Chapter 139: No turning back (6)

September 23, 20XX (Thursday)

KJ Hospital

"How is she?" Noah Evans who was looking very haggard, asked the head doctor about Song Yu's condition.

"I have told you many times, her condition is unstable. Her sickness may relapse anytime, she did not rest properly and eat her meals regularly. However good of a doctor I am, she will not fully recover if she does not listen to the doctor." Mr John the head doctor that was tending to Song Yu, lamented Noah.

Noah had a conflicted expression, he had no words to explain the current condition of Song Yu's. All he can do was trying to listen to the doctor and plan on dealing with Song Yu after, "I understand, I will make sure she takes care of her own body."

"This time round she is just suffering from anemia, if you don't want her to collapse like last time. It is better for her to comeback frequently, twice a month to do a full body checkup. I'm not saying her condition would worsen, but it is to prevent any accident from happening. Since she had a miscarriage before, adding onto her PTSD. She is really not in the condition to perform long duration activities, make sure she eats regularly." Mr John shook his head before walking towards the door, "Before I forget, her period is going to come soon. It is best if you keep an eye on her, she may suffer from intense pain even worse than usual." he informed before walking out of the VIP room.

Leaving Noah Evans in a nasty mood, he felt guilty that he did not take care of her properly. Since he known her for as long as he could remember, he felt responsible of what became of her. He also felt even more hatred towards the man that got her pregnant and made her miscarriage, leading to all these illnesses that follow-up.

Song Yu had to visit the psychiatrist regularly, mostly twice per month. She had been suffering from insomnia and stress, sometimes she would hid in a corner hugging herself. She would uncontrollably tremble and cry for a very long time till she falls asleep, the constant guilt of losing her unborn child and the constant reminder of how selfish she was. She could not take the impact, everything was too sudden and too heavy of a burden to her.

Noah Evans looking at the fragile woman on the bed, did not know what to do but to stay by her. He had been trying to find out the man who made her like this, but however he tried to find, he could not. He knew Song Yu had done somethings, that made him unable to find the man.


Country Z, Lu Manor

The Lu's Manor, was not that extravagant as the Song's and Wan's. But they were still luxurious, everything had a beige and white fill. In the Manor, Wan Qi and Lu Fan stayed at the second floor, while the other Lu's stayed at the third floor.

Lu Nan Cheng who was the eldest son of Lu's, he also stayed at the second floor. It was just that he seldom came back to the house, since he dislike everyone present. Since it was 3 am in the morning, everyone was asleep, under than the active couple.

A man and woman were both entangled together on the bed, Lu Fan was thrusting hard into the laying on four Wan Qi. "Qi Qi, listen to me and quit spending so much!" Lu Fan tried to coax the lustful Wan Qi to not spend a lot, since the Lu's was not doing very well.

His dad had been telling him about how Wan Qi was spending, and was even reprimanding him of not being able to take care of his own wife. They even had a son already but Lu Fan was still incapable of controlling his wife, "Ah Fan, do you not love me anymore? What is wrong with spending a little money, it is not like we cannot afford." Wan Qi felt aggrieved, hitting his chest. She act coquettishly, "You shrewd woman, besides spending money. What else are you good at, even our son you are also incapable to taking care!" Lu Fan harshly pushed Wan Qi away, standing up. He quickly wore his pants and walked out of the room with a bang.

Leaving Wan Qi in a angered state, she had on a murderous look. If it was not for wanting to compete with Song Yu over a man, she would not have marry into the Lu's who was declining and certainly would not be with Lu Fan. If she wanted, she would have go for the much more charming Lu Nan Cheng, who was not very capable.

'It's all because of you, Song Yu!"
