Chapter 128: Don't overstep my boundaries!

December 8, 20XX (Tuesday)

Royal mansion 4

The sky was partly cloudy, it was as though it was going to rain anytime. There were many people walking and driving pass the streets, the warmth and peaceful atmosphere was nothing like that in a certain home.

It was around 7am, in Song Yu's home. The atmosphere outside and inside of the mansion were to different vibes, inside the house the temperature were as though it was in the Antarctica. In the kitchen, Aunt Huang was cooking some delicious western breakfast for Song Yu.

Everyday around this timing, she would always be in the kitchen cooking some breakfast for Song Yu. Aunt Huang who was cooking, felt it weird that the always early for work Song Yu was not down drinking tea and waiting for breakfast yet. She had wanted to go upstairs and wake her up but since she had yet to finish cooking the breakfast, she decided to wake her up after she was done.


In Song Yu's bedroom,

There was a strong scent of sex in the room, clothes were strewn on the floor. Two people were closely stick together, the room was dark as the curtains were blocking the sunlight from getting in the room.

Song Yu who had been tortured all night, was fast asleep as her hands were still tied behind her back. Her body was ridiculously covered by love bites, especially her neck and breast. There were even some in her inner tigh, bruises were everywhere around her body.

One look will make it seems like she had been raped, though by her man. Song Yu's brows were scrunched up tightly as her body was curled up into a ball, her body was still immobilized by a certain man who had his arms around her breast and tiny waist.

Both Song Yu an Gu Chen's body were intimately close, not a single gap was between them. Both of them was sleeping soundly when Song Yu's phone rang, waking up the two of them in the bed. Song Yu who was suddenly awake by the sound of her phone ringing, she whined and tried to get her phone.

Only to find that her hands were still tied up, her chocolate brown hair was blocking half of her face which hides her angered and furious look. Having remembered about what happened last night, she finally realized how painful she felt at her lower region and wrist.

She could swear that her certain part skin was torn, due to the roughness she experienced yesterday. Song Yu knew that Gu Chen would be angry at her but she did not expect the man to force it upon her, this made her extremely furious.

Song Yu held her breathe in as she tried to break free from the man behind her, to realize that a certain part was still in her. 'I swear I would break that thing of his and make him unable to use it forever!' she thought.

"Not tired?" Song Yu who was busy struggling, got shocked by the sudden voice. She was stunned frozen, her whole body tensed up upon remembering what happened last night. "You've done what you wanted, now get the fu*ck out of my sight." she cursed at Gu Chen.

Gu Chen did not moved but stayed in the same position, in fact tightened his grip around her. "Gu Chen, I did not expect you are this kind of man. Did you think having sex would solve the issue between us?" Song Yu said in a ridiculing tone.

"This is a punishment for you to remember who you are, if you cannot remember.....I will let your body remember it for you." Gu Chen replied in a cold tone.

Song Yu scoffed after hearing what the man had said, she felt angered and grieved. This was the first time she felt wronged, she felt that she did not deserve to be treated this way by the man. She felt disappointed at Gu Chen and at herself for still loving him after what he had done to her.

It was silent for a moment as none of them spoke, the sound of Song Yu's phone interrupted them again. Song Yu breathed in deeply before exhaling to calm herself down, "I do not want to argue with you now, so just untie me and get your thing out of me!" Song Yu said in a soft yet intimidating tone.

"You are not to leave without my permission...not until you know that you are wrong!" Gu Chen informed before carrying Song Yu up without pulling out from her, he walked her towards the couch and sat down with her straddling him.

"Gu Chen, do you know what you are doing now." Song Yu asked in a tired tone.

Gu Chen bent down and inhaled the alluring scent on her body, he bite her collarbone before raising his head to look at her. "I'm showing love to my wife"

"Please, we can talk about it. I promise I will sit down and we will have a nice talk, a civilize one. So just untie me and let me get dress, will you?" Song Yu begged as she given up on trying to get things right with Gu Chen.

Staring at her dark brown eyes, Gu Chen sense fear and disappointment in her eyes. He felt hurt, he raised his hand and tried to caressed her cheek but was dodge by Song Yu. With his hand mid air, he said "I am sorry for losing control, I..."

"This is not the first time and will not be the last time, I do not want to be with a beast!" Song Yu shouted as she glared at the man.

"Yu Yue, you know that I will not hurt you. I..."

"You are hurting me now, Gu Chen do you know you are hurting me now. Just look at what you are doing, tying me up and raping me to let me submit to you?" Song Yu looked at Gu Chen hurt apparent on her face.

"If this is the love you are showing me, then please I do not want it. I will never like a man who force it upon me and tries to strain me." Song Yu threatened.

Gu Chen kept silent, he realized what he had done. He had actually hurt the woman he truly loves, due to his anger and the way he tends to let people listen to him. He had unintentionally hurt her, and that made him greatly regret his action. He looked down and untied her hands, "I'm sor.."

"PAK!" A slapped was given across the godly handsome face of Gu Chen, Song Yu held onto his tigh and pull herself out of him before taking a blanket and covering herself up. She gave a slapped across the man's face and said, "Get out!" Song Yu demanded as she started walking towards the bathroom to be stopped by Gu Chen.

He held onto her right hand before saying, "Do you really not love me?" there was sadness and a tinge of hope in his tone.

Song Yu heart faltered when she heard him, she knew she loved the man. But she was having a conflicted mind, ever since they got together. They was always arguing about the same thing, Gu Chen being to controlling and that Song Yu being too selfish.

There are many things she could not tell him, as she was afraid of the man wanting to interfere in her business. She had a choice but she did not want to make the choice, she loved the man. She could not bear for him to leave her, hence she did not cut things cleanly between the both of them.

Song Yu knew that Gu Chen will never let her go, and that she had already known. She did not hate the idea of being bound to him but she needed space too. And that was also what Gu Chen cannot give her, the space that she wanted.

"If i am to be bound to you, I do not hate it. But don't overstep my boundaries!" Song Yu replied before pulling away from Gu Chen's grip.

"You are mine" Gu Chen declared.

Song Yu stopped in her tracks and turned around, staring straight at Gu Chen. "That does not gives you the rights to owned me!" she refuted.