Chapter 112: It's fine, Chen is my man

December 4. 20XX (Wednesday)

Various Places

In H City, Crescent View.

Song Yu's private vila, she was being carried and put down on a bed. She was drenched in sweat, her dress shirt was sticking to her skin. Song Yu had her brows furrowed as she kept saying in a scared and heartbroken tone. "Please...please let go...of me...I...." she kept murmuring.

"Yue.." Qiao Lin was extremely worried about her but she did not know what can she do to help her, she had never seen such a weak Song Yu before. Her face was as pale as a paper, when she touched her. Her body temperature was extremely cold, her eyes were tightly shut.

"Hang on, the doctors going to arrive soon." Qiao Lin hurriedly said before rushing out of the room.


Once Qiao Lin got of the room, Song Yu all of a sudden opened her eyes. She started to breathed heavily, as though unable to breath. She felt suffocated, she felt hot all over. Her head was hurting, she could not see clearly.

She knew the poison in her body has act up, and she knew better than anyone that it would be extremely dangerous for her. She needed to take the vaccine, or she was afraid she would lose control of herself.

She started to take her clothes out as she felt sticky and hot all over, she took the knife that was at her ankle and stabbed herself. Hiss...she groaned in pain.

The poison that was inside her body was also unknown to her, she only knew that when the poison acts up she would lose control either in killing someone unintentionally or felt the urge to do the deed.

There was even more serious case where she would feel like her body was crushed by something extremely heavy. She did not know when she got the poison in her body, she only knew she had it since she was small.

She did not anticipate the poison would act up, she only knew she could not eat some food as it would trigger the poison. Song Yu reminded herself that she would look into why would the poison in her body act up all of a sudden.

Having feeling an excruciating pain, Song Yu could not think straight. Her mind was in a chaos, she could neither see clearly nor try to get out of her bed. She needed to eat the vaccine as soon as possible.


"Mr Gu, something happened to Yue. She collapsed a while ago, she looked as though she is in a lot of pain. I..." Qiao Lin tried to explain but she could not speak properly, as she was to anxious and concerned.

Gu Chen who was on the other line did not speak, he remained silent as he listened to Qiao Lin speaking. "Miss Tang had already told me everything, outside of the gate." Gu Chen informed before hanging up.

"Boss, I have already contacted Mr Leng. He is on his way here..."

"Get the best doctor in H City here as soon as possible, waiting for Leng Yi to arrive would be too risky to wait." Gu Chen instructed before getting out of the elevator.

When Qiao Lin heard the sound of shoes clicking on the ground, Qiao Lin turned and looked towards the direction, when she looked over. She saw Gu Chen wearing a three piece navy blue suit, having his overcoat over his left arm as he walked towards her.

Seeing the capable and powerful Gu Chen, Qiao Lin relaxed a little knowing that he would not let anything happened to Song Yu. She hurriedly rushed towards Gu Chen and said in a helpless tone, "She is in the room right at the corner.." she gestured Gu Chen to Song Yu's room.

Before they reached the room, they heard a loud smashing sound coming out from the room. Gu Chen moved as fast as lightning as soon as he heard the sound. Having reached the door he quickly opened the door.

What he saw when he opened the door shocked him, before he went in. He hurriedly shut the door and said, "You both stay outside, do not enter the room. Tell me when the doctor arrives." He instructed before going into the room in a blink of an eye.


"Ahhh, it's killing me!" Song Yu whined in frustration as the pain do not go away, she felt that her vision is getting more and more blur. Her body felt weaker and weaker, as she continues to breathed heavily.

Gu Chen who was stunned standing infront of the door did not know what to do, when he entered the room. He saw a naked Song Yu who only had her undergarments on, he saw her sitting on the floor leaning against her bed.

Blood trickling down her right arm, "Song Yu Yue!" Gu Chen hurriedly rushed over and kneel down in between her legs, as he started to check what was wrong with her. When he felt her forehead, it was extremely hot. But when she felt her body, it was extremely cold.

The slightly dazed Song Yu got startled when she heard a familiar voice calling her name, in a barely conscious state she looked up as tears of helplessness started streaming down from her eyes. "You're finally here."

Gu Chen wiped away her tears, he looked at her in a heartbroken and tender gaze. He hurriedly carried her onto the bed as he sat beside her, "The doctor is arriving soon, everything is gonna be alright." He said in a tender tone as he have a kissed on her forehead. It felt like he wanted to kiss all of her pain away.

Song Yu lied weakly on the bed as she asked in a hoarse and weak tone, "Gu Chen, get me my phone."

Gu Chen furrowed his brows when he heard what she said, "Woman are you seeking death?"

Song Yu did not bother about his angry tone, "Vaccine...the vaccine is with Seth"

Gu Chen tried to piece out what she was trying to say, when he pieced everything out. He quickly got her phone to her, "Where is Tang Ai?"

"She..." 'Thud...Thud... "Mr Gu please open the door" Tang Ai who was right outside the room quickly knocked on the door.

Gu Chen ignored her as she continue to looked at Song Yu, worried and concerned. Song Yu smiled weakly as she gently caressed his cheek, "Go open the door.." she asked.

Gu Chen reluctantly let go of Song Yu an covered her up before walking towards the door and open for Tang Ai. The second the door was opened, Tang Ai rushed into the room in a frantic state.

She hurriedly rushed to Song Yu and took out a pill from a glass container, she took out the small pill that resembles a green pea and fed Song Yu. "Mr Gu, please leave and close the door. It is inappropriate for a man to be in here.." Tang Ai said in a final tone.

Gu Chen did not speak as he walked to the door and shut it, but he did not leave the room. He continued to look over Song Yu, leaving Tang Ai helpless. Seeing the concerned Tang Ai, Song Yu gently tapped her hand and assured her "It's fine, Chen is my man"

!!.. Gu Chen eyes widened as he felt the time around him stopped, 'My man' He grew happy as he smiled and stood beside Song Yu.

"Endure it for a little while, once I apply the ointment over you it would lessen the pain." Tang Ai was about to take Song Yu's remaining clothes off when Gu Chen stopped her.

"Miss Tang, you can pass me the ointment and leave the room. I'll handle the rest!" Gu Chen instructed before waiting for Tang Ai to leave the room.

"Mr Gu this is not the time to be...."

"Miss Tang, she is my wife. She is in pain please leave!" Gu Chen interrupt Tang Ai.