously shake her. "Song Yu, please don't scare me!"

Once the elevator door opened, he quickly got in. "Call Leng Yi, now. Tell him to reach Z hospital in 10 minutes, if he is not there by 10 min. I will kill him!" Gu Chen roared.


Z hospital,

All the nurses and doctors all lined up in front of the hospital, awaiting for Gu Chen's arrival. When they got noticed that the heiress of Song Corp and also the wife of Gu Chen fell unconscious, all the higher ups in the hospital hurriedly rushed to the entrance of the hos[ital.

Preparing everything, not daring to miss something. Once they saw a black maybach stopped over, everyone became tensed up. "Leng Yi, hurry!" Gu Chen ran into the hospital upon arriving, he got out of the car and ran towards the emergency room in lightning speed, Leng Yi hurriedly followed behind.

"What happened?" Leng Yi asked calmly, he looked at the disheveled and worried Gu Chen. "She was lying on the ground unconscious when I arrived, her body was iced cold." Gu Chen wanted to go into the emergency room but was stopped by Leng Yi.

"Leave her to me, she will be okay!" Leng Yi said calmly as he hurriedly went into the surgical room.

The light operation in progress turned on, as Gu Chen as though loss all energy in his body fell on the chair. He sat there lifelessly, not knowing what to do. Ye Xun who was beside him was shocked and worried, as it was his first time seeing his always cold and aloof boss became extremely worried and fear apparent in his eyes.

Gu Chen felt his heart was being torn apart, when he saw Song Yu lying on the floor lifelessly, her body as cold as ice. it was the first time in his life that he felt fear, he was afraid of losing her. 'Please stay with me' was what is in his mind the whole time, he keep praying while waiting for Leng Yi to come out.

"Thud...Thud...Thud" Sounds of a walking stick stomping on the ground could be heard, Ye Xun turned over and greeted, "Old Master Qi"

Gu Chen remained seated on the chair, not bothering to greet Qi Ling Hu, the old man hurriedly rushed over after receiving a call from one of his men he appointed to protect Song Yu. The man told him that Song Yu was being carried out of the secret exit of Z.D.Y Corp, and was sent to the hospital.

Qi Ling Hu was in a meeting in Qi Empire than, he quickly halted the meeting and rushed down to Z hospital to see Song Yu. Though Qi Ling Hu was a cold blooded and ruthless man, he still do cared about Song Yu. As she was the one who was brought up by him, no matter how cold and ruthless he was. He would still be able to feel pained when seeing his granddaughter hurt.

He still put power before relation, he could not deny that Song Yu is his only weakness. He had put too much sweat and tears in her, there was no way he could not feel something for his granddaughter. "What happened?" Qi Ling Hu angrily roared at Ye Xun, not caring if Gu Chen would be offended or not.

"When President Gu went to find Young Madam, he saw her lying on the ground unconscious." Ye Xun curtly reported.

Qi Ling Hu did not say anything else, he sat down opposite of Gu Chen. Min de, Qi Ling Hu's secretary signaled Ye Xun to walked away. Wanting to give space for the two affluent businessman some space.

After the two secretary left, Qi Ling Hu spoke up, "Gu boy, what are you up to?" he asked no caring whether he was being rude or not.

Gu Chen remained silent, not wanting or caring to say anything. As in his mind was Song Yu's safety, a light hit him. He stood up and called someone, "Yes Boss" The other line got connected, and Ye Xun answered Gu Chen.

"Prepare some light food and bring some daily necessities of Yu Yue's here" Gu Chen instructed and hung up afterwards.

Ye Xun hurriedly got to work, not wanting to waste anymore time. Gu Chen and Qi Ling Hu sat outside the surgery room and waited. 4 hours had passed and there was still no sign of people coming out of the surgical room.

Qi Ling Hu saw that it was already late, he looked at the surgical room and thought that it would not end anytime soon. Hence, he stood and and left quietly. He decided to visit Song Yu the next day, when Song Yu was awake.


"Creak" The sound of the surgical room opened, lights turned off. Leng Yi came out with the nurses pushing Song Yu out. Gu Chen stood up instantly after seeing that the door opened, "How is she?, What happened to her?" Gu Chen asked in a depressed and worried tone.

Leng Yi was taken aback as he had never seen such a worn out Gu Chen before, he had known the man for years and it was his first time seeing such a disheveled Gu Chen. Not hearing any response from Leng Yi, Gu Chen harshly shook the man, "Speak!" he shouted.

Leng Yi got out of his trance, "She...she's not looking good" Leng Yi replied in a serious tone, he paused for a moment seeing the worried look on Gu Chen's face. He continued after a minute, "Apparently her brain suffered from an immense trauma, from the looks of it.

It must be her past, from the MRI scan. There was an unusual activity in her brain memory system, it seems that she had a amnesia in the past."

Seeing that Leng Yi was not continuing, Gu Chen anxiously shouted, "What else?"

"Third brother, you have to be prepared for this. The result doesn't seem optimistic, the reason why Ms Song fainted was because of a sudden trauma. Which led her to hyperventilate and fainted, it seems she suddenly remembered something which she did not want to remember.

Which lead to the amnesia and... she may have remembered the memory she had loss. Due to the immense trauma and shocked sent to her brain, when Ms Song wakes up. She would suffer from emotional shocked, and needs intensive care." Leng Yi did not continued as Gu Chen looked as if he was going to break down.

Gu Chen looked at Leng Yi with his bloodshot eyes, asking the man to continue. Leng Yi sighed as he continued, "Ms Song may not remember you when she wakes up.." Leng Yi said softly like a whisper, but Gu Chen heard it all.

It came like a lightning shocked to him, Gu Chen stood there not moving, Leng Yi shooked his head and patted Gu Chen's shoulder before giving the man some space.