Chapter 126: Married Woman(2)

December 7, 20XX (Monday)

Song Manor

Everyone was seated in the dining room, the atmosphere was silent and awkward. Nobody knew what to say, each of them were looking at each other hinting for them to speak. Song Yu did not bother about them but continue eating, she had agreed to come for the dinner was to see what other exciting things did the Song's planned.

She had decided that after her dinner, she would leave. Seeing that nobody talked, she too kept silence further annoying the others. "Ermm...." Song Yao cleared his throat all of a sudden, signalling Song Lie to speak.

Sensing what his father meant, he straightened his back and look at his daughter. "Xiao Yue, I am so happy that you came today. Daddy had been worrying about you, what have you been doing nowadays?" he asked in a concerned and sincere moment.

Song Yu who had been eating and not bothering about others looked up, her cold and indifferent expression made the people in the dining room uneasy. "Nothing much.." she answered in a cannot be bothered tone.

"Xiao Yue, since..."

"Grandfather, if you have anything you want to say..why not just cut to the chase." Song Yu interrupted Song Yao who was in the middle of his sentence.

Song Yao cleared his throat, "There is two things that I want to tell you, first is that Wan Qi's wedding will be held next Saturday and that I want you to be her bridesmaid..." Song Yao paused what he was saying, he looked intently at Song Yu to figure out what she was thinking. Seeing her not showing any expression, he continued what he was saying.

"Secondly, the annual meeting this year is canceled. One of the largest shareholder was met with a car accident. So you do not have to the company for the meeting.."

Song Yu who was eating heard what he was saying and raised an eyebrow in amusement, when she heard that he wanted her to be the bridesmaid. She felt that it was the greatest joke for the day, 'how did he get the cheek to asked her to be the bridesmaid of Wan Qi's wedding' Song Yu found it ridiculous.

When she heard the annual meeting was going to be canceled, she knew that it was the work of Song Yao and also her maternal grandfather Qi Ling Hu. Since of all the accidents why was it such a coincidence for one of the largest shareholder's to be met with a car accident. She found it interesting for her grandfather to worked so quickly, she did not think too much into it as she felt that it was also to her benefit.

Since she could not attend the meeting either way, Song Yu smile in a cunning way before raising her head to look at her grandfather. "Congratulations to grandfather then..and also if you are thinking of letting me be her can forget about it." she said in a firm and final tone, not allowing further discussion.

"You!" Song Yao roared at Song Yu, his eyes became red from the sudden surge of blood raising due to anger. Song Lie hurriedly stopped his dad from getting angry, "Father, Xiao Yue did not mean that. We could just find another bridesmaid for Wan Wan's wedding."

"Isn't there Wan Hui?" Song Yu suggested in a puzzled tone, since she did not get why did her grandfather asked her to be the bridesmaid of Wan Qi's wedding.

"Look how your daughter is talking to me, does she have me as her grandfather!" Song Yao scolded in anger.

"Father, Xiao Yue meant no harm...." Song Lie anxiously tried to stopped the argument.

Song Yu just shrugged her shoulder and gave a cannot be bothered look, "Look at this good daughter of yours, she do not comeback home and always stay outside. If you keep being lenient to her, she would sooner or later rebel!" Song Yao roared, he felt extremely angered by Song Yu.

He had been giving leeway, when Song Yu suddenly left the house and do not stay in the manor. He did not scold her, he had also not bothered with what she wanted to do. But nowadays he felt that this granddaughter of his was getting more and more out of hand, she did not listen to what he was saying and was always giving him a cold look.

"Grandpa Song, Xiao Yue did not mean it. she must be too tired from work, why not let her go and take a rest and we will talk about it tomorrow?" Shen Wen hurriedly stood up and defended Song Yu, afraid of the argument getting worsen.

"Yea, just let her go and rest and we will talked about it tomorrow." Lu Fan added in.

Song Yu kept silent, she did not pay attention to the two guys helping her. Both Wan Qi and Wan Hui furrowed their brows in anger, not liking the way how their man were helping Song Yu. "Elder Sister, you do not mean what you said right..just apologize to grandpa." Wan Qi added in.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Song Yao got angrier. "Look at Wan Qi, you should just learn from her."

"Ha, learning about? to become a fake granddaughter?" Song Yu smirked in disdain.

"Ah Lie, just look at her. What a daughter you have gotten, now that she is big I cannot control her already. She is starting to rebel!" Song Yao seethed in anger.

"Xiao Yue, why not you go and rest for the day...we will talk about it tomorrow." Song Lie hurriedly asked Song Yu to get into her room.

"Since grandfather is angry at me, I should not further anger him." Song Yu stood up and took her coat from her chair before continuing her sentence, "Father, I still have something to do. I shall make my leave now..." she finished her sentence before stepping away from her sit.

"Let me take you home." Shen Wen hurriedly asked Song Yu.

"That is not needed, my car is just outside." Song Yu replied in an indifferent tone before leaving with Lu Nan Cheng behind her.


Outside the car,

Song Yu walked towards her car and unlocked it before trying to get into it, but before she could get into her car. Lu Nan Cheng stopped her, "Is it alright for you to anger your grandfather?" he asked in a concern tone.

"What can he do, there is nothing he can do to me." Song Yu replied in a careless tone.

Lu Nan Cheng laughed at the reply, "True, but I really admire that careless attitude of yours."he praised.

"Save me the extras, just focus on your goal. Since you have accomplished you goal to come to the family dinner, I am sure you have already figure out your next action. Get onto your business, I want to go back home and rest now." Song Yu waved before getting into the car and left after.

Lu Nan Cheng who was left behind, smiled in a helpless tone. He did not know why but he felt a constant feeling of thinking of Song Yu and to get near her. He did not know what he was doing himself, all he could think was her. Lu Nan Cheng love the indifferent, cold and feisty attitude of her's.

Dangerous but attractive, that was how Lu Nan Cheng thought of her. He felt that Song Yu was like a rose with many thorns, if you are not careful you may injured yourself, yet you would want to get near to the alluring and dangerous rose who was sparkling with charm.