Chapter 70: Stay with me, please!

September 17, 20XX (Tuesday) - September 24, 20XX (Tuesday)

it was in the midnight. Gu Chen sat next to Song Yu. Seeing the lifeless body, he felt his heart being cut into pieces. Tears uncontrollably streamed down his cheeks, he held on Song Yu's hand and kissed the back of his hand tenderly.

"Stay with me, please" Gu Chen said in a soft tone, he could not bear seeing his beloved woman lying unconscious on the hospital bed. He blamed himself.....he blamed himself for not being competent enough to protect his beloved woman.

He had promised that he would not let anyone hurt her anymore, he had promised that nothing would happened to her ever again. Gu Chen sat in the chair looking at Song Yu, he thought back to the past.

It was 7 years ago, when he first met Song Yu. He still remembered that he saw a lonely and sad girl, sitting by the swing of Qi's Manor. He had never seen a girl whose eyes did not have the youth a girl her age should have, he was captivated by the eyes of hers. The amber eyes, he can never forget the day that he saw her.

It was that pair of eyes that seems to have sucked his soul, he had never known he could feel for someone. Especially not of the opposite sex, he had never felt this much possessiveness before. He remembered that fateful day, he saw the seemingly harmless girl turned into a fearless devil.

Little Song Yu was sitting on the swing in the backyard of Qi Manor, when she heard the rustling sound above her. She immediately made a front flipped, she saw a man in black wanting to kill her. The man ran forward and shot Song Yu, but she was fast and agile even when she was still small.

She had already ran towards the man without the man noticing, when the man shoots. He realized that Song Yu was not there, the next second. He found himself lying on the ground, he could not even react to it.

He felt his whole body trembled in pain, Song Yu had broke the man ribcage and knee. She took the knife beneath her shoe and pointed at the man, "Who sent you here?" Song Yu asked in an indifferent tone, the man did not answer but looked to the second level of the Qi manor.

Song Yu followed the man's gaze and saw Wan Hua standing there, and it was then she knew. The said aunt of hers had been trying to kill her and she believes someone was in cahoots with her too. Without waiting for the man to say anything else, Song Yu stabbed in the man's heart.

Gu Chen who was hiding behind a tree staring at Song Yu was shocked senseless, he did not know a girl who seems harmless was capable of killing people. He was amused and angry at the same time, angered at the man who tried to killed her.

The day, Gu Chen felt a sense of possessiveness in him. He fell in love at first sight, he was captivated by the fearless girl. Since that day, Gu Chen had swore to have her and also to protect her from all things.

Nothing had happened to Song Yu since than, but it was also that day. Qi Ling Hu who had been looking at his granddaughter fighting, noticed that the young master of Gu's was staring at her too. He did not seem happy about it, he set his eyes upon him since that day.

Since that day, Gu Chen sent people to protect Song Yu in the shadows. He had been keeping an eye on her, years had passed. He did not have the courage to go up and approached her, as he did felt he was not to standard.

That year Gu Chen was still a young boy, though he had been helping out in Gu Corp. He was still not strong enough, years had passed. It was that year that Song Yu left Country Z, Gu Chen wanted to find her. But Qi Ling Hu stopped him from going to searched for Song Yu.

The old man had ridiculed Gu Chen, saying that he was trying to kill Song Yu for approaching her. As Gu Chen was born in the Gu's, he was treated like royalty. Many people wanted to kill him, as he was the grandson of Gu Zheng Han.

Hearing what Qi Ling Hu said, Gu Chen decided to not get near Song Yu. It was that fateful year that the whole of Country Z changed. Gu Chen trained himself to be stronger and not in control by his family, he became the most influential and wealthiest businessman in the capital and he had also became the boss of the America's underworld. He was ZIUS head, the most scariest gang in the whole of the underworld.

7 years later when his man told him that Song Yu came back to Country Z, he got elated. He went to Country Z airport to see her, and when he finally met her. He could not control his longing for her and just kissed her.

Back to present,

"Baby, please" Gu Chen voice broke, he was afraid of her forgetting him. He was even more afraid if Song Yu could not wake up, he kissed her dry lips and got up seeing the sweat on her. Drenching her hospital gown, Gu Chen got up. He went to the toilet to get a bucket of cold water and towel.

As Leng Yi had told him that Song Yu was running a high fever, and needed to wiped her body for every hour to bring down her temperature. Gu Chen squeezed the cold towel and wiped her face, hands and foot.

He carefully unbuttoned Song Yu's hospital gown and pull down her pants, he gently helped to wipe each crooked and cranny of Song Yu's delicate body. Every hour he did the same thing, over and over again.


It was 6 am in the morning, Gu Chen lay down beside Song Yu. Hugging the woman, he was resting his eyes when suddenly he heard a knock. "Come in" He said as he looked towards the door.

Ye Xun walked in with Song Yu's daily necessities, "bos...." Ye Xun was stunned speechless by what he saw, he saw Gu Chen in a messed. Hair disheveled, suit disheveled and looking worn out. As though he did not sleep for a few nights, "Boss, you need to rest." Ye Xun said worriedly.

Gu Chen did not bother replying Ye Xun, he just took the porridge that was in his hand and went to sat beside Song Yu. He rested Song Yu unconscious body on his arm, letting the woman lie on him. He took the spoon and blow on it, before putting it in Song Yu's mouth.

When the porridge dripped down to her chin, Gu Chen tenderly wiped it away before feeding her again. Doing the same thing over and over again, making the already stunned Ye Xun even more stunned.

He had never seen such a caring side of Gu Chen, he quietly walked out of the room. Not wanting to disturb them, Qi Ling Hu who came to see Song Yu, got stopped by Gu Chen's bodyguards. "Sir, please do not intrude!" said the bodyguards.

Qi Ling Hu was furious but he could not do anything about it, he angrily walked away.


It had been a week since Song Yu fainted, she had not woke up since then. Gu Chen had been beside her the whole time, not leaving her even once. He did not go to his company, he had been staying by Song Yu's side. Hoping that the woman could wake up, he was currently sitting beside Song Yu.

"Third brother, please. You have to take care of your body, you haven't eaten much or bathed since Ms Song was hospitalized!" Qiao Feng tried to persuade the persistent man to take good care of his body.

"Yes, third brother. If you still don't want to bath or eat, your body would not be able to take it and I would have yet another patient to take care of!" Leng Yi added in.

Gu Chen stayed silent, he did not bother responding. "Third brother, I know you are worried about sister-in-law. But if you do not take care of your body you will not be able to take care of her, you would even scare her after she wakes up smelling a foul stench on you!" Han Ye added in while signalling for Leng Yi to help him up.

"Yea, if you do not go and bath and eat. The already ill Ms Song may be even more ill after seeing your stead now!" Leng Yi mocked.

Gu Chen looked at Song Yu longingly, after a long while. Gu Chen stood up and walked towards the door, "Take care of her" he said coldly as he went to wash up.