Chapter 135: No turning back (2)

September 18, 20XX (Saturday)

4 years has past since then, many things had changed ever since Song Yu's absence. Gu Chen who failed to capture Song Yu, had become the most successful man in the world. Bringing Gu's Corporation to an even new height, being the number one most profitable company in the whole of Asia.

He had also changed drastically since then, having no expression or any form of emotions. He closed of from his family and friends, all along trying to pave himself a way to become untouchable. While he was going up. the Song's were not doing as well. Gu Chen had been suppressing the Song's, to vent his anger out for Song Yu leaving him.

The partnership he had with Z.D.Y Corp which was the shackles of love jewelry series, were also put to a halt forcefully by none other than Gu Chen himself. All these movements and restraining actions, did not go into vain. It was just Song Yu was not able to comeback, in fact she was in a bad situation.


Evan's household in the United States,

There were three people in the study room, Edward Evan, Louise Evan and K Evan. Louise Evan who was the head of the family, was sitting in the middle while the other two, was sitting at the couch at the side facing opposite each other.

"My ancestor, you are already 27. 4 years have already past, I have let you go and manage your own company ever since you were young. It is time for you to comeback and help with the family business."

Kelsey who careless about what the two men in the family was about to say, she was stunned upon hearing her dad's words. Furrowing her brows, she stood up. "I've already comeback like you asked me to, what more do you want from me!" she hissed at him, angrily.

"Your grandfather, James Evan is coming back. You know what he will want from you my daughter" Louise gently coaxed his feisty daughter, who listens to no one.

Kelsey who was about to refute, was stopped by her brother. "Dad, Noah and I am handling the company well. Kelly (1) has her dreams and career to work for, until then let's just take things at it is." Edward tried to calm the two stubborn head in the family was having a hard time to breath.

Kelsey did not wait for Louise Evan to continue further, she gave a weak smile, "I've already comeback as you wished, and had stayed in the country for 4 years like you requested. This is the most I can do, don't force me into a corner." she warned before silently leaving the room with a cold heart, leaving the two man with a heavy heart.


In paris,

Qiao Lin who was preparing for a fashion show in Paris, was currently standing by the large window in the small studio apartment, she was on a call. "Yue, are you force to attend the banquet by the Evan's family for the return on the legendary James Evan?." She had been having frequent calls with Song Yu ever since she left for the states, for a year she was not able to contact her. She had always been wanting to ask what happened that year, but she decided not to. Afraid it was something, she should not know.

Song Yu who was just in a middle of a conference was halting the meeting midway to answer Qiao Lin's call, "For just an hour" she replied with a helpless tone, with her airy bangs which she now had covering her thin and defined brows. She had on a different type of allure, especially when she had her head down.

Her long lashes and pointy nose were extremely attractive, with every word she said though the call. Her sexy kissable lips were making the man in the meeting room drool, those thoughts were not known by an ignorant beauty.

With what the seemingly small promised made by Song Yu, Qiao Lin would never have guessed, how many things Song Yu would need to pull and do to cover up her tracks that she was in Paris. She had been keeping an extremely low profile to avoid many eyes to be on her, as she did not want aroused certain suspicion.

But after 4 years of keeping low, she felt that it was fine now that she show her face. It had been like that throughout the years, be it meetings in Z.D.Y Corp in Country S or Z, her business in London. All these were being covered up by her man, with utmost security as she was under a level 5 restraint by the government and a certain high official respectively due to various reasons.


In Moon Corp,

After ending the call with Qiao Lin, Song Yu returned back to listening to the conference. She had on a solemn expression, though she held absolute power in Moon Corp. She was still under constant pressure, by the board of directors due to her business venture in Country Z.

Ever since she flew back from Country Z, her business in the country was halted. Many things could not be done, making her lose millions of dollars, as Emperor Corp had forcefully stopped their dealings with Z.D.Y Corp. Song Yu lost quite a lot of money, making the directors unhappy of their presidents doing.

But still she had the absolute control, she made the final decision. The directors are all her loyal subjects, who had been with her throughout the start of her business. They followed her because of her precision and talent, giving them the trust and respect they felt towards her.

The now 27 years old woman, was more mature and calm than before. Her face were as though they did not change throughout the years, her slightly matured look was more seductive than 4 years ago when she was 23 years old. Her defined thin brows which looks as though it was crafted by god and her pointy nose, adding on to her red lips. Everything about her exude a indistinct charm, that all the man there were mesmerized on.

Her eyes which used to be brown was now amber, ever since she passed 25 years old. Her eyes since then had been in amber, it was a hereditary gene passed down by her family. Looking at her calm and composed expression, the board of directors than was actually sweating buckets of sweat. The more calm and composed she was, the more they know that her gear was constantly changing in her mind.

"President Song, we strongly feel that you need to pull out the investments in Z.D.Y Corporation." One of the directors spoke up their ideas.

Song Yu had plans to go back to Country Z to settle her issues with Emperor Corp, as her situation has slightly quietened down. So she was able to move freely but there was still some restrictions, many people still has their eyes on her.

Hearing the director request, she did not have much of an expression. Song Yu had her chin rested on her right fist while her legs were crossed. "Are you doubting my judgement?"

"No, we strongly believe in you!" Everyone said in unison, all were having cold sweats.

"Jack, distribute the data collated regarding Z.D.Y Corp" with that, Jack immediately gave out a black folder. Inside there was different charts and mind maps, stating the different business that was happening near the business district.

"Without me having to remind you the power Z.D.Y Corp has in Country S, you all should know that the company is not small. They moved their headquarters to Country Z, for many reasons which we don't know." She paused while waiting for the directors to absorb the information given in the file.

"With their establishment of Genesis, which is now one of the top most popular malls. having it near Z.D.Y Corp has already started increasing their yearly profits. I believe, this year their profits will increased by at least 10% the least."

Song Yu looked at the directors faces, which were now in a state of shock. They did not know that Z.D.Y Corp was of Song Yu's company, as she liked to be discreet. "Besides the investments with Z.D.Y Corp, what about the Charles Group." Another director with a white hair spoke up.

Song Yu was about to reply when her phone rang, she raised a hand to signal the meeting was adjourned before leaving the meeting room.

"...." All board of directors

(1) Kelly is a nickname Edward has for Kelsey his sister.