Chapter 121: We need to talk (3)

December 6, 20XX (Sunday)

Various Places

In Country Z,

It was in the evening, Wan Qi and few other socialites were hanging around the glorious mall. Wan Qi close friend, Ji min. The young miss of the Ji family, they could be said to be quiet affluent in the states.

"Brother Lu, where are you now?...didn't you said that you would come and picked me up..." Wan QI whined as she chided Lu Fan through the call.

The girls were in a well-known DY fashion, it is a famous brand among the socialites. Everyone would want to buy DY fashion products, from their bags to their clothings. Everything were unique and hard to get, just a shoe would cost a thousands.

People who wants to get DY fashion products, they have to be a member of their store. There is average and vip customers, and Ji min happened to have a silver membership card. The said owner of DY fashion is unknowned, it was rumored that the company was founded by the Wan's.

As many of the DY fashion stores are located in the Wan's property, hence it leads to many people to think that it was founded by the Wan's. Whenever Wan Qi came to DY fahsion, she would feel a sense of ownership.

"Qi Qi, when is your boyfriend going to reached?...we are almost done here?" Tang Li, the young miss of the Tang's asked Wan Qi in an impatient tone.

"When are you reaching, we are almost done here!" Wan Qi asked in an impatient tone, afraid that her friends had to wait for her.

Lu Fan on the other line could not be bothered by Wan Qi, he had been busy with the work in Lu Corp since his brother Lu Nan Cheng was back. He had been fighting for the CEO sit, Lu Fan needed to work extra hard to prevent himself from being overthroned.

Ever since the sudden news of Lu Nan Cheng able to get a partnership with Z.D.Y Corp, the elders at the Lu's old mansion had been thinking of whether to replaced Lu Fan. He felt irritated that Wan Qi could not understand him, "I am still busy, call a driver or something..." Lu Fan said in an irritated tone.

"I have already told them that you are going to picked us up, are trying to tell me to tell them that my boyfriend does not have time for his girlfriend?" Wan Qi said in an angered tone.

"Don't your friends have personal drivers, asked them to drive you back!" Lu Fan hung up in frustration.

'Du...Du..Du..' Wan Qi was about to argue but before she could, the sound of call ended could be heard. Seeing that Lu Fan hung up on her made her extremely angry, she did not know what to do then.

She looked at her friends and said, "Brother Lu says that he still have some matters to tend to so we have to call a driver..." Wan Qi said in a helpless tone.

"Don't your boyfriend have time for you, can't he even spare some time and accompany you?" Tang Li said in a puzzled tone.

"It seems your brother Lu, do not really love you.." Ji Min scoffed before going to the cashier to pay bill.

"He must be too busy.." Wan Qi said in a whisper.


In the plane towards Country Z,

Gu Chen was laying down in his private suite, he had his eyes closed and brows furrowed. His knuckles were clutched tightly, there was apparent veins popping out of his fist. Nobody knew what he was thinking, the air around him was negative degrees.

'Sorry' the word had been reappearing in his mind, again and again. He was furious at Song Yu's attitude, what he wants was not a sorry. All he wanted was the true Song Yu and not the always mysterious her, he did not know why but he just lost his composure a while ago.

All along he had been trying hard to get her heart, he felt that he had achieved is. But she still needed time before she could fully opened up to him, but after what he did. Gu Chen knew that everything was back to round one or even lower than that.

Ring....Ring.... the sound of ringtone interrupted his trained of thoughts, Gu Chen picked up the call before waiting for the other line to speak.

"Third, I got the test results." Leng Yi spoke in a worried tone.

Gu Chen who was lying down quickly sat up staright as he listened to what Leng Yi had to say.

"The result does not seems optimistic, I have did a few test on her to check whether is it poison in her body or not. After few test and tracing, I found out that the so called poison is a family hereditary cursed.

I wanted to find out more about the curse so I went to cheque on her family, but what I found out was even more shocking. Ms Song is not the daughter of Song Lie, this means that she does not have any connection with the Songs...."

"I know, she told me before. She is the daughter of Song Qi, the half brother of Song Lie. Or should i call him Song Lin?" Gu Chen said in a careless tone.

"Song LIn??..I heard of that name before, but that is not important right now. After i found out Ms Song is not off the Song's, I went to check on the Qi's. What I found out next will surely shocked you.." Leng Yi paused, making Gu Chen wait in suspense.

"She is not off the Qi's too... it seems her parentage is a mystery." Leng Yi said in an amused tone.

Gu Chen did not say anything but kept a stunned and upset looked, 'She lied' he thought.

"Do not check her parentage anymore, the illness you do not have to investigate either. I think she herself knew best...." Gu Chen said before hanging up, leaving Leng Yi confused about what he meant by his last sentence.
