The irritating young lady

" Who are you?" Li Yu calmed down a bit, and he asked while maintaining caution.

" Well, I was just passing by. I was hungry and wanted to eat something, when I noticed that you were roasting the Blue Horned Bull's meat. Hey, you won't be able to finish eating the meat, why don't you give me some to eat?" The young lady evaded Li Yu's question and asked.

Li Yu frowned a bit. He didn't mind sharing his food with others as long as he had some food to spare. However, he felt uncomfortable in the presence of the young lady in front of him. She was very strong, at least way stronger than him, so Li Yu always felt as if a sharp sword was pressing down on his throat when he was in her presence. Clearly, he was a bit traumatized after meeting the strong cultivator who had killed his little brother.

But it seemed as if the young lady in front of him did not have any malicious intention towards him. Even if she had, he wouldn't be able to do anything about it, so he nodded his head, letting the lady eat with him.

The young lady produced a chair out of thin air, and sat near the fire, next to Li Yu. Li Yu noticed her movements, and cursed himself for being an idiot. He also had a spatial ring, but he didn't bring a chair with him, and had to sit on some leaves and grass. However, as sitting on a chair would hinder him from roasting properly, and it would also result in others knowing about him being in a possession of a spatial ring, attracting malicious intents formed from greed, he tossed the thought of stuffing one of his spatial rings with furniture out of his mind.

At least, he couldn't act like the young lady, showing off his wealth when he did not have the strength to prevent it from being looted. Thankfully, he had already taken out the spices and salt which he had brought with him. Hence he wouldn't need to expose his spatial ring in front the young lady.

" So, why were you looking sad some time ago?" the young lady asked, her eyes full of curiosity.

Li Yu acted like he didn't hear her ask something, and continued on with his roasting with a serious look on his face. However, he was a bit annoyed internally, having the melancholic atmosphere destroyed by the young lady.

" Hey, answer me!" the young lady shifted her chair a bit, coming closer to Li Yu with an increased curiosity.

' Well, I am still sad, but it is because an annoying woman like you is giving me a headache.' Li Yu cursed in his heart, his expression still the same on the surface, roasting the meat from the Blue Horned Bull with a serious look on his face, as if what he was doing was a very important task. Of course, roasting the meat was an important task for Li Yu, as it was his first time tasting the monstrous beast.

" Oh, come on. Don't hide your problem from me. It may turn out that I may be able to help you." the young lady said, her eyes burning with curiosity. Clearly, it seemed as if she was very interested in poking her beautiful nose in other's matters.

' There is only one way you can help me, just die and give the message of my well being to my little brother in the underworld.' Li Yu cursed again, his lips twitching slightly from irritation. He quickly adjusted his face to look very serious as he was roasting the Blue Horned Bull's meat.

However, the young lady clearly noticed his expression, and asked in a slightly overcast tone " You were cursing me in your mind, weren't you?"

" No, no, no, big sister, I was just thinking about how to explain my sorrowful tale to you." Li Yu quickly made a pitiful expression on his face as he said that, while thinking ' It seems that this lady is cursed often, to be so sensitive to curses. Well, given her liking to the gossips, it isn't surprising that she is cursed often.'

" Is what you are saying true?" the young lady asked suspiciously.

" Definitely" Li Yu nodded his head vigorously.

" Then say everything on your mind to me." the young lady asked, her curiosity rekindled.

Li Yu spoke, while trying to look forlorn, " Well, it all starts when I first fell in love. I loved a girl, who was also the most beautiful girl in my village. After many years of pursuit, the girl also fell in love with me. Unfortunately, the girl I loved was very talented, and so she was taken away by an old granny to be her disciple. She was very sad at the parting, and she said to me that she will wait for me to become strong and take her away from the unreasonable and rude granny. Hence, I started cultivating with the help of an old grandpa who was passing by my village, with my aim being to slap the old granny a few times and to marry the girl I love. I just remembered about her while I was roasting, as she liked the taste of my cooking very much."

Li Yu was almost moved to tears hearing his own fake story. ' Haii! What a touching story! I hope the irritating lady likes my story.' He stealthily glanced at the young lady. He saw that the young lady had her head lowered, appearing to be deep in thought.

He coughed a bit, and asked "Big sister, I beg you to help me think of a solution to my problem. I can't live without my lover anymore." Li Yu begged, while thinking ' Humph! Just keep thinking the solution to my imaginary problem.' Clearly, he hoped the young lady would have a bigger headache by his 'problem' than he had due to her questions.

However, he was doomed to have his hopes shattered, as the young lady said, " Well, the problem is indeed very troublesome. However, I have a solution." She appeared very proud as she said that.

Now it was Li Yu's turn to be curious, as he said, " Please tell me."

" It is very simple, we just have to make the girl forget about you." the young lady announced her solution proudly.

Li Yu had black lines appearing on his forehead, as he said " What kind of solution is that?"

The young lady replied " It is the best solution. Just imagine, a beautiful and talented lady loving a mediocre youth, don't you think that it matches the saying ' flower stuck in the cow dung'? It's best for the young girl to forget about you, for her own happiness."

Even though he had just made up some random story, he couldn't help getting angry at the young lady, as he asked with a raised voice " What about MY happiness?"

" What does your happiness have to do with me? I just said that I will help you find the solution for your problem. I didn't say that the solution will make you happy." the young lady replied nonchalantly.

Li Yu was struck speechless after hearing the young lady. He suddenly realised that he should just ignore her and not entangle on this issue. He again focused on the meat that was roasting on the fire, adding spices and salt. He just wished for the meat to get roasted quickly. However, as the meat was from a monstrous beast, it would take a lot of time.

" Little brother, while my solution is slightly difficult for you to accept, as the saying goes ' truth is always bitter'. You are just a frog, why do you lust after swan? Isn't it better to just let her go and be happy? What can you give her? She will definitely meet her prince charming..." the young lady 'kindly' advised Li Yu while waiting for the food.

Li Yu continued to roast the meat for about one hour while hearing the 'advice' from the young lady. After cutting the roasted meat into slices, he gave some to the young lady and started eating the rest.

The young lady finally stopped speaking, and started eating. Even though she took small bites, she finished eating at the same time as Li Yu.

Li Yu was clearly satisfied with the meat's taste. After he finished eating, he smilingly said "Big sister, thank you for advice. As a token of appreciation, please take the rest of the roasted meat with you." While he was smiling on the outside, he cursed internally ' I clearly can't put the whole thing in my spatial ring while this lady is looking. I can only blame my bad luck for meeting her.'

The young lady just smiled while washing her hands with the water she conjured with a small spell. She stood up from the chair, put the chair inside her spatial ring, turned around, and left, while saying with her back turned " Little brother, if you didn't have a spatial ring, why would you bother roasting the whole thing? Don't think yourself as the only intelligent person, and don't treat others as idiot."

Li Yu rolled his eyes, he definitely didn't take the young lady as an idiot. He already knew that she would see through his fake story. However, as she didn't have any malicious intent towards him, she just teased him by giving the 'advice' which no one would listen. In fact, if she meant to harm him, then even saying the truth won't make her change her mind. After Li Yu watched her silhouette disappear, he quickly put the rest of the roasted meat in his spatial ring, and left.

Many more days passed by as Li Yu continued with his journey. He did a rough calculation, and determined that he would need about two more days to get out of the Southern Dark Forest. During these days, he came across many different monstrous beasts. He killed a few, and fled from the rest. Fortunately, he didn't meet with any other cultivators on his way. As he was resting under a tree at midnight, he heard a voice in his head.

*Beep*[ Congratulations for UserM78 to gain your first CGP, the exchange system is opened. You can visit the 'Exchange Centre' on your main menu now, where you can exchange your unwanted items for the CGP, whereas you can exchange your CGP for anything that your current access rights allow]

Li Yu was greatly excited, as he wanted to exchange all the artifacts, spatial rings and the cultivation technique he got from manager Ma. Except for the token he got from manager Ma and the dead expert's gifts, which he kept inside his own spatial ring, he didn't want to keep anything that would relate him to manager Ma and his group.