Chapter 140: No turning back (7)

September 24, 20XX (Friday)

Moon Corp

The whole building of Moon Corp, stood at 30 levels high. Everything had a black and white fill, looking majestic and huge, it was a dream place for all analyst or business genius. Since this company itself, gives abundance opportunities and connection in the whole of Europe and that it has a lot of employee's benefits.

Moon Corp is a very competitive environment, it pulls out the potentials of people. Everyone there were all hired by Song Yu, either when they were at their lowest or when they needed help. Song Yu gave them a helping hand and gave them the opportunity to use their talent.

While also promising them a certain extent of freedom and privacy, but once they broke her rules. Hell will befall upon them, however good the benefits was. The consequences would be equally bad, though they were Song Yu's trusted allies. It did not mean she would completely trust them, and she was not a saint so there was a performance quota to hit. A boss would not want to have incompetent employees and certainly not want to lose money.

For Song Yu, she needed to take a lot of risk. Since she was an investment company, they invest in many areas. One wrong move, it could harm her reputation or lose millions of dollars. Since every corporation they were talking about range from a few millions to billions.

Song Yu office was in the top most floor of the company, the top floor was slightly different from every other floors. There's only a high tech room for meetings, a secretarial area, Song Yu's office which was at the far corner of the room and an secret room only Song Yu knew.

Song Yu has a few secretary, Jack was the head. There were about 5 of them, three females and two males. Naming, Jack, Tom, Luna, Kerry and Hani. Tang Ai who tends to Song Yu's work in Z.D.Y Corp, remained there to help out Damon upon Song Yu's command.

Tom was Song Yu's bodyguard/secretary, mainly ensuring her safety wherever she was going and setting up everything so that she was safe at all times. Be it what she drinks or eats, her appointed meeting location, the path she was going to take. Everything was carefully discussed with Tom's team of people to ensure she was safe at all times and that no one was following her.

To be expected, Song Yu's trusted Tom and his team of security team is of SHADOWS. Nobody knew their identity, not even the underworld so it was safe. If it was not safe, she did not have a choice to use them to. Since the eyes around her was keeping a close eyes on her movements, and the enemies lurking outside still had not been caught yet.

There was also a reason for her to stay in London, since it was her territory. She was very safe there, SHADOWS also resides there, so she had nothing to worry about but still it was still better to be safe than sorry.

"Is everything ready?" Song Yu asked Jack without raising her head from the documents.

"Yes, but...Boss" Jack tried to get Song Yu's attention as there was something very pressing.

Song Yu slightly furrowed her brows at her secretary stuttering before raising her head, "What?"

"Your Hus...Mr Gu..his currently downstairs with a dozens of bodyguards with him, asking to seek an audience from you." Not knowing what to expect, Jack knew it was a taboo to talk about the man.

Messaging her temples, her fingers tapped on the table in a helpless way in hopes to ease her anxiousness. "Keep a close eyes on the tabloids, make sure to block out any news regarding him and me. Report to me as soon as possible if there are any movements from him or them"

Nodding Jack silently noted down on his tablet and patiently wait for Song Yu's next instructions, "Boss, you know if you really don't want to see him...I will go and inform the team to..."

"It's fine, what's going to come will eventually come. Invite him up" Standing up, she went to get some wine from the small bar by her office. Wanting to calm down from the sudden visit of the man, she does not want to see.

Before Jack was about to leave to escort Gu Chen up, Song Yu asked him to get the divorce agreement over.


In her office,

Song Yu sat on the three seater couch opposite of Gu Chen, in the middle there was a black coffee table. Jack was standing by the side, ensuring that Song Yu was safe. He had also notified his team to be ready if Gu Chen deciding to use force.

Looking at her then, Gu Chen felt anger and frustration. He had thought a lot throughout the years, he knew he did a lot of mean things to her whenever he loses control. But he still could not forget the betrayal he felt from her, the pain and disappointment from her leaving him.

But looking at the contract that was on the table, Gu Chen could not help clenching his fist tight. "Leave us" with just a simple word, Ye Xun and Jack were stood rootless on the ground. The chill that came was something they could not stand, "I think it's better for me to..."

"It's fine, Jack" she assured Jack, before asking him to leave with Ye Xun.

"You heard her!" Ye Xun reminded before dragging Jack out.

"Its been long, you've seem to had become bolder. Hmm?" Gu Chen asked after hearing the door closed shut, he had his legs crossed and both his hand were restlessly spread on the couch. He looks like a ruthless king, sitting there with his emotionless eyes.

It made Song Yu flinch, not that she showed any signs of fear. "And you seem to have became more like a rogue you were before." refuting him with an equally sharp sentence.

Earning a low but cold chuckle from the man, "You have a lot to explain to me. don't you?"

"I don't think there's any, not that I remember" while saying so, she reached for the divorce agreement but before she could even touch the edge of the paper. She was hoisted up by Gu Chen, and before she knew it. She was already sitting on his lap straddling him, with both her arms held by him.

"..." why does it seem all too familiar, Song Yu felt displease thinking about it.

Since it was not the first and certainly would not be the last, she had already learned and gave up on struggling since it would still be of no use. Pulling back and looking straight into those dark orbs, she frowned "After all these years, are you still planning to use force against me?"

Slightly stunned from the calm and composed expression of Song Yu, Gu Chen slightly loosened his gripped on her wrist. "So what if I did, you are mine. My wife, my woman!" He harshly bit on her lips which earned a yelp from Song Yu.

Scoffing, Song Yu's face grew colder by the minute as her heart became more indifferent. "Still the same, nothing has change. Right, Mr Gu?" seeing that she could see a slight reaction from him, she smirked.

"You're just like the others, wanting to possess me. You have not change even a tiny bit, you are still using force against me!" She did not want to cry, but seeing the man she had been yearning to seek comfort from, seeing the man she had loved and seeing the man she had left. She felt grieved. why would even he treat her like that.

"I.." Gu Chen did not know what to do, the anger and disappointment he felt were all gone into the thin air. Seeing the tears streaming down her alluring face, Gu Chen could not help but reach out to wipe the tears away from her cheeks.

"Baby, I'm sorry." He apologized, even before he realized he did. Maybe it was the word he had been wanting to tell her, maybe it was because he felt he mistreated her. He blamed himself deep down that he broke the promise he made to her.

Hearing his words, made her cry even more. With the same familiar scent and touch, song Yu hugged the man closer to her, snuggling her face between his neck and shoulder. While muffling out words of grievance, "Why do you keep forcing me with everything, everyone wants to force me into their bidding. Everyone wants my head, my heart, my are also one of them! Why can't you people just leave me ALONE!" she yelled, whining and scratching Gu Chen's back.

"Shh" Gu Chen gently used his right hand to message her nape and the other was moving his hands up and down her back to soothe her down. "I didn't mean to leave you, everything is not what I wanted. Why can't you understand me!" "Urgh!" Song Yu bit onto Gu Chen's shoulder, as hard as she could even after blood starts to drip out.