Chapter 101: Missy, you are staying here!

December 1, 20XX (Sunday)

M Club, Royal Mansion 4

"That is not a problem.." Qiao Feng replied coolly as he sat on the couch in M Club.

"It is nice working with you, Young Master Feng" Feng Chen, the current in charge of Feng Corp said in a polite and happy tone.

All along, Qiao Feng had on a smiling face but his face said otherwise. He did not like to work with Feng Chen, that old cunning fox. But due to some circumstances, his father Qiao Ren had requested him to helped Feng Corp.

He wanted to declined, but seeing his father pleading gaze he gave in. "Come on let's have a drink, why pulling that face?" Han Ye who had tagged along with Qiao Feng joined in the talked.

Not bothering about Han Ye, Qiao Feng solemnly drank the alcohol without much care in the world. Qiao Feng had always been aloof, but when he is with someone close to him. He would be less aloof and interact more.

"I have hired these beautiful women's to entertained Young Master Feng and Young Master Ye" feng Chen signaled the ladies to enter the room, before giving them some space to sit beside the two man.

One of the ladies walked towards Han Ye and sat beside him, "Young Master Ye, let Jin'er attend to you." she said in a slutty voice, she was about to place her hand on Han Ye's thighs when he kicked her away.

The usual approachable and carefree man was no where to be seen, Han Ye looked at the woman on the floor with disgust, his eyes were deathly cold. Giving shiver down Jin'er spine, "Youn..Young..Maste..." Jin'er could not utter a single word, as she was too terrified by the looked Han Ye gave him.

"Get her away from my sight, I expect not to see her in the surface of earth again." Han Ye said in a chilling tone.

After Han Ye said that, two man came forward and was about to dragged her away but before they could Qiao Feng stopped them. "What happened to you?" Qiao Feng asked in confusion, he hardly saw the usually playful Han Ye to be this serious and angry.

"My honey would get angry if she knows about this!" Han Ye said in an afraid, he remember there was once. He was chatting with a lady rather closely and his 'honey' saw it, she did not talked to him nor let him touched her for a whole month. He certainly did not wished to experience that ever again.

"Honey?" Qiao Feng asked in puzzlement, as he secretly signaled the guards to let the woman off.

Han Ye widened his eyes in shocked, he realized he said something he should not have said. "oh it's nothing." he brushed off.

"You actually have someone you liked?, who is that?" Qiao Feng probed, ignoring the presence of Feng Chen.

Han Ye ignored Qiao Feng and hurriedly said, "Mr Feng, here's a toast to you."


"Thud..Thud!" Song Yu knocked on Qiao Lin's door, but the latter did not answer her. She had immediately rushed back home after receiving Aunt Huang's call, "Lin, open the door. I am sorry for breaking my promise, Kay?"

After speaking, Song Yu could hear some rustling sound coming from the room. Before she could knocked again the door was suddenly slammed open, "Bam!" shocking Song Yu.

"Kay?" Qiao Lin angrily stormed towards Song Yu and smacked her in the butt, whenever Qiao Lin was angry at Song Yu she would always smacked her butt. After Qiao Lin slapped her butt, Song Yu made wailed in pain. "Hiss"

Qiao Lin previous anger dissipated, it was gradually turned into concerned. She hurriedly asked, "Yue, did I hit too hardly?"

Song Yu's faced turned red in embarrassment as she thought about what happened yesterday, "No, it's nothing.."

Seeing the blushed on Song Yu, Qiao Lin knew there was something fishy going on. She hurriedly pulled her into the room and sat her down on the bed, "Now missy, tell me what happened to your butt. Did you...!!!" Qiao Lin paused what she was saying as while she was speaking, she had pulled down Song Yu's collar and saw the numerous glaring kiss marks.

Song Yu frantically smacked Qiao Lin's hand away, she scurried to pull her collar up to cover up those hickies.

"Are they from Mr Gu?" Qiao Lin asked in curiosity.

Though Song Yu did not reply she did not tried to prob again, she knew eventually Song Yu would tell her as they do not keep secrets between each other. "Alright, I won't force you. But you better tell me soon!"

Song Yu smiled at the cheeky woman in front of her, "Why did you want to say to me yesterday?" she tried to changed the topic.

"Yue, my dad wants me to get married to Ou Yun Fan." Qiao Lin trailed off, an unhappy looked on her face.

Song Yu's gaze darkened after hearing what Qiao Lin said, "Ou Yun Fan? mean The Ou. Yun. Fan?" she clarified.

"Yes, it's The president of Ou's group and also the ruler of Country Y. Ou Yun Fan..." Qiao Lin deadpanned, she did not know why her father would arranged a marriage with her and Ou Yun Fan.

Song Yu listened intently, while her head was thinking of ways to help Qiao Lin. Though she felt that it was not a bad idea to marry Ou Yun Fan, as he was a rich and powerful man. But seeing that Qiao Lin was strongly against it she did not want to force her, she needed to find the reason behind the arranged marriage.

As it was not easy to deal with the Ou's Group, Song Yu needed to pull some connection from Country Y. "Don't think about it too much, let me handle it." Song Yu tried to consoled Qiao Lin.

"Really?" Qiao Lin squealed as she hugged Song Yu tightly, "Calmed down missy." Song Yu tried to pushed Qiao Lin away as she was hugging her too tightly, especially when her body was hurting all over.

Qiao Lin reluctantly pulled back, before looking at Song Yu with her puppy eyes. "Yue, I'm hungry..." She said in a pleading tone.

Song Yu gave a helpless smile before saying, "I'll tell Aunt Huang to reheat the food for you." she was about to stand up when Qiao Lin tugged at the ends of her shirt. "I want to eat some sushi and cold noodles.."

Hearing what Qiao Lin requested, made Song Yu even more helpless. The young missy of the Qiao's are indeed hard to tend to, Song Yu knew Qiao Lin would whine and throw a tantrum again if she does not brings her to a japanese restaurant.

"Alright, go dress up. I'll wait for you in the car.." Song Yu said in a tender tone, like a sister would. She left the room, leaving the cheerful Qiao Lin jumping about.


Inside the car, Song Yu was talking on the phone with Jack. Asking him about the situation in Country A when Qiao Lin knocked on the door, she unlocked the door for her to come in before signalling Qiao Lin that she was talking on the phone.

Qiao Lin nodded as she put a finger on her lips and made a 'shh' sign, Song Yu chuckled at the childlike behaviour of Qiao Lin, before continuing her conversation with Jack. "Hold on a moment.." she informed jack, before connecting her phone her bluetooth ear piece so that she could start driving to the japanese restaurant.

"I will be heading towards City H first, before that prepare everything in Country A." Song Yu started the engine and drove off, while speaking to Jack. Leaving Qiao Lin sitting silently on her sit, quietly.

"Got it, and Mr Shen is also eyeing on the mall we" Jack paused what he was about to say.

"That's not needed, let him be for now." Song Yu said before she instructed a few more things and hung up the call after.

After Song Yu ended the call, she sneaked a glance at Qiao Lin and saw her pouty expression. "What's wrong?" She asked.

Qiao Lin shook her head and showed her, her phone. "My dad asked me to go back to the main mansion...Manager Pan is also urging me to get back to france and finish the photo shoot for Glamour cosmetics." she said in a gloomy tone.

Seeing the stressed looked on Qiao Lin, Song Yu did not know what to do. "So, Yue...can I go with you to City H...Ah!!" Qiao Lin shouted in shocked when Song Yu all of a sudden stepped on the brake.

"Missy, you are staying here." Song Yu declined in a firmed tone, as she knew it would be a troublesome journey to tag Qiao Lin along. It would messed up her whole business trip and the lastly, her enemies are out there eyeing on her.

She was afraid there would be an assassin attack, though it was unlikely as her people are already stationed at each places she was going to protect her. Since the last assassination form Jave, she had heightened the security around her.

She did not mind endangering herself but not Qiao Lin, she was afraid Qiao Lin would get hurt. Hence, she would never allow her to follow.