Chapter 71: Shhh, I know

September 25, 20XX (Wednesday)

Z hospital

It was the next day in the afternoon, 1 pm. Desmond, Zachary and Yvonne had been busy trying to help Song Yu attend to the underworld and Z.D.Y Corp. They finally had the chance to come and find her after a week long of waiting, they stood beside Song Yu looking at her sleeping face.

They felt heartache for her, it had been long since they seen such a fatigue face on her. Especially Yvonne, who treat Song Yu like her own blood related sister. She did not know what had happened to her, but she knew it is not that simple. She just hoped that the things she woke up and remembered about, would not be hard for Song Yu to take it.

She prayed for Song Yu to wake up soon, all three of them were in deep thoughts when someone came into the room without knocking on the door. "Why didn't she wake up yet?, are you all useless?" Gu Chen walked into the hospital room while shouting at the doctors that were following behind him.

All the doctors had their head hung low, no one dared to say anything. "Third brother calm down, sister-in-law case is much more complicated. We do not know when she would wake up, she seems to not want to wake up." Leng Yi who was at the side watching could not bare to see the innocent doctors getting scolded, he added in. Trying to pacify the devil king.

Gu Chen faced shown heartache, as though his world had toppled down and become shambles. He do not dare to even fathomed her not able to wake up, "What...." Nothing could come out of his mouth, he did not know what to say.

Gu Chen went to Song Yu side not bothering about the three people standing stone beside Song Yu's bed, he walked over and bend down to hold her hand. "When will you wake up?" he said solemnly, not knowing what to feel or saying. His mind in disarray.

Leng Yi signaled the three people and the doctors to leave the room to give some space for the Gu Chen, all of them went out. Leng Yi turned back and looked at the woman on the bed, he had a worried look written on his face, he hoped that Song Yu could wake up sooner.

As she was torturing Gu Chen for each seconds that went by without her waking up, he knew better than anyone that Gu Chen would be in a turmoil, blaming himself for not able to protect her well. He shook his head and went out of the room, silently closing the door.

"How is ariela?' Daemon was the first one to asked, upon seeing Leng Yi came out of the room.

Leng Yi looked at Daemon in puzzled, he thought for a moment and guessed that they should be referring to his sister-in-law. "She is in a stead if coma, due to the trauma she received before falling unconscious." Leng Yi replied curtly.

"How?" Was the only thing that came out of Yvonne mouth, she was scared thinking that Song Yu would never wake up anymore.

"That would need you to ask her yourself after she wakes up, but I would not recommend that" Leng Yi replied as he slightly bowed and walked away.

"Zac, what do you think now?" Daemon asked.

Zachary who had bee quiet the whole time said, "I am sure Ariela would not want to see us like that, we should help her as much as we can and wait for her to wake up."

Daemon and Yvonne thought for a moment, after a few minutes their eyes shown determination. They would take care of all the things Song Yu needs to do, and wait for her to wake up. They hoped that once she wakes up everything would still be the same, "What's about Mr Gu?" Yvonne asked, feeling curious about that intimidating man.

Both man shrugged their shoulders, "Ariela boyfriend?" both man said in sync.

"...." "You must be kidding me, the Ariela would have someone she likes?" Yvonne asked in utter disbelieved.

"Who knows" Both Daemon and Zachary said in sync.


It was 6 pm in the evening, Gu Chen was having a video conference with america's branch company. "Mr Gu, this would be a big project for Gu Corp. We have to further consider about it..." One of the business partners spoke up.

"Are you questioning me?" Gu Chen threatened.


"WHY!!!!" The business partner got interrupted by a woman's shouting, Gu Chen who was not angered by the foolish people hurriedly stood up and slam the laptop. Shutting the partners, he quickly ran to Song Yu's bedside and held her hand.

"Where are you hurt, tell me!" Gu Chen worriedly looked at Song Yu waiting for the woman to reply him, but the woman just lied down on the bed wide eye. Not saying anything nor looking at him, her amber eyes were lifeless, no emotions are shown.

Seemingly cold and indifferent, very distant looked was shown in her eyes. The only thing he could see was a pair of cold eyes, he became extremely worried. He wanted to press the emergency button when he was stopped by the woman grasping his wrist, stopping his movements.

He turned and looked at the woman beside him, when he turned over he saw something that he would never forget in his whole life. What he saw was a extremely broken and distant looked from Song Yu, she looked at him while tears uncontrollably stream down from her eyes.

"Yu Yue, are you hurt?" Gu Chen frantically tried to wiped away the tears streaming down his beloved woman face, before he could asked more. Song Yu had already pound on top of Gu Chen who was sitting beside her on the bed, "Chen..." her voice broke, sounding extremely heartbroken.

Gu Chen remained silent as he hugged the woman who was straddling him tightly, Song Yu hide her face in Gu Chen's neck. Gu Chen could feel cold wet tears on his neck, he stroked her back trying to calmed her down.

He had never seen such a vulnerable side of her, he patiently wait for the woman in his arms to calmed down. Song Yu hugged Gu Chen tightly, her head hurts badly. She remembered something she did not imagine happened, she flt betrayed and sad.

She did not know why, but the moment she woke up. All she wanted was Gu Chen to be by her side, nothing else matters. She needed him, when she saw the man right beside her. She felt relieved, she could not stopped the tears streaming down her face.

After awhile of crying, she finally spoke up. She said in a broken tone, "You will stay with me right?" Song Yu hugged Gu Chen tightly, afraid of him disappearing.

Gu Chen face broke, he could not bear seeing his beloved one so tattered and broken. He hugged her closer to him and said in a soothing tone, "I will always be by you"

Song Yu's cried harder, "Chen" she called out for Gu Chen in a low and broken tone.

"Hmmm, I'm here" Gu Chen soothed, not wanting to see her hurting.


"Shhh, I know." Gu Chen said in a assured tone.

Song Yu pulled back and looked in Gu Chen's deep black eyes, "It hurts....hurts badly" she looked in pain, as she touched her left chest.

Tears started gathering in Gu Chen's eyes as he tried his hardest not to cry, he put his hands on Song Yu's left chest near her heart and said "It will go away, baby I'll be by your side. Hmm?"

Song Yu's tears kept streaming down her cheeks as cried without making any sound, "Chen, why?....why?"

"There are many why in this world, we cannot know what will happened. We can only prevent the why from happening, since it already happened. We would just rectify it!" Gu Chen tried to calm Song Yu down.

He rubbed Song Yu left chest and said, "I will mend the injury that had been incurred in you, I will take the pain for you" Gu Chen said with deep meaning as he looked into Song Yu's amber eyes.