Chapter 89: Always wait for you

November 23, 20XX (Saturday) - November 30, 20XX (Saturday)

Z Hospital

It was dark and windy at night, Gu Chen was finally done with his work. He got down from his car after arriving at the hospital, while he was walking. His mind was in a mess, he did not know whether he should go and find Song Yu or not.

After a few more minutes, he finally reached the room. But he did not go in, Gu Chen stood outside the door. He just stood outside, silently accompanying her. Not wanting to leave nor enter the room, as he did not want Song Yu to think that he had forgiven her.

When he peaked at the small window at the door there, he could see the weak Song Yu lying on the bed. He felt his heart ache for her, he wanted to go in and hugged her. But he refrained from doing so.

if he keeps indulging her, Song Yu would never learned her lesson. Just because he loves her, does not mean that she could keep stepping his boundaries. Gu Chen was determined to let her learned her lesson, see if she still dare to say he meant nothing to her.


A week has passed, since Song Yu had been hospitalized. She had almost fully recovered, the drugged had been fully out of her body, and her fever had went down. She was asked not to take the blue drug ever again.

Song Yu had been in the hospital suite doing her work, as there was a lot of company matter which needs her to tend to. Hence, even if she was hospitalized. She could not run away from all the work that she needs to do.

Song Yu was typing on her laptop, while Qiao Lin who was sitting on the couch opposite of her had been talking to her. Qiao Lin have been telling Song Yu about the things that happened during her shoot, but she noticed that no matter what she said. Song Yu would only reply, 'hmm'

She got annoyed as she threw a pillow towards Song Yu, 'Pak!' the pillow got slapped away by Song Yu. But Qiao Lin was successful in her planned of getting her attention, "Yue, are you listening to me?"

Song Yu who was shocked by the sudden attacked on her, she just stared at Qiao Lin wide eyed. After she heard what Qiao Lin said, she finally registered what had happened. She giggled at the childish ethics of her's.

"What are you laughing at!" Qiao Lin pouted.

Song Yu waved her hand saying nothing, she calmed down and finally regained her usual self. She took out her anti glare specs and placed it on the convertible table. She looked at Qiao Lin and smiled, "You was saying about the guy who wanted to get closed to you?" Song Yu replied.

Qiao Lin smiled, she got up from her sit and hopped towards Song Yu before sitting beside her on the bed. She glimpse through the contents that was on the laptop screen, she frowned after only seeing words and words.

"I certainly do not want to be the boss of a company, there are so many things to do. Just looking at the emails gives me a headache." Qiao Lin asked in puzzlement.

Song Yu flicked Qiao Lin forehead and said in a helpless tone, "Now that you know I am so busy, can Ms Lin allow me to go back to work?'

Qiao Lin pouted and looked down, "Yue, it is not often that we get to be together. I have to go soon, can't you just leave your work for a moment and give your attention to me?"

Seeing the all aggrieved Qiao Lin made Song Yu unable to not give her attention to her, she sighed as she closed her laptop and put it aside. She move the convertible table away and gave her attention to Qiao Lin.

Qiao Lin who saw Song Yu had finally put away everything and was listening intently to her, she smiled in happiness. "Yue, what happened between you and Mr Gu?" Qiao Lin finally asked the questioned she had been wanting to ask.

"..." Song Yu did not know how to answer to her question, as she herself did not know what should she do to amend their relationship. She too felt vexed about all the things that had happened, she missed Gu Chen. She yearned to see him, but she could not bring down her pride to call him.

She felt that maybe their love is still not strong enough, as they had been arguing and giving each other cold shoulders. But neither of them wanted to give up on each other, Song Yu felt that the marriage were tying them down, she felt that she and Gu Chen should take things slowly.

Maybe a divorce would be a better alternative, but she had heard very clearly from Gu Chen that he could give her anything but a divorce. Song Yu could not tell what exactly was her feeling for Gu Chen, she did not know whether was it love or just a formed of reliance.

She did not know what it was, the only thing she knew was that she would not want to leave Gu Chen. Her life had already been tied together with Gu Chen's, she too would never leave her no matter what happens.

Song Yu just wished to take things slowly, they could divorce first and get to know each other and not be tying each other down. Making both of them suffocated, she needed time to arrange her feelings and thoughts.

Now if she were to keep seeing Gu Chen, her thought would be further messed up. Hence, she was actually glad that Gu Chen did not show up. Though a side of her was disappointed that she could not see him, but she kept it to herself.

She was still deep in thought before Qiao Lin gently pushed Song Yu to wake her up from her trance, "Yue?"

Song Yu finally regained her senses, "We're fine, it's just...." Song Yu paused not wanting to continue any further.

"It's just....?" Qiao Lin asked in curiosity.

Song Yu messaged her temples, not knowing how to start. She thought for a moment before saying in a soft tone, "I said that he meant nothing to me, and he got angry. Before he left he told me that he would grant my wish, but never a divorce."

!!....."You actually asked for a divorced?....Yue, Mr Gu is such a wealthy and influential man. It is a blessing to be able to marry him!" Qiao Lin shouted at Song Yu in agitation, not able to believe that someone would actually say that they do not want to marry Gu Chen.

"I need time, things are going too quickly. His been trying to control me, and i do not like that one bit." Song Yu said truthfully.

Qiao Lin held Song Yu hands as she said in a caring and concerned tone, "Yue, divorce is not a small matter. You have to think carefully before deciding, don't let the sudden impulse gets into your head."

Song Yu's eyes uncontrollably became red, she looked at Qiao Lin with her reddened eyes. "I don't know....I don't know whether my feeling for him are love or just reliant."

Qiao Lin reached out her hand and wiped the tears on Song Yu's face, "Then why are you crying?"


"Because you loved him, you are just too prideful to admit it. Yue, he loves you." Qiao Lin interrupted Song Yu.

"I don'"

"Ring...Ring..." Qiao Lin phone ranged, which interrupted what Song Yu was about to say.

Qiao Lin hurry up hang up her call and turned her attention back to Song Yu, "What were you about to say?"

Song Yu swallowed down what she was about to say as she did not have the courage to say anymore, "Nothing, go back to work now since your manager had called you..." Song Yu tried to chased Qiao Lin away.

"I knew you want to chase me away, but before I go....Yue. Please carefully think about it, he may not always wait for you" Qiao Lin reminded before walking towards the exit after hugging Song Yu, leaving the conflicted Song Yu alone.