Adetya vs Asura

I forgot to tell this. We are not just ordinary soldier. We are called Adetya by the Natives of this world. Even though we never meet them in the eyes and they only sent their Android to communicate with us.

Our job is to defend their home from an undead creatures down there. Prevent to not let them destroy the place that create the transparent wall.

We have ten Adetya including me. Ten of us against like hundreds of undead creatures likes human. That's not a big deal though. Because one of us atleast can kill for like fifty of them.

If you're an ace in the squad like the one in mine. He even can slay for like two hundred of them just with his sword.

We are falling to the ground pretty much fast. We even directly plunge with our head downward for faster move.

I can sense their attention pointing at us.

They are what we called a monster. Their form just like an ordinary human with two hands and foots and head. But what make them different is their skin, power and awareness.

Their skin is though enough that a gun made by human earth would do nothing to them. Their strength is measured by five adult men, the native said. Their awareness, is the one that made them called undead. Can't feel hurt or everything that hit them. But that doesn't meand they can't be killed or hard to kill.

Actually, they are just a pawn in this battle. We just need to kill them like ordinary human. Shot them with this world gun in the chest will make them die. Slash them to two they surely gone.

I can't say that's quite easy. In fact, they pretty hard to skill. It's just the weapon and equipment the native create just really strong.

With our armor suit equipped, the amount of our strength is measured by ten men. That made this battle is a hundred Adetya versus hundreds of undead.

"Let's kill them all!!"

The commander scream before he pointing his gun to the ground. Shooting at every undead he aim with a railgun.

Just before we made to the ground nine of us except the ace do the same like commander. Kill for like dozen of them in the sky.

Just really before we made to the ground, the ace made a move with his sword above his head, then when he make a undead his bearing falls, he swang his sword and stomping it to the ground. Made a falling wave that vibrate and destroy his surroinding.

For me, I'm doing the same when I fell. Make a undead my bearing falls then shot it head right after I fell. On next move I fastly pointing at another undead that run to me.

I'm in high ground. But made it to my position is easy for the undead.

In armor suit, my sense and pace pretty much increasing.

Right after I shot one, I change my aim to another. Repeat that cycle if the monster is far away. When one of them can run closer to me, I throw my gun at my back and changing weapon to sword that I put at my waist.

After I kill one with sword, I would like to change to gun again. But at this time there are like three of them run to me fastly. Changing weapon at this time is quite bad idea.

So I directing my shield on left hand and wait for their coming.

One of them come and lift up it full-of-claw right hand. It right hand swing quite strong.

I move back one feet and let him scratching my shield strong enough and made it carry down. I did that on purpose so his head is free from hit. I lift up my sword and swang it to first undead head.

In next instant I push the first undead body. The second undead know it coming and getting rid of his partner's body with his right hand, letting it fall down. Fastly I move while he doing that and swang my sword tilted horizontally.

The second undead head split in two and die.

The third come with a jump. His two feet and hands manage to hanging in my body. Then he use his mouth full of prickly teeth to bite my helmet.

I quite struggling but can manage throw off it to the floor.

Not giving a rest time he fastly control his move then jump again to me. Againts it move I pointing my sword backhanded. Lift up to my head, move forward a bit, then quickly stab undead body and drop it on the floor.

On next move I let go my sword. Move forward a bit, clanching my fist, then with strong enough punch undead head and make it head shattered.

Actually, I quite didn't like close combat. So when it come to this I have to go all out if I want to make it out.

"Hey, partner what's your status?"

A voice come from transmeter is talking to me. That's come from Six that I can't see where he is.

"I'm quite troubled here. How about you?"

"Well, you see. I always landed on very top of the ground so I can see the situation"

"And fact that you contact me at this time was because..."

I stopped talking to see to in front of this building. Right after I stopped talk Six continue.

"Yup, exactly. We have stronger guests here"

A big castle that have same size as this place is appearing.

When we landed just a moment ago that place is not there. Well actually, before it that place is filling up by very high and thick fog. In fact that the fog is gone and show scenery of a looking-nice castle.

"For all my squad. If you see a view of a castle that just appeared. Don't try to let your guard down. We still have a plenty of job here"

A voice of commander giving a demand to his squad coming from helmet transmeter.

With that as a command I ignored the castle from now and focus at every enemy that come from any direction.

I transfer my sword to left hand and holding the railgun back in the right hand. Shot every enemy in a distant and slash every enemy that getting closer.

It takes for like an hour or two to finish the job. We finish to finish off the enemy with just a little wound. For me, I once can't focused somehow and let an undead scratch my right arm.

After killing every undead we gather up at the very top of the building. How we get there? With armor suit on our body, jump to a ten meter height is not a very big deal.

"Ok, soldier! Report your current situation!"

The commander pointing at every squad and looking at their current body situation.

Everyone giving a report of their little wound and looking just fine.

"I just happen got a bite on my right shoulder"

Six giving a report and showing a wound on his right shoulder. The commander see that as not really big deal and even give him a little tease.

"Well, with your armor suit on you, you don't need a kiss from your gf do you?"

"Wha! Of course, not! It's not a big deal!"

The squad happened to have a funny moment on briefing. Thanks to Six everyone can have a little refreshion.

"Well, how about you two?"

The commander pointing at me and the ace that I didn't realize he have been beside me since then.

At a moment no one answer the question. But when I decide to talk. We talked at the same time.

"I'm pretty mudh okay"

"I can go on"

I can go on!? That was the ace said.

Everyone seems quite surprised at his words. The very one is surprised is the commander.

"What do you mean, Ace? Our job is done here"

At commander next question, the ace pointing at castle that is bigger than the building we step on.

Everyone was fixated on the ace response. But the one who is breaking the moment is Six. With a quite scared tone he talk.

"Did you want to face the thing on that castle? Are you crazy? We ordinary soldiers are only ordered to eradicate the undead! Even though you want to face that thing, you can't because you're not an Ace in Combat!"

The ace is not talking but only stare at Six on his helmet. Even though Six feels discriminated by his glare.

"If you are not then I will go by myself"

The ace talked like that and step away from the group. But he can't just go like that easily.

"Stop right there, soldier! You are not going anywhere!"

The ace stopped his feet at commander order. However, he looks like won't hear the second order.

"Only because we are just ordinary soldier, that doesn't mean we are weak!"

The ace talked while encouraging. I didn't very much know him. That's because he quite never talk about himself. It made me judge his attitude as arrogant.

But at this time, he talked just like ordinary ace. Stand and battling in very front of the battle-field, and when we exhausted and want just go home after this, he made us uplifting our spirit.

"What's special with a monster in there? Just because he have his own castle and army? Look at us, we easily wiped out his army and only get minor damage"

Everyone on the group look at their body and realize what the ace was talking about. I can feel their spirit is liven up by his words.

"Just because I'm not an Ace in Combat so I can't beat his head up?! But our Ace in Combat only with themself they can beat them?! Don'e make me laugh. I'm the ace in this group. So if I have my group that thing barely not a big deal for us!"

He clanched his fist with so much spirit on it. Only with that act he make the squad feels want to continue the battle.

When we get outside the wall we won't get communication with the main headquarters. So the main decision is in the hands of the commander.

Everyone in the squad looking at the commander. Waiting for his response.

"Once I said. If we have come out of the wall that means we are ready to die. So that means no one can reject everyone's wishes. Am I right?"

"But man!"

Right after commander words, Six shows his rejection.

"What, spoiled man, are you scared?"

"What! No! It's just I want quickly go home!"

"Hahaha, as always, huh"

With Six rejectcion, the commander knows he is scared. But at this time he wasn't as hard as usual. However he act gently like a leader.

He walk to a quite scared Six of his approaching. Pat Six shoulder and talk.

"I don't know how much we can get by killing the boss. But, it's the boss you know. Of course they will give us a really big prizes, right"

The commander convincing Six just like that, and Six well affected by his words.

"Akhh okay-okay, alright! But when we see that is imposible to beat the boss we have to go back, understood!"

"As you wish, spoiled guy"