Chapter 96: Not like I care...but

November 30, 20XX (Saturday)

Qi Manor

In the study room of Qi Ling Hu's, was in a total frenzy. No one made a sound nor move, everyone was only staring at Gu Chen and Song Yu. They could not hear what they were saying, but seeing Song Yu pacifying Gu Chen they could guess what was happening.

Qi Ling Hu had bet on Song Yu pacifying Gu Chen to stopped fighting, he knew the good granddaughter of his would not want both of them to fight. As both are powerful person, if they were to fight. Both of them would be damaged, hence he tried his luck and see whether Song Yu would pacify Gu Chen to stop.

Song Yu gave a light pat on Gu Chen's firm chest before saying, "I can handle it, with you here he can't do anything to me. Don't worry, kay?"

Gu Chen gaze turned gentle, he looked at Song Yu who was trying very hard to pacify him. He knew she did not want to implicate him, but he wanted to help her. Besides, Qi Ling Hu could not touched him. He was confident about that, but seeing her worried expression he decided to listened to her.

He tightened his gripped around her waist before saying in a firmed tone, "Hm, I am only giving you 5 minutes."

Upon hearing what Gu Chen say, Song Yu pouted. She wanted to argue but decided against it as the man had already given in to her, "Fine" she said in a helpless tone, what can she do for she has the worlds' most possessive and overbearing man.

Song Yu turned around and looked at Qi Ling Hu, she wanted to get out of Gu Chen's gripped but the man did not let go of her. In face he tightened his hold on her waist, protectively securing her to him.

Song Yu sighed, "Grandfather, tomorrow I will be going for a business trip and would only be back for the He's banquet." She explained, knowing Qi Ling Hu was determined to send her abroad. She had no choice but to tell him she was going to be out of the country for a few days, she hoped it was enough for him to not sent her abroad.

Qi Ling Hu remained silent, he was contemplating. He needed to send Song Yu out of Country Z for a year or two, but after contemplating. He decided to think of another plan to let Song Yu not meet up with the man, as seeing the situation then.

He knew he got no choice but to take a stepped back, he needed to contact the woman and think of another planned again. "Be safe" he said in a cold tone.

Song Yu smiled hearing what he said, she was relieved that Qi Ling Hu gave in. Or she did not know what would happened if it didn't, but she guess luck was on her side. "I will see you when I returned back"

Song Yu whole body relaxed, she tapped the arm that was around her waist before looking up at the man. "Let's go!" She said in a relieved and glad tone, but with a tinge of tiredness.

Gu Chen sense that she was tired and really wanted to leave the manor, he reluctantly let go of her. Though he did not want to as the second he did, the yearning warmth and enchanting womanly fragrant of her body left him.

After Gu Chen let go of Song Yu, she walked out of the room after bidding goodbye to Qi Ling Hu. When she was about to leave the room, she sense that the overbearing man did not follow her. She turned back and saw he was still on the same spot glaring at Qi Ling Hu.

She sighed and reluctantly walked towards Gu Chen and pulled him out of the room. But no matter how much strength she used, the man did not budge. She stopped in her tracks and looked at the man, "Lets go.."

Gu Chen remained on the spot, he raised his right hand and gently patted Song Yu's hand. Reassuring her. "You go first, I will be right behind you."

Song Yu knew he was not going to leave with her so she gave up the idea of dragging him out with her, "En." she replied before walking out of the room.


Inside the study room, Qi Ling Hu and Gu Chen was still standing face to face. Both of them were not giving in, they were still staring at each other with the same intensity as though their eyes could kill someone.

"Gu Boy, this is my family matters. You are in no position to interfere and I expect this would be the first and the last to meddle into my business." Qi Ling Hu warned.

Gu Chen smirked, "Oh, and what if it isn't?" he said in an intrigued and curious tone.

"I will have to use force" Qi Ling Hu replied.

Gu Chen looked indifferently at the daring old man in front of him, he guessed it had been ong since he showed his wrath. Hence, people start to think that he was someone who is easy to offend. Gu Chen gaze turned murderous, giving shivers down Qi Ling Hu's spine.

He walked towards the old man, before saying in a low and deep tone. "It seems Old Master Qi had forgotten who am I...for you to challenge me. There is a certain consequences to bare, not like care...but.." he trailed off.

Gu Chen looked at Qi Ling Hu ridiculed and disgust apparent in his eyes, "But I am afraid the consequences is not something you can afford to bare."

Qi Ling Hu gaze faltered, there was a tinge of fear shown in his eyes. But it was quickly covered by the firmed and decisive eyes, "fill me up then." he questioned in an indifferent tone.

Gu Chen caught the slight fear and hesitation from Qi Ling Hu, "Example, bankrupting your precious company...or.." he paused after seeing the pale faced old man, before continuing "Closing all your connections.."

Without waiting for Qi Ling Hu to reply, Gu Chen put his hands into his trousers and walked out of the study room. In a suave and confident stature, leaving the pale faced Qi Ling Hu behind.

Qi Ling Hu staggered after Gu Chen left, he had totally forgotten who Gu Chen was. Though it had been long since the man showed his wrath but his authority was not something one could challenged.

It seems he had to think of a way to get himself away from all the trouble and in the same time get Song Yu to leave the country, first he needed to avoid Gu Chen. He knew it was the a reminder given to him by Gu Chen.

Qi Ling Hu still remembered, it was few years ago when Gu Chen first showed his wrath and it was that year that all the high socialites and businessman knew of Gu Chen. The Gu Corp was a big corporation since a very long decades ago.

Everyone knew of the Gu Corp but nobody actually knew who was in charge of it, the public thought it was Gu Zheng Han who was in charge of it. But nobody knew it was not Gu Chen's grandfather but him being in charge of the whole corporation and also the one leading them.

Gu Chen was not known to the public then, nobody knew where he was and where he went. Even the Gu's themselves didn't know, Gu Chen's was like a mysterious and dangerous person. Gu Chen was 20 when he first made his appearance in Country Z, and it was also the day that the public known him.

That year, Country Z was faced with a financial crisis. The whole country experience a financial breakdown, due to some accident. All companies went down. and the Gu Corp was the same. As their company was in the field of breakdown.

Being implicated with no one to asked for helped, they could only wait to die. But who knows that year, the whole business world was changed upside down, Gu Chen stepped in. And within the span of half a month, he recover the financial breakdown and also brought Gu Corp into a new heights, since then Gu Chen became the known capital's wealthiest and powerful man.

Nobody knew how deep his connections were or how rich he was, as no matter how they dig there was no results. People gave up finding, they only knew Gu Chen was someone who can cause the whole country upside down.

Some rumors said Gu Chen planned the whole financial breakdown, as for him to save the country was not a simple matter. Hence, rumors said Gu Chen needed to achieve something that was why the financial crisis happened.

As the one that profited the most was Gu Corp, Gu Chen since then practically had control over Country Z. It had been long since something big happened, hence public got less cautious of Gu Chen and gradually forgotten the rumor cause he created.
