Chapter 138: No turning back (5)

September 22, 20XX (Wednesday)

"The first thing I would like to announce is that, my eldest granddaughter that is currently not here, she will be having complete control of her life. Whatever she wants to do from here on out, I will support her. If anyone in the family dare to go against it, it will be going against me. If my granddaughter who is currently not in the States, if she can hear me now. I would like to apologize for not being able to take care of you till now, grandpa realized his mistake and hope you can forgive me." James Evans eyes reddened as he looked into the crowd, his heart felt very heavy.

"And if anyone who were to go against my wishes, I will cease all inheritance and send it to the charity. The company will also be controlled by someone reliable." What James Evans said, made everyone in the banquet hall stunned speechless. They did not just hear from the founder of Evans Group that he was willing to give a billions of dollars conglomerate to a stranger that is not of Evans.

Edward Evans and Kristy Evans had on a dark expression, they did not expect their grandfather James Evans to be this reckless in supporting his granddaughter. While on the other hand, Louise Evans had relieved in his eyes. James Evans breathed in a deep breath before continuing "I hope everyone here will not try to or do something as reckless as finding out who is the heiress of Evans. Due to some internal matters, I hope that no ones tries to find out who Kelsey Evans is. If some journalist or corporate dares to use my granddaughter to create some beef, I will make sure that certain person or company will cease to exist."

"Without further ado, I hope everyone enjoys their time here today. This old me will not bother with you young people, now please excuse me." James informed before walking back to his seat.


Everyone started mixing around, trying to network. While Song Yu was being cornered by many men and women around her table, Qiao Lin on the other hand was talking to Edward Evans. They both had known each other when Qiao Lin was in London visiting Song Yu, they bummed into each other in a pub.

After that, they did not know when or how they became close. Whenever Qiao Lin came to London either for a shoot or to visit Song Yu, she will ultimately go and find Edward.

Around a corner a certain man had been staring at Song Yu's table, his eyes boring holes into her head. All along looking at her small movements, trying to ignore the peasants that were surrounding her.

"Ms Song, I have been wanting to speak to you. I have heard a lot of your strategic investments and I hope my advertising company can..."

"Mr Gill, please submit a proposal to my company. I am sure my HR will surely recognize your work, if they are good." Song Yu politely declined the ones that tried to ask her for investments, by using the normal procedure.

The other people laughed at how the man was rejected, "Ms Song, you're really the leader of us women. I am..."

Looking at the time, Song Yu decided that she needed to leave. If not too many attention would be on her which would not be any good, "Thanks for the support, but please excuse me." Without waiting for the others to stopped her, she quickly flee towards the Evans.

She had on a heavy look, walking towards the table. She gently hugged the old man that was standing, "Grandpa Evans, it had been long since I saw you." Pulling away from the hugged, she passed a small rectangle box that was in red color, tied with a golden ribbon.

"Look who's here, I hope you enjoyed yourself today." James smiled ever so gently, while patting her shoulder, "This is a small gift for you, feel free to open it up later." Song Yu passed the box to James Evans, all while looking into the now old man face.

It had been a very long time since she saw James Evans, since she was closed to Edward Evans and Noah Evans. She would often goes to the Evans household, in the past she would often catch a glimpse of him. And after sometime, the old man always asked her to play some chess with him and sometimes he will also guide her in some strategic business.

"Oh look at you, you didn't have to. Come by and visit me often...Song Song are you okay!?" James Evans hurriedly grabbed hold of the wobbly Song Yu, who looked deathly pale then. "It's nothing, I just need some rest." she hurriedly tried to explained, so as the old man would not worry.

"I'll go back and rest first, take care." Song Yu brushed off James Evans before trying to walk quickly to the entrance of the hall, where her driver was waiting for her. But before she could take another step, Noah Evans stopped her. Noah who was younger, he had a chocolate brown hair and bright brown eyes. His slightly pale, like a prince from a fairytale. Grabbing onto Song Yu, "Grandpa, I'll send Ariela home." he informed him before supporting Song Yu to leave to hall.

All along a certain man had already came forth and was following behind them.


Outside the entrance of the hotel, Noah and Song Yu stood by the drive through area to wait for Song Yu's car to arrive. "Thanks Noah, you can go back in now. I will be fine by myself, this is just an old illness of mine." brushing him off, Song Yu tried to stand straight.

"Is this because of the inci..."

"So this is where you have been hiding all along, hmm...Song Yu Yue." A certain man who seems to have lost his composure, stride to Song Yu and roughly yanked her towards the pillar beside them. Pinning her, he glared. "What do you think you are doing, Daniel Wilson!" Noah seethed seeing how roughly the man had treated Song Yu, grabbing her behind him. He gave a murderous glare towards the man, "BACK OFF!, or.."

"Daniel??" Song Yu who was lost in her thoughts, could not register then man infront of her, The man she had been yearning but did not want to see, the man who she had deeply hurt. It was none other than Gu Chen, "W...Wh..What are you doing here?" trying to register what was happening, she tried to asked the black faced man.

"What. Do. You. Think, hmm?" He enunciated each work clearly, while glaring at Noah who was hiding Song Yu behind his back.

Song Yu felt her eyes getting blurred, her hands felt cold and and was sweating cold sweat. Feeling this, she starts to panic, afraid she would faint any moment. "Do you know him, A?"

"Its.. there's nothing between us." She replied before giving a guilty look.

Noah who noticed her cold hands and deathly pale face, he knew her sickness relapse. Supporting her so that she was leaning on him, he looked at Gu Chen indifferently. "Daniel, I know you're friends with my brother. But that does not mean I will let this pass, if you continue.."

"She's my wife!, I have every rights to bring her home with me!" He went over and was about to grabbed Song Yu went the woman moved backwards, getting deeper into Noah's embrace.

While Noah had on a shocked expression, looking back and forth at Song Yu and Gu Chen. He certainly could feel the awkward atmosphere, he wants to interrogate her but knowing she was not well he held back.

"That still does not gives you the right to take her away, please respect her choice and also respect yourself!" Seeing the car had arrived, he hurriedly support Song Yu helping her into the car.

"Noah Evans who do you think you are, you better back off before I..."

"I am her b...."

"Noah!" Song Yu shouted, "Let's go" She tugged Noah Evans towards her before entering the car, but before that she looked at the now Daniel who she knew as Gu Chen. "I'll explain to you in the future, but it's over between us. I've already signed the divorced agreement, I will ask my secretary to sent it to you."

"It is over when I says so!" Gu Chen roughly kicked the pillar hard, seeing the car leaving. 'After all these years, you have been hooking up with man Huh. Song. Yu. Yue!' he shouted in his mind