Chapter 127: Married Woman (3)

December 8, 20XX (Sunday)

Royal Mansion 4

It was around 1am when Song Yu reached home, she took out her keys and opened the door. The lights were out, it was dark, cold and quiet in the mansion. Song Yu who was a little tipsy due to drinking some liquor at the family dinner a while ago, she walked into the house and closed the door behind her.

Not bothering about anything else as she felt exhausted, she restlessly threw her car keys on the coffee table in the living room before walking to the kitchen to grab some water to sober up. as she could not be bothered to on the lights, she had a hard time finding her way to the kitchen.

Grunting, she went to switch on the lights for her to see. After finally pouring herself some water, she went up the stairs to rest in her room. On the way upstairs, there was a strange scent of man in her house. She did not know whether was it because she was drunk or was she overthinking, she felt the scent very familiar to her.

She shrugged her shoulders and continue walking up, finally when she reached her room. She threw her suit jacket on the bed and collapsed on the bed. She was about to fall asleep when she frightened by a sudden voice heard.

"Care to explain?" Gu Chen questioned in a stern tone, when he heard about Song Yu inviting Lu Nan Cheng over. He was furious, without any thought he had went straight to her house. Wanting to question her and also see what time she reached home, but after waiting for nearly 4 hours. he became even more furious than before, 'how dare she even have the guts to go back home these late with a man' he complained.

Song Yu who was tipsy and exhausted awhile ago, was quickly awake by the sudden visitor. She quickly sat up from the bed and saw the man sitting on the couch opposite her, since she could not see his face clearly.

Song Yu went to switch on the bedside lamp, "Mr Gu?....why are you here at this hour?" she asked in a confused and shocked tone.

Hearing how she called him, made his mood turned even more sour than it already was. "Care to explain?" he asked again.

Song Yu who was looking at Gu Chen in a cold and indifferent way, raised an eyebrow at him. "Explain what?" she asked in a puzzled and confused tone.

"Why are you home this late and why did you invite the eldest son of Lu over to your house family dinner?" Gu Chen replied, he had his arms and legs crossed. Giving off an authoritative vibe, which Song Yu hate the feeling of it.

She could sense that the man was angry and that trouble was coming her way, "You sent someone to spy on me?" Song Yu spoke in a slightly high tone.

"You are mine, it is only right for me to know where and what you are doing." Gu Chen replied in a domineering tone.

Song Yu who heard what he said scoffed and stood up, she walked towards Gu Chen without bothering to button up her dress shirt which had revealed quite a bit of her assets. When she reached the man, Song Yu bent over to Gu Chen.

Her face almost touching him, she looked at him in a sharp and annoyed way before she reached out and find Gu Chen phone. She reached into the man's right pocket before taking out the phone and unlocked it, Gu Chen did not react but just sat there and waited for what the woman was about to do.

Song Yu unlocked the phone after typing a few string of numbers before she went to Gu Chen's contact list. After finding the contact she wanted, she pressed and called the person. "Assistant Ye, you have half an hour to reach my house and get your boss out of my side. can forget your job." Song Yu yelled through the phone after the call was connected, before Ye Xun could reply she had already hung up the call. Leaving Ye Xun to anxiously picked up his car keys and run out of his home.


Song Yu threw the phone at Gu Chen before saying, "I am exhausted right now, all I want is a nap. We have already talked about the things between us and I do not want to go at it again, my things does not concern please leave after your assistant reach." Song Yu said in a final tone before walking away from him.

The temperature around the room got colder and colder, Gu Chen expression was one of those that was about to kill someone. He was hurt, very hurt by what she said but he did not show it. Gu Chen stood up and pulled Song Yu by the arm and pinned her against the wall beside him.

Song Yu groaned at the pained behind her head and arm, she glared fiercely at the man. "What more do you want?"

"You are mine, your body and your heart. You invited a man over to your family dinner and came back home this late, have you forgotten that you are a married woman?" Gu Chen said in a stern tone.

Song Yu who heard what he said, could not keep it in and laughed. She pressed her hand on his chest to keep a distance from him and said, "I really forgotten that I am married to a possessive and unreasonable man, why did I forget...since from the start of our relationship it had been decided by you." Song Yu shouted in grievance.

"Gu Chen Han, you know what. I am more tired of this ownership relationship than you!. This is not love, you just wants to owned me. So what if you understands me the most, are you not doing the same things as others?...hurting me." Tears started rolling down her eyes as she became even more angered.

Gu Chen was stunned by what she said, "I..." he was not able to say a single word, he did not know what to say or do.

"Enough, if ownership is what you want fine. I am all yours, if sex is what you want. Hurry on with it, once you are done leave!" Song Yu yelled before unbuttoning her dress shirt.

Gu Chen stopped Song Yu mid way, he looked at her in a conflicted way. "That's not what I want, you known that. I am just trying to keep you safe and understand you more, you...."

"You are trying to control me, everything. You have never tried to listen to what I said, or trust what I am doing." she refuted.

"Then have you tried to be in my shoes?....have you consider my feelings before, did you?" Gu Chen asked in a slightly high tone.

Song Yu did not know what to say, she could only stared blankly at Gu Chen. "It is still wrong for you to try and owned me, whatever happens..we can talked about it. But have you tried to talk to me about it, no. You have always take action before letting me find out!" Song Yu refuted, she pushed the man away from her as hard as she can.

"This has been going all these while, I do not want nor have the energy to continue this argument. I need....we need a break, to think...about us." Song Yu told Gu Chen before walking away from him.

Hearing what she said made his anger worsen, he felt his mind and body getting out of control. He hurled Song Yu over his shoulders and threw her on the bed, after he threw her on the bed. Gu Chen took out the belt around his waist and tied her arms on each sides of the bed frame.

"Gu Chen Han, don't touch me!" Song Yu shouted, she tried to kicked him but she could not as the man had pinned her legs beside him.

Gu Chen reached down and tried to kissed Song Yu but the woman turned her face to the other side, avoiding the kiss. "I want you and only you!" he said in a soft yet adoring tone before holding onto her chin and gave a strong and firm kissed on her lips.