Chapter 88: Did something happened between them?

November 23, 20XX (Saturday)

Various Places

It was the next day, it was about 7 am in the morning. As it was slightly chilly as it was at the end of autumn, trees were swaying with the breeze. Sounds of bird chirping could be heard, it was a rather splendid morning.

But inside of the hospital ward, Song Yu's system had been detoxify, she would feel weak for the next few weeks. Due to the drug, she was still unable to wake up.

Further worrying Qiao Lin and Gu Chen, who had been standing or sitting beside her for almost a day. They neither drank nor speak, both of them had been tending to Song Yu's needs. Qiao Lin would take turns to take care of her.

"How is she now?" Gu Chen asked in a depressed and worried tone.

Leng Yi checked Song Yu before turning his gaze to Gu Chen and Qiao Lin, who had quickly stood beside him. Leng Yi messaged his temples, "She's fine now, she would have a high fever for a few days. It will subside ones her body had removed all the toxins from her system, so before that. Either of you have to take care of her, thoroughly." he instructed with seriousness.

Qiao Lin looked towards Gu Chen and said, "Mr Gu, I will be able to take care of Yue. Since I am staying at Royal, it would be easier if I took care of her."

Gu Chen frowned, he did not trust Qiao Lin that she would properly take care of Song Yu. He thought for a moment before saying, "Then I'll leave her to you." Gu Chen turned and looked at Song Yu for a few seconds before forcing himself to looked away.

He walked passed Qiao Lin and Leng Yi, before walking to the door and leave. After he left, Qiao Lin had on a worried expression. She looked towards Leng Yi and asked in curiosity, "Did something happened between them?"

Leng Yi shrugged, not wanting to interfere with their couple issues. He looked at Qiao Lin and said, "Ms Lin, you must ensure she does not catch a cold or her condition would be worsened." he instructed and left afterwards.

Qiao Lin looked at the bedridden Song Yu, she felt her heart ache for her. She had been hospitalized for a few times this past months, she felt that Song Yu was not trying to take care of her body. Qiao Lin felt worried, she sat beside Song Yu and waited for her to wake up.

Outside the room, there were 4 man in grey suit. They stood outside the room guarding the door, not allowing unknown people to enter the room. Qiao Lin did not know who were they sent by, but seeing that they were trying to protect Song Yu. She guessed that they may be sent by Qi Ling Hu to protect her.

Qiao Lin looked at the time and saw that it was still early, she decided to take a rest. She climbed up the bed and quietly slept beside Song Yu, soon she fell asleep.


Knock...Knock....someone knocked the door, arousing Qiao Lin sleep. She got up and looked towards the door, after a few more knocks. Someone came in, "Qiao Lin, have you forgotten that you have a shoot?" Pan Ke, Qiao Lin manager reprimanded.

Qiao Lin quickly looked at the time and jumped out of bed in shocked, she stuck out her tongue and said. "I was too worried about Yue, so...."

"That's not an excuse!" Pan Ke flicked Qiao Lin forehead and scolded her.

Qiao Lin rubbed her forehead before turning towards Song Yu, "Cancel the shoot for me, Yue needs me. I cannot leave her.."

Pan Ke who was fuming mad, looked at the bedridden Song Yu. She knew Qiao Lin has a friend, as close as a blood related sister. But she had never seen her before, seeing Song Yu now. She felt like she had hit a jackpot, as a famous artist manager.

She had good foresight, with one looked she would know whether the person was talent or not. Seeing Song Yu, she felt connected to her. She had never seen someone as pretty as her, that kind of beauty that is not bored when looking.

With one looked at Song Yu, Pan Ke knew that she was a smart and scheming person. Especially suitable for acting industry, "Qiao Lin, is she the Yue you are always talking about?"

Qiao Lin looked at Pan Ke and knew she had set her eyes upon Song Yu, "Sis Pan, don't even think about getting Yue into the acting industry.." Qiao Lin deadpanned.

Pan Ke side eyed Qiao Lin, "Why can't I, just looked at her. She is able to survive in the acting industry and soar to the peak. Maybe even better than you!"

Qiao Lin shook her head, "Yue may be able to do anything, but one thing for sure. She cannot act, and besides....she belongs to the business world"

Pan Ke looked disappointedly, she really wanted to take Song Yu under her wing. But since Qiao Ljn had said so much and was against it, she decided to keep it to herself for now.

"Anyways, are coming with me. Everyone is waiting for you at the shoot, if you do not appear. What would the others say about you?" Pan Ke warned before pulling Qiao Lin with her.

"But I have to take care of Yue!" She struggle a little bit, and got out of Pan Ke's hold. "At least let me send a text and let someone take care of Yue.."


"Since the merging of the two companies, Gu Corp stepped into the entertainment industry too. The total profit earned from the merging was up to 50 million for the past month, it is up by 20% beyond the profit we expected." Ye Xun reported to the board of directors.

Gu Zhi Han, Gu Chen's uncle did not seem happy about it. He was hoping that Gu Chen would fail on taking over Gu Corp, and intended to take over on behalf of Gu Chen. He did not expect him to be able to bring Gu Corp to a new heights, after taking over for a month plus.

"President Gu, we failed to work with Z.D.Y Corp. Giving Lu Corp an upper hand, if they succeeds. We would lose profits." One of the directors spoke up.

The other directors nodded their head in agreement, looking at Gu Chen who had been silent for the whole time.

"That is if they succeed...but that does not concerned us, I....." Gu Chen was interrupted by a text notification, he picked up his phone and looked at the text. It was sent by Han Ye, saying.

Han Ye: [Third brother, Qiao had to go for a shoot. Hence, she could not take care of sister-in-law. Now she have to let you to take care of sister-in-law.]

Gu Chen frowned about seeing the text, he guessed that it should be Qiao Lin who was afraid to notify him that she had to go as she was worried that he would scold her. That was why she asked Han Ye to text him, but knowing that there was no one to take care of Song Yu.

Made him extremely worried, he wanted to go and take care of Song Yu. But he could not as he still got matters to take care of in the company, he looked at Ye Xun and signaled him to get closer to him.

He whispered in Ye Xun's ear, "Get Aunt Huang to take care of Song Yu Yue in the hospital, I'll go and see her after I am done with the work here."

Ye Xun nodded and went to call Aunt Huang.

Gu Chen intended to rushed and be by her side, but after being pushed away again and again. He decided to not always give in to Song Yu or always stick with her, Gu Chen decided to be more hard hearted.

He needed Song Yu to learned, or else the same thing would always happened. He did not know why, but he had not been a nosy or caring type, before knowing Song Yu. He had always not care about others and would also not spare anyone who go against him.

But after knowing Song Yu, he felt he had lost controlled of himself. He wants to possessed Song Yu bit was afraid to chase her away, he wants her to listened to him but she did not listened and always go against her.