Chapter 95: Not without my permission!

November 30, 20XX (Saturday)

Qi Manor

"Why do you insist of me leaving the country?" Song Yu asked.

Qi Ling Hu remained calm, before replying in a neutral tone. "I have already explained the reason!"


"Here's the warm milk." Before Song Yu could refute, Butler Huang came in and place the warm milk on the coffee table.and left after.

"I will not go" Song Yu said in a final tone, not wanting to argue.

"Your flight is in three days time, you will not be allowed to leave the manor before departure." Qi Ling Hu informed, not bothering whether Song Yu liked it or not. He would forced her to go no matter what, even if it meant to lock her up and drag her to the airport.

"..." Song Yu did not know what to feel, she knew Qi Ling Hu had always respected her decisions and would not force her to do anything. Though, she knew he was using her. But she could see he was actually concerned about her, but that night she felt that she was lying to herself.

"Grandfather, I said I would not go." Song Yu reminded him again.

"Whether you like it or not, you are going." Qi Ling Hu waved his hand and two man out of nowhere appear. Song Yu who knew that there was presence in the room was unfazed by the sudden intruder, but after she saw who the two man was she became alert.

There was two death gates man, one with the yellow masked and the other with a green masked. They stood beside Qi Ling Hu, waiting for his orders. Seeing the scene unfold in front of her, she could confirmed Qi Ling Hu was after all connected to the Death Gates.

This made her more wary of the situation, she would need to change her plans. But before that she needs to think of a way to leave Qi Manor. Song Yu stood up and reach out to her gun holster which was at her left thigh.

Which she always kept her Sliver and Black, her new S.A was kept at the holster on her hips. She took wanted to take her silver out but decided against it, as she was afraid Qi Ling Hu or the Death Gates would recognize her gun.

She decided to take her S.A out as the underworlds do not know the new established S.A yet, she took out the gun and aim it at the two man. "Grandfather, don't force me!" she looked at Qi Ling Hu threateningly.

Qi Ling Hu looked at Song Yu unfazed, he laughed coldly when he saw her eyes. "What a beautiful eyes."

Song Yu's eyes turned amber, which meant that she was on high alert. Song Yu could feel her a sudden blood rush, surged through her body. The adrenaline made her wants to kill someone, she knew better than anyone.

If she were to open the trigger, she would surely shoot the two man dead. She did not want to do that as she did not want to lose control of killing ever again. "Grandfather, you know you can't lock me."

Qi Ling Hu did not utter a single word, he just sat on the couch. Looking at Song Yu, as though waiting for something to happen. And just a minute later, Qi Ling Hu smirked. Song Yu who was on high alert suddenly felt that her body went weak.

The energy in her body disappeared, she staggered a few steps before looking at QI Ling Hu.

You drugged me?" she asked in horror, she should not have let her guard down.

"It's just a drug which can make you have a good long sleep." He explained in an unhurried tone.

"How can you.."

"Send her back to her room and make sure she does not...." Qi Ling Hu was interrupted by the yelling of Butler Huang from outside the study.

"President Gu, Old Master QI..."

'Bam!' the door to the study was kicked opened, making a loud sound. An intimidating and cold blooded Gu Chen walked in, his eyes was deathly. He walked towards Song Yu and supported her, "Not without my permission, I want to see...who dares to take her away!" Gu Chen challenged.

"..." Song Yu was shocked seeing Gu Chen, but unknowingly she felt touched and warmth that he was there to protect her. She felt everytime it was him that came to her aid whenever she was in trouble.

Before anyone could do anything, about ten to twenty man walked into the study. They formed a human barricade around Song Yu and Gu Chen, protecting them. Qi Ling Hu darkened, he felt threatened.

"Gu boy, this is our family matters!" Qi Ling Hu gnashed his teeth when he said to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen remained indifferent and calmed, he had an air of authority. He was not bother about what Qi Ling Hu said, "What if I insist to interfere?" He asked in a challenging tone.

By then, Song Yu had was already not bothered by the current situation. She became dazed as she stared up at the man protecting her, no one had come to her aid before. He was the first, it was the first time Song Yu felt this kind of feelings.

She was lost in her own wonderland, not bothering about other things. Her mind was only fill with Gu Chen.

The two Death Gaters stepped forward wanting to pounced on the few man when Qi Ling Hu stopped him, "Then I would have to take her away by force" Qi Ling Hu said in a final warning.

"You can try.." Gu Chen did not budge, he said in an unfazed tone. Not afraid of fighting head on with Qi Ling Hu.

Song Yu who had been in her own dream land finally realized she was in a dangerous situation, both powerful man are going to fight head on and she did not like it. She gently nudge Gu Chen, before saying in a whisper which could only be heard by him and her. "It's fine, let me handle it."

Gu Chen felt the gentle nudge by Song Yu, he looked down and saw her pleading look and when he heard what she said. His gaze darkened like a black hole, 'Is she trying to push me away?' he thought.

Seeing his gaze darkened, she knew the man was starting to overthink. Song Yu hurriedly explained, "I don't want to get you implicated.."