Chapter 111: FOOLISH WOMAN!

December 3, 20XX (Tuesday)

Various Places

It was midnight in H City. It was raining heavily, there are people running across the streets as a young and desolate young woman was walking under the rain. She looked as though she looked drained, as though having just done some strenuous activities.

Passerby who had walked passed her, all turned and stared at her. She was a ravishing beauty, but no one dared to approached her. When they looked at her eyes, they felt their souls being taken away. Her eyes were extremely cold and lifeless, looking sad and distress.

The young woman's phone had been ringing, but no matter how many calls made the the lady. She did not pick up, letting her phone to keep ringing. The rain started to become more heavy, as she continued to walked along the streets.

Somewhere not far away from her, a black Mini Cooper was following her. Silently but closely following behind her, inside the car. Two woman was worried and heartbroken at the scene of the young woman walking under the heavy rain, afraid she might faint due to over straining her body.

They did not dare to approach her as they knew more then anyone that, she would want to have a silent time to herself. They knew that the young woman was thinking deeply, planning something up. They want to stopped her from walking under the rain but they did not want to disturbed her and so let her be alone for a while.


Gu Corp Branch, London.

"There are still things I need to take care of here, once I am done I will go and find her. Before that, I'll leave everything to you." Gu Chen said in a slightly worried tone.

"Rest assured Mr Gu, I will keep a close watch on her and report to you every little details." Qiao Lin replied in a confident tone.

"Tell me every little things of her, what time she showered, eat, sleep. Everything I want to know about it, call me if anything crops up."

"...." "I... I...will be sure to report to you every little details." Qiao Lin reassured.

"Then I will thank Ms Lin beforehand" Gu Chen replied, he was about to hang up when Qiao Lin called out.

"Wait, Mr Gu!....I do not know whether I should say this but...she had been walking under the rain for hours now and..."

"What. Did. You. Say?" Gu Chen asked in a low and threatening tone.

"Mr...Mr Gu, I cannot do anything about it. Yue..will not listen to anyone. But Mr Gu please don't come over right now, if Yue knew about it she would kill me." Qiao Lin hurriedly explained.

"Du...Du..Du..." Gu Chen hung up the call, without listening to Qiao Lin's explanation. He had on a furious and concerned look, "FOOLISH WOMAN!" Gu Chen shouted as he threw his phone onto the floor.

Ye Xun who had been standing behind him, was shocked and frightened at the sight of Gu Chen's furious looks. He hurriedly ran and picked up the phone that was smashed by Gu Chen, "Boss?" he asked not knowing what to do.

"I'll give you ten minutes to get me the data of Song Yu Yue's pass days activities, I want to know who she had met and talked to!" Gu Chen instructed before walking out of his office.

"Boss, where are you going?" Ye Xun asked, before running to catch up with him. "Airport"

"..." Ye Xun did not know what to do about Gu Chen, he did not know whether to stop him or not. As Gu Chen still had a few meetings to attend to and the most important one was the video conference with the collaborators of S-reek.

He thought for a moment before saying, "Boss, you still have a video conference with the collaborators of S-reek in thirty minute, there are still a few meetings you would need to attend."

"Gu Chen was looking through some documents silently, not bothering to listen to what Ye Xun said. "Boss?" Ye Xun called Gu Chen to seek response from him as he did not reply him.

Without lifting his head, he remained focused on his document only replying with a short sentence. "Push it back"

"What about the other meetings?" He asked.

"Have my itinerary changed, all my work in London will be changed to H city." Gu Chen replied in a final tone.

"...." "Got it"


A man in his fifties was sitting on his couch, his right hand held a glass of wine, He looked elegant and masculine, he had defined eyebrows and narrow eyes, his hair was down. He had on a bad boy looked, he did not look like someone of fifties. He looked like he was in the thirties, he had on an intimidating aura around him.

Nobody knew about his whereabouts, he had been missing for a few years. Nobody not even his families knew where he was, the word 'families' was something distant for him. He had never experienced what is kinship or blood ties.

He never cared about those, or to be more precise. He did not have the luxury to care for someone or even get closed to his closed ones. Everyone who is around him are all scheming against him, awaiting his downfall.

A person who had a high status, would be eyed by many. He was not exceptional, wanting power and wealth he would need to make some sacrifices. One of those were families, he had lost his love ones few years ago.

The love he had for the one and only woman, had disappeared a long time ago. He had been waiting for years, and finally the person appeared.


In H City, 7 am in the morning.

"Yue, please stop torturing yourself!" Qiao Lin could not take it anymore, she had been in the car with Tang Ai following closely behind Song Yu for hours. From the start of the rain till the rain stops, Song Yu had not stopped walking.

Song Yu who was drenched in rain, did not bother to listen to the others. She continued walking, "Let me cool down." She replied with a short sentence.

"How long more do you need, you have been outside for a long time. Yue!" Qiao Lin chided before signalling some guards to pull Song Yu into the car.

"Move" She said in a threatening tone, intimidating the few guards to get close to her. Song Yu looked up and stared at the guards, her eyes cold and distant. "Yue, you.." Qiao Lin did not know what to say anymore, when Song Yu raised her head. She was slightly stunned by her eyes, those amber eyes.

"Ai, is the capsule ready?" Song Yu asked in a lifeless tone. She looked drained of energy, just a vampire who had not drink blood for a very long time.

"We still need half an hour more, please hold on for a while more." Tang Ai who had been quiet the whole time spoke up.

"I'm thirsty....very..."



Both Qiao Lin and Tang Ai shouted at the same time when they saw Song Yu fainting, Qiao Lin went forward and support Song Yu from the fall, while Tang Ai hurriedly checked Song Yu's pulse.

"We need to sent her back to the hotel as soon as possible, I'll call a doctor over. Make sure to leave her in the hotel room alone, do not stay with her. Not till the doctor arrives.." Tang Ai hurriedly instructed before standing up and making a call.

She had on a frightened look, Tang Ai had seen Song Yu in that state before but she had never once saw her losing control. The poison in Song Yu was starting to act up, nobody knew when the poison in her body will act up.

The only thing they could do was to create a vaccine to control it and the vaccine was not prepared that day. Tang Ai did not know what happened to trigger the poison in Song Yu nor did she know how serious was it, she was terrified at the idea of Song Yu dying.