Chapter 102: Fine, stop whining already!

December 1, 20XX (Sunday)

Fu Hua Street

"But..but later I would be dragged home by feng ge" Qiao Lin said in horror, the thought of being dragged back for an arranged marriage made her feel the chills down her spine.

"I'll tell Gu Chen to call your brother.." Song Yu said in a cool tone.

"Mmmm, noooo...I want to go with you...." Qiao Lin whined and started kicking around, unhappy that she was not able to go with Song Yu. The reason why she wanted to go with Song Yu, partially was because of her brother but the other part was because she wanted to know what Song Yu does whenever she goes to a business trip.

She wanted to relaxed and decided to go with Song Yu, to get to know what Song Yu always does and to spend more time with her bestie. As it had been a long time since they went abroad together, she wanted to treat it as a holiday trip.

Seeing Qiao Lin throwing tantrum again made Song Yu annoyed, sometimes she did not know what to do with Qiao Lin. She really did not want her to go with her as it was for her safety, but Qiao Lin did not thought about that.

"Lin, it would be boring for you. I will be going overseas for business matters and it would be dangerous if you follow me.." Song Yu did not want to leaked more information to her as she knew it would endanger her.

"I don't care...I wanna go with you." Qiao Lin whined even louder, not wanting to listen to Song Yu's explanation.

Seeing Qiao Lin getting more out of hand made Song Yu even more helpless, her whining was starting to made her have a headache. "Fine, stop whining already!" she said begrudgingly as she glared at Qiao Lin.

"..." "Really, Yay!" Qiao Lin happily tugged on Song Yu, "Do you not want to eat your sushi anymore?" Song Yu threatened before secretly sending a text and drove off after.

"I want" Qiao Lin hurriedly sit properly and stayed quiet, but her eyes were beaming with happiness.


Ariela: [Lin's coming with me, get more people to protect her.]

Zachary got a text from Song Yu when he was looking through the recent information he got from Daemon, who had thrown this job to him.

"..." Seeing the text made Zachary lips twitched, as he had already gotten many people to protect Song Yu and now he needed to get even more people to protect Qiao Lin. It made him shake his head in annoyance, he typed in a few words before throwing his phone aside.


Song Yu parked her car before coming down, they were at Fu Hua Street. It was the place where they always frequent, just a few streets down from the hotpot restaurant was a famous authentic japanese restaurant.

It was also Qiao Lin's favorite japanese restaurant, "Let's go" Song Yu said before walking down the streets, as the alley was to narrow for cars to pass through. Song Yu could only parked it at the car parked before the alley and walked down the streets to the restaurant.

"I had already made a reservation and ordered your favorite from Liana." Liana is the owner of the authentic japanese restaurant, she is around her mid 20's. She was the daughter of the previous owner. But the previous owner was too old to continue to business, hence passed on the business to her only daughter, Liana.

At only her mid twenties she had to shoulder the burden of the family business, Liana was not able to continue studying and had to quit school and take over the business. Song Yu and Qiao Lin felt sympathy for her, especially Qiao Lin.

As Song Yu felt that Liana could have rejected taking over the business and carry on with what she likes, she does not have to be bound to a small restaurant and bind her life there. Wasting her youth and life, she personally did not have much feelings towards Liana situation.

Qiao Lin hooked her arms with Song Yu and said, "Lin, could you help Liana out?"

"Do not go at it again, she chose that life herself" Song Yu said dismissively.


"No, buts" Song Yu interrupted.

Qiao Lin could only pout and keep quiet, it was not that she did not want to help Liana. It was just that she is just a model and an actress, she was not in the profession in the food chain industry and so she could not help Liana to make her business famous.

She could ask her brother to help but she knew he brother would not help her, as he would not do something that he felt not profitable. She could only ask Song Yu to help, as she knew she was the only one to help.

Just by her connection in the business world was enough to help Liana, but no matter how she asked. Song Yu would reject it, without a second thought. Seeing the saddened Qiao Lin, made her hesitate.

"Lin, we cannot always help people. If there is one there will be a second, I cannot possibly help everyone in the world who had this kind of situation. She chose that path, so she have to persevere. It is not for us to interfere.." Song Yu explained to Qiao Lin.

"But if we could help one, why not?" Qiao Lin refuted.

"Lin, you are being too naive." Song Yu chided, seeing the innocent Qiao Lin made her not want to corrupt her mind. She wanted to protect Qiao Lin's innocent mind, Song Yu knew Qiao Lin loves to help people. This made her worried, she was afraid someone would use her goodwill and harm her.

"Yue, what if it was me. What if I chose to shoulder my family business." Qiao Lin wanted to let Song Yu knows that she was being unfeeling.

"I'll..." Song Yu knew she would say, she would help her. But she did not continued, as she realized what Qiao Lin meant.

Qiao Lin smirked knowing that she got the results she wanted, "Yue, you are not being fair. Liana may have chosen the wrong path, but we could help her back to the right path. We could help her gain her freedom and do what she enjoys"

Song Yu did not reply, she just stayed quiet and walked down the alley with Qiao Lin. All the way to the restaurant, she was thinking deeply. She felt what Qiao Lin said was immature, if she was just some random commoner. Nobody would help her to get a better life, the reason she was able to get to where she was, were all by her own effort.

Song Yu felt that, if people only rely on someone to help them. Then they are not up for it, they would forever be dimmed a weakling. She had always looked down on people who did not try their best or relies on people to get higher.

She knows that she was just being biased, she knew if it was Qiao Lin. She would helped her without a second thought, as she meant a lot to her. People are selfish, she was no different.

"Ow.." Song Yu was walking mindlessly when she bumped into Qiao Lin who had suddenly stopped in her tracks. "Yue!" Qiao Lin rubbed her forehead in pain.

She use her finger and gestured Song Yu to looked at the front, "We're here.." Qiao Lin informed.

"Oh" Song Yu composed herself before pulling Qiao Lin into the restaurant with her, "Sorry" she said apologetically.