Chapter 141: No Turning back (8)

September 24, 20XX (Friday)

Moon Corp,

After a very long time, the sky starts to turn dark and rain starts to fall upon London since it was autumn. Did Song Yu calmed down, the surrounding in the office were quiet with only the breathing sound could be heard, no one spoke. Both were lost in their thoughts, however strong and stubborn Song Yu was. She still had to admit that, she was all too used to having the comfort of a certain man by her side. She had to admit it, but her body had practically grown accustomed to it.

The gentle touch of his, his every so adoring tone, doting eyes, soothing comfort or the constant support he gave her. All these were foreign yet familiar at the same time for her, even if she did not admit it. Her body had long betrayed her, every part of her body had gotten used to the touch and warmth of his that she feel extremely devoid of any discomfort around him.

Gu Chen did not said a word throughout the whole ordeal as he only silently comforted her, till she calmed down. He had a lot in mind, he blamed himself for not paying more attention to little details of her. Why must he always be this overbearing and insensitive, or impulsive.

Song Yu composed herself as she got of his lap, seating back to her seat where she was across Gu Chen. She crossed her leg, with a business like manner. She had on a calm and composed look as if anything would not be able to disrupt her plans, or move her decision.

"Sign the divorce agreement, I can take it as nothing has happened between us. Let bygones be bygones, in addition." Song Yu went to her table and got a black folder out, placing it on the coffee table, "I will give you all rights to Shackles of Love jewelry series and an additional 100 million will be given to you, for all the things you've done as far." looking at the still emotionless Gu Chen, Song Yu could not decipher what was going through the head of his, she felt slightly afraid at the indifferent him.

"You can contact me with this number.." She informed as she pass a platinum coated name card to the man across her, "And of course, you can request for any altercation of the agreement."

With arms and legs crossed, Gu Chen laid back on the coach. He looked deeply into the woman's eyes, angered beyond words. Scoffing, he straightened up. "Song Yu, have you forgotten what I warned you before, hmm?" with a threatening tone, he dared her to defy him.

Song Yu's demeanor did not change, she was still composed. But her expression gave away, she looked at him with a faraway look. "Gu Chen Han, there's no turning back between us. It is best if you leave me and find som..Ah!"

"Don't test my patience, woman!" Gu Chen grabbed onto Song Yu's chin roughly as he leaned towards her with the coffee table in between them, stopping her from speaking. "Maybe I have been too indulgent to you, that you have forgotten who I am?" He looked at her as if he wants to strangle her to death.

"Let me go, it will best for both of us." Every action from the man, made Song Yu's heart broke into pieces, she knew he will not give up so easily. But what choice does she have, everything had just settled down. She cannot messed up right at the juncture, if not everything she had sacrificed for will be in vain.

"Song Yu Yue, I am giving you one final chance. Comeback to me or bear the consequences!" Gu Chen released her as he spoke, but his murderous gaze were as overwhelming as before.

Shuddering, Song Yu quivered. "No" she took a lot of effort to say out a word, as simple as a 'No'

Song Yu's body shook involuntarily as she heard the cold laugh from Gu Chen, the same laugh before he forced her into his bidding. Gu Chen remained composed as he typed a strings of number before....

"Look below." Gu Chen stood up and walked to the wall to ceiling window, his gaze were deep and profound. He did not look mad or anything. He was extremely calm to the point, Song Yu could not help but shudder.

"What are you trying to do!" Song Yu seethed as she pointed a cold and heavy thing at Gu Chen, "Now, you would not want to point a gun at your husband. Right?" While saying so, Gu Chen had already knocked the gun out of her hand with lightning speed as he swiftly pinned her against the glass window back facing him.

Whispering against her ear, "I've warned you the moment you leave me, the freedom I promised you will be nulled. Either you be a good girl and stay by me and be your Mrs Gu, or I will forcefully bring you back to my side by force!" "Let go of me!" Song Yu yelled as she felt Gu Chen biting on her neck, as though punishing her for disobeying him.

Releasing her, he went back to his sit. Took out two envelopes and one folder from his suit jacket, he placed it on the table. "Sit and read" without much of a choice Song Yu sat back and read the two envelopes on the table.


"Pictures of your deeds when you were in Country S a while back, your company in Country Z that you painstakingly wants to set a foothold in locally, your special identity in the underworld, our marriage, all these you wouldn't want it to be publicized in the tabloids tomorrow right?" Gu Chen threatened as he showed her the pictures in the envelope of every little things she did throughout the few years missing or even way back.

With shaky hands, she glared at Gu Chen. "You're stooping so low as to trapping me?" with that she angrily threw the stacks of paper on the man, "You're just the same as them, I hate you!" folding her arms, she turned her face to the other side not wanting to look at him.

"My love, you know I only meant well." he softened his tone, knowing what he was doing was way overboard.

"You won't be able to do anything, so long as I am here" since she was in London, she was not worry.

"Not if I am a Wilson.." Smirking, he went to sit beside her, carrying her up. So that she was sitting on his lap side ways, "Baby, you know I don't want to use force. Just be good and behave, I promise all this will not happen." Gently caressing her cheeks, he resigned to her. He knew he was not able to fully exert full control over her, "Believe me or not, anyone could betray you but me. Your husband."

Song Yu felt confused and angry at the overbearing man, but she did not know what to do. She had left him so that she would not drag him down, but he kept pushing forward not wanting to back off one bit. Hugging the man, she nuzzled close to his neck and said against his skin "Being close to me will only..."

"That is for me to decide, what you need to do is to accept me and be by my side." He gaze seriously at her, not batting an eyelid.

"Stop being a coward, and step up. The Song Yu I know, will never go down without a fight. I am stronger than you thought" Kissing her on the lips, he pressed on.

"Coming back or not?" as though begging her, he sucked on her collarbone.