Chapter 90: The man

November 30, 20XX (Saturday)

Z hospital, Gu Corp and Qi Manor

After Qiao Lin left the hospital, Song Yu went back to her pile of work. As she was looking through some data reports, she was unable to focused. As she had been thinking about what Qiao Lin had said to her earlier on.

She really needed to think about how she is going to handle the situation with Gu Chen, she knew that she should take the initiative to call him even if he did not contact her. But she did not have the courage to, she knew she did something wrong but she did not want to admit her mistakes.

Being stubborn was a weakness of hers, but she could not change that stubbornness of hers. She felt that Gu Chen was also in wrong, hence she did not want to pull down her pride and talk to Gu Chen. Was pride really that important?, she did not know about that.

"Knock....knock...." Someone knocked on the door distracting Song Yu from her train of thoughts, a guard came in after she allowed so. "Young Madam, there is a man outside saying he is the butler of old master Qi" The guard bowed and reported politely to Song Yu.

Song Yu raised her eyebrows after hearing what the guard said, she felt curious and amused of what is the old man up to. She placed the data reports down and looked at the guard before saying in an indifferent tone, "Let him in"

The guard nodded and left the room shortly, after a few seconds. Butler Huang came in, he unhurriedly walked towards Song Yu before bowing. "Young Miss, Old Master Qi wants you back to Qi manor. He said he had something urgent to say to you" Butler Huang informed curtly.

Song Yu did not have much of an expression, she remained cold and aloof. She did not know why would Qi Ling Hu asked her back to Qi manor, she was still thinking whether to go or not when Butler Huang continued.

"Young Miss, Old Master Qi had personally urged that you have to see him. Even Old Madam Qi has been alerted..."

Song Yu frowned as she heard Butler Huang mentioning her grandmother, since she had been alerted. Song Yu knew that this time around the situation was not that simple as going back to Qi Manor, something must have happened for Qi Ling Hu to be so anxious to urged her back.

"Since grandfather had already go to the extend of alerting grandmother, it must be something serious this time. Help me do the discharge procedures, and wait for me downstairs." Song Yu instructed as she got out of the bed and walked towards the toilet.

Butler Huang heard what Song Yu said, he nodded and walked out of the room. Hurriedly going to do the discharge for Song Yu so that she could go back sooner.


In Gu Corp,

"President Gu, Old master Qi send people to escort Young Madam back to Qi Manor." Ye Xun whispered into Gu Chen softly, as they were in a meeting and he just received a notification.

Gu Chen was having an important meeting with all the departments staff in the company, they were talking about some changes in the systems as he just took over Gu Corp not long ago. Things that were once under his grandfather should be changed.

He was talking when Ye Xun came back into the conference room and informed him, Gu Chen's face darkened after hearing what Ye Xun told him, he had instructed his men to not let anyone to easily allowed people to visit Song Yu.

Yet his underlings did not listened to his commands, Gu Chen became worried if anything were to happened to her. "President Gu, I have sent some men to follow Young Madam." Ye Xun hurriedly told Gu Chen, afraid the man would be angry and worried.

Gu Chen stood up before saying in an indifferent tone, "Meeting adjourned!" he quickly left the room, on the way to the basement carpark. Gu Chen got more and more annoyed at his underlings, "Changed the people that were sent to guard Yu Yue's room, and punished the rest accordingly."

Ye Xun nodded, while he was chasing after the long legged Gu Chen. He quickly fetched out his phoned and informed the rest, "What about Young Madam?"

Upon hearing what Ye Xun said, Gu Chen halted his steps. He turned around and said in a cold tone, "Informed me straight if you sense something wrong, as for Song Yu Yue....let her be for now."

the side of Ye Xun lips twitched after listening to what Gu Chen said, 'Why are you doing this to yourself? clearly are so worried about Young Madam!!!' he thought.


"How is...she?" The person said in an annoyed yet a little concerned tone.

"She's good now, just some rest and supplements she will be back to normal. There is nothing to worry about" Qi Ling Hu was sitting in his study room when he replied the person on the other line.

"Good, he cannot find out about this if and I will die. So be sure to clear away all the records of her staying in the hospital and also blocked all forms of news regarding her being hospitalized and send her away." The person on the other line instructed.

"I know what to do!" Qi Ling Hu replied in a cold tone before hanging up the call.

He did not want things to turned this way, he adored Song Yu very much. Since she was little, he felt there was something different about her. She gave him a sense of closeness which he had never felt before.

Qi Ling Hu took her in and groomed her into a fine lady, he did not want to admit it but the other reason he took Song Yu in was because she was the man's daughter. The only way to destroy the man was to team up with his wife and get his daughter under his wings.

Having the man's wife helping him, the day he could bring that man down would not be too far away. Putting all the schemes aside, he do loved Song Yu. He did not want her to get hurt and sad, but everything still happened and now it was a more serious case.

He had not choice but to send her abroad, as the man would be coming to Country Z soon. It would not be good if he met Song Yu, so there was no choice but to send her away. Qi Ling Hu still needed to think of a reason to persuade Song Yu to go abroad.