Chapter 134: No turning back (1)

December 13, 20XX (Monday)

Gu Corporation

In the evening, Han Ye and Gu Chen was sitting on the couch drinking some wine. The atmosphere did not felt right as the air in the office room was quite stuffy, it made Han Ye hard to breath. "Brother, I think you should let....."

"Enough!" Gu Chen shut Han Ye last few sentences, making him unable to continue. The pressure was even heavier than, as Han Ye was trying to persuade him to let go of Song Yu who he had been continuously coveting.

"You know she is no simple woman, and you're just trying to play with fire. Even you are unable to find out the full information of her, do you think it is safe to be with her?" Han Ye did not want to hold it in anymore and blurted everything he felt in his heart, that he should spill out.

'Pang' A glass cup was seen being crushed by the one and only Gu Chen, leaving bright red blood trickling down on his hand. Han Ye was terrified at the scene, no matter how he had always tried to test Gu Chen's bottom line. He will never use force against him, let alone show any violent act.

Having scene such a cold blooded Gu Chen, made Han Ye realized that he had truly forgotten who his brother was. Not daring to say another word, he sat there stunned, the only sound that could be heard was the heavy breathing from both men.

One minute, two minute, three minute, an hour gone. There was still no sound made, until Gu Chen suddenly stood up. "Whether is she dangerous or not, she is now my wife. Your sister-in-law, without my consent. No one can break us apart, not even her. Until I says so, she will always be mine!" with that, he walked out of the office with a loud slammed of the door, leaving the frightened Han Ye behind.

It was a terrible experience for Han Ye, since it had been a very long time since he could see such a expression or even emotion from his elder brother. Not after the certain incident, several years ago.


In Country Z airport,

It was 8pm at night, there were still many people in the airport. But the most eye-catching one was the few black burly man who were seen walking side by side protecting a certain brownish haired woman in the middle.

People were staring at the scene, thinking which celebrities it was. But no matter how they look at it, they were unable to identify the woman who was as dazzling as the stars that night. The woman was none other than Song Yu, who was seen wearing a battle outfit. With a style in black, she looked cold and aloof.

The many man that was accompanying her that night, was actually some of her most trusted man who are her death guards. Those that are willing to die for her, it was none other than the first group in the SHADOWS.

They were heading towards the private jet that was arranged by Tang Ai, who did not know what her boss was up to. Since she was only in charge of Song Yu's work matters, for personal matters it was usually handled by Jack.


Song Yu who had just reached her jet, stopped in her tracks as she saw a all too familiar figure standing by the stairs waiting for her. She smile gently before walking up to the figure and give her a tight and warm hug. "Lin, why are you here?"

Qiao Lin who felt her bestfriends hug, could not help but cry. The feelings she had been holding in, were gushing out like a rainfall. Qiao Lin had been feeling fear and pain, seeing that her friend was leaving yet again. Whenever that happened it was always never a good thing, the one time she went afar she almost killed herself coming back.

"You're leaving again?" she asked in a hoarse tone.

Hearing Qiao Lin's question, she could only give a bitter smile before replying in a helpless tone. "Yeah, there's some things i need to take care of."

Pulling back, Qiao Lin gaze deeply into the cold and emotionless eyes of Song Yu. She did not know when but the shine in her bestfriends eyes were long gone, she can never predict or understand what she was thinking. "How long this time round?"

"I'm not sure, maybe a few years after things are settled down."

"Why can't they just leave you alone, you have already give in so much...why can't they..."

"There are many why in the world, it really does not matter to me whether they let me rest or not. Just be safe while i'm away, I have already placed some guards to follow you. As usual help me to cover-up everything here." she requested in a decisive tone.

Before Qiao Lin could asked any further, Song Yu was being asked to get on board. "Be safe, Lin" After saying her piece, she got into the jet without looking back at Qiao Lin. Not knowing she would regret her actions later on.


At crescent view,

Gu Chen had just taken a shower and got out, when he heard his phone rang with a special ring tone he put for a certain someone. Picking up the call, "Hey"

On the other end, Song Yu was holding back on the tears that were uncontrollably falling down her beautiful face. "Chen" she tried very hard to force out his name.

"Did something happen?" Gu Chen who felt something was wrong, he secretly asked Ye Xun to look into it.

"You remember what I told you?"

Gu Chen did not know why but he felt his heartbeat quickened and his breathing became chaotic. "Song Yu Yue, what do you mean. You know in this lifetime, you will always be mine." he said in an extremely low tone, all while rushing out of his vila.

"Sorry, I...I...don't wait for me. It is best that you forget about me, I will...."

"Woman!, I dare you to say that again!" Gu Chen slammed hard on the car door after he got in, before he cursed at the phone..

"You know the consequences of defying me, I'll chase you down no matter where you are at. When I catch you, I'll make you wish that you are dead than alive!" he threatened.

"You hear me?!" Gu Chen roared before rushing to the airport where he got the notification from Ye Xun, saying that Song Yu was trying to flee away.

"Hate me, I don't deserve you. Gu Chen Han, I love you" Song Yu's voiced cracked at the last sentence before unwillingly hanging up. She knows that she could not continue to dawdle with her relationship with Gu Chen. The longer she hesitate, the more hurt the both of them will get.

"Baby, please...please don't leave me..hmmm?" Gu Chen begged, but what he heard from the other line was a beep tone. Earning a loud bang from Gu Chen, who had just crashed his phone. 'You better pray that I won't be able to find you, or else I will lock you away from the world!"