Chapter 133: I promise

December 12, 20XX (Saturday)

Various Places

In Song Manor,

"Father, we should head to the wedding venue now" Song Lie stood up as he held Song Yao arm to support him to stand.

It was 5pm, the Wan's and Lu's had already been welcoming guest at Mount Hotel, Song Lie and Song Yao did not went with them as they still had some matters to discussed. "Have Xiao Yu answered your call?"

"No, I have already told Xiao Shen to fetch Xiao Yu to the venue." Song Lie did not know what to do, he did not know whether his daughter will attend Wan Qi's wedding. He had never forced Song Yu to accept her as her sister, as he knew it was an impossible tasked.

He had made a mistake and let down both his daughter and wife, there was nothing he could do to amend it. Wan Yu left him, and his daughter left home since then. Song Lie felt helpless, having Wan Qi was the worst mistake he had ever made but he could not do anything but accept her as his daughter.

But however hard he had tried, his father Song Yao and Song Yu still would not want to accept Wan Qi into the family. All he could ever hoped for was Song Yu attending Wan Qi's wedding, it was important to both the Wan's and Song's reputation.

"Let her be if she does not want to go, there is nothing we can do. You better keep her beside you and make sure she does not create any trouble if she attended the wedding, this is important to both of our family. I will not let anyone even Xiao Yu to messed up the wedding." Song Yao eyes flare as he warned Song Lie.


Royal mansion 4,

"Boss, the situation here is not looking good. Our men had been attacked by the blue dragon and the Huang's..." Sounds of gunshot can be heard, as jack hid at somewhere safe to notify Song Yu.

Leaning against her swivel chair, Song Yu took a deep breathe. She had made a mistake in letting the Huang's live after what they had done to Qiao Lin, she should have killed them when she had the chance. Indeed leaving your enemy alive is leaving a threat to kill you the next moment.

"Get the rest of our people to cease all fire, do not engage in any fight. Hide somewhere safe and wait for me to arrive, before that no one is to take action."

"Boss, you cannot come here. It is a trap, and here is too dangerous for you now. With Old man Qi watching you, it is better for you to not come or..."

"It is time to end this once and for all, I'm leaving....grandfather will not be able to do anything to me since I am returning to where I belong. Listen to me and let the rest of our people to stay safe, I will deploy some men over to assist you at the main headquarters." Song Yu hang up after saying her piece, angered by what had happened she could only blamed herself for being too weak and left a threat.

Typing a few string of numbers, Song Yu spoke after the call got through. "I've warned you about the huang's, since you are not going to do anything to them. I am going to help you, from this day on. The huang's will not be controlling the military anymore!" Song Yu threatened.

"What are you saying Song Yu?" Qi Ling Hu yelled through the phone, this was the first time he had experience Song Yu yelling at him in such a tone.

"What am I saying?" Song Yu said the same things Qi Ling Hu asked, before continuing she scoffed "I do not care whatever reasons you are going to give me, this time round I am doing it my way no more discussions." Hanging up the call, Song Yu hurriedly asked Tang Ai to book a flight for her.