Exchange Centre

Li Yu quickly went to the main menu, where other than the [Chat Room 649], a new section [Exchange Centre] was present along with the number of CGP he had, which amounted to one. Upon entering the [Exchange Centre], he found out that there were four other sub sections. The sub sections were- [Techniques], [Artifacts], and [Pills].

He quickly went to the [Techniques] sub section, and was greeted with an extremely long list of cultivation techniques and skill techniques. He gave the list a rough glance, and realised that cultivation techniques were slightly more costly compared to skill techniques at a same level, and the general value for both the cultivation techniques and skill techniques were-

Cultivation techniques-

Low grade Human tier needed around 10CGP.

Mid grade Human tier needed around 20CGP.

High grade Human tier needed around 30CGP.

Peak grade Human tier needed around 40CGP.

Low grade Earth tier needed around 100CGP.

Mid grade Earth tier needed around 200CGP.

High grade Earth tier needed around 300CGP.

Peak grade Earth tier needed around 400CGP.

Skill techniques-

Low grade Human tier needed around 8CGP.

Mid grade Human tier needed around 16CGP.

High grade Human tier needed around 24CGP.

Peak grade Human tier needed around 32CGP.

Low grade Earth tier needed around 80CGP.

Mid grade Earth tier needed around 160CGP.

High grade Earth tier needed around 240CGP.

Peak grade Earth tier needed around 320CGP.

Li Yu realised that his current access rights only allowed him to exchange CGP till the peak grade Earth tier at maximum. He guessed that the same may be true for artifacts. However, he soon noticed that particular cultivation techniques or skill techniques had higher cost compared to those at the same level.

For example, when he searched for the next part of his current cultivation technique named Lesser Five Elements Circulation Part-II, which was under the category of peak grade Earth tier cultivation techniques, it cost 600CGP which was very costly compared to the normal peak grade Earth tier cultivation techniques.

Clearly, some cultivation techniques and skill techniques had better effects compared to others at the same level, hence they were more costly. However, there was no bias within the cultivation techniques and skill techniques based on their focus on cultivation, that is, techniques for energy cultivation, body cultivation and soul cultivation were similar in value at the same tier.

Next, he went to the [Artifacts] sub section, and roughly reading the list of artifacts, he concluded the general value for the artifacts-


Low grade Human tier needed around 2CGP.

Mid grade Human tier needed around 4CGP.

High grade Human tier needed around 6CGP.

Peak grade Human tier needed around 8CGP.

Low grade Earth tier needed around 20CGP.

Mid grade Earth tier needed around 40CGP.

High grade Earth tier needed around 60CGP.

Peak grade Earth tier needed around 80CGP.

As was the case for the techniques, some artifacts also were more expensive compared to the other artifacts at the same level, for example spiritual rings. Also, Li Yu noticed that there were some artifacts that only came in a set. The value of such sets of artifacts was also very high. He also came to understand that the artifacts were also divided into three main types- spiritual artifacts, essence artifacts, and soul artifacts, which were usable by spiritual cultivators, body cultivators and soul cultivators respectively.

Next, Li Yu went to the [Pills] sub section, and similarly giving the list of available pills a rough glance, he concluded the general value of the pills-


A maximum number of ten Tier 1 pills and a minimum number of one Tier 1 pill could be exchanged for 1CGP.

One Tier 2 pill could be exchanged for around 2 to 5CGP.

One Tier 3 pill could be exchanged for around 6 to 10CGP.

One Tier 4 pill could be exchanged for around 11 to 15CGP.

Clearly, pills were cheaper compared to the techniques and artifacts. However, pills were consumed in large numbers for cultivation purposes, so they took away a large portion of a cultivator's wealth. However, Li Yu quickly noticed that some special pills were extremely expensive. For example, the pills he was searching for, that would upgrade his spiritual roots, were many times more expensive than their corresponding tier. There were also pills that could enhance the body type and soul type.

Li Yu slowly compared the pills that would enhance his spiritual roots, and decided on exchanging the following five pills as soon as he had enough CGP- Fire Root Changing Pill, Wood Root Changing Pill, Water Root Changing Pill, Metal Root Changing Pill, and Earth Root Changing Pill.

Each of the pill was a peak grade Tier 2 pill, but the price of each pill was 10 CGP. As Li Yu read the description of the pills, he realised that for enhancing the spiritual root to mid grade Mortal tier, he would need to consume one pill. Similarly, he would need to consume four pills to enhance his spiritual root to high grade Mortal tier from the mid grade Mortal tier, and need to consume ten pills to enhance his spiritual root to peak grade Mortal tier from the high grade Mortal tier.

In total, 150 CGP would be needed for Li Yu to upgrade his spiritual roots from low grade Mortal tier to peak grade Mortal tier for only one type of spiritual root, and he would need a total of 750 CGP to upgrade all his spiritual roots to peak grade Mortal tier. The pills wouldn't increase the grade of spiritual roots after they reach peak grade Mortal tier, and Li Yu would need to use other more expensive pills within the list to enhance his spiritual roots above the peak grade Mortal tier.

After going through the lists, Li Yu decided to sell the five spatial rings and four artifacts he got from manager Ma, along with the cultivation technique. He would keep the sword artifact that he was using with him for protection till he reached the sect, and sell it after he got a new artifact.

Li Yu said in his mind " Genie, I want to sell the artifacts and the cultivation technique." A black vortex appeared in front of him, and he chucked the spatial rings which also contained the artifacts and cultivation technique within the vortex.

Li Yu checked the amount of CGP he had, which now amounted up to 45, and realised that he got more points from spatial rings. He then remembered the doubt he had when he checked the sub sections, and he asked "Genie, why can't I exchange monstrous beast cores, medicinal plants etc?"

Genie replied "GFCCG exchange service is only available for finished products. You are advised to exchange the materials like beast cores and medicinal plants with the users."

Li Yu thought for a bit, and entered the chat room for asking his second doubt he got when he read the description of the pills he had selected to enhance his spiritual roots.

UserM78-' Ummm, I checked the pills that can enhance my spiritual roots, and realised that they were very expensive. I got the idea to increase only a single spiritual root, and practice the cultivation technique containing only a single attribute. That way, I can reduce the cost of pills and practice better cultivation technique than I am currently practicing. But, I am not sure whether to do so or not. Can anyone please tell me what to do about my current situation?'