The Process of Wish Granting

'Uhhh what the fuck...? Did I actually die by getting hit by a truck--Wait! If it was a truck and I'm still thinking, doesn't that mean I'm about to be reincarnated!?' before I could continue with my mental process, a booming voice spoke out.

"I don't know who this Truck-kun you keep thinking of is, but I assure you, that isn't why I picked you," his booming voice came from every direction and to be honest I couldn't pinpoint where he was but I did hear a slight murmur, "...Who's this Truck-kun and why do people keep trying to get it to reincarnate them?..."

I timidly looked around the dark space and barely got my voice together to ask a question, "Uhhh...Hey. You wouldn't happen to be God by any chance, would you?" my voice sounded a bit shaky and the way I spoke oozed with disbelief at the situation.

'Maybe I'm hallucinating? I guess that is a probable thing when you get hit by a truck and go into shock...right?' his earlier joy had faded and his skepticism crept in and started to take away from his belief that fan-fics and novels could be correct, 'Well, skepticism aside, I really hope I'm not making this up in my head...'

I felt a shiver go through my body, or whatever I was right now, and I couldn't help but urgently look around waiting for the voice's answer to my earlier question. I didn't have to wait long.

"I am A God, yes. But I'm not The God all you humans keep praying to," the booming voice took on a more jovial tone as it started laughing. The boisterous laughing seemed like it would pop my eardrums but it abruptly stopped before anything like that happened, "Anyway, onto why I've brought you here..." the voice's tone switched back to seriousness and I couldn't help but get excited.

'Am I about to be told that I'm the chosen, a dragon among men, that I'm the only hope for a certain magical world full of beautiful, well-endowed women who will fall for me!?!' my excitement went through the roof but before it could reach the skies, the voice spoke again.

"I'm bored."

"I'm the chosen on-- Eh?" my face, if I still had one, was deadpan as I looked at the white figure materializing in front of me, my excitement at my larger-than-life responsibilities being ruthlessly torn apart by two words. I looked at the figure and realized it had turned into a rather androgynous person that was both beautiful and handsome, depending on what gender you were.

So I, as a man, saw this androgynous person as rather beautiful but that beauty was ruined by the booming voice still coming from their mouth, "I'm bored and I picked you from the recently deceased souls. You had some interesting stuff in your head so I wanted to see what would happen if I granted you a few wishes you've been keeping in the darkest parts of your mind."

I couldn't be sure but I thought I saw the slightest bit of teasing on their face when they mentioned my secrets and I couldn't help but feel my face become hot, 'Goddamn...they know some pretty embarrassing shit about me then, don't they...?'

My embarrassment didn't last long, however, as I finally got my brain working and realized what they said, "Wait a minute! Did you just say you'd grant me a few wishes!?" my earlier excitement came back in full force as I rushed up the God in front of me.

When closer, I could make out the God's features I bit more clearly. Blonde hair which reached their shoulders, luscious locks that looked exactly how you'd expect waterfalls of gold to look like. The God's blue eyes were deep, like, very deep. I could feel myself losing myself in them but not in a romantic way, more like 'I'm an inferior ant looking into a T-rex's eyes and it could kill me easily' kind of way.

The God wasn't too tall, only about 5'8" and as I saw before, it's features and build were truly androgynous.

Seeing my excitement, the God had a weird sparkle in their eyes before answering, "Yes, but it must follow my guidelines - So no omnipotent powers that would make you a God, okay~?" for some reason, the God seemed to relax immeasurably and started to act like some kind of teasing older sibling.

But that didn't matter to me and I rapidly nodded my head, pleading the God to carry on speaking with my eyes.

The God saw my eyes and shook their head with mirth in their eyes before carrying on, "Okay, calm down, let us sit first," the God waved their hand and two chairs and a coffee table appeared next to them. I did as I was told and quickly sat down on the surprisingly comfortable chair.

When I sat, I finally realized that I hadn't looked at my body yet. So I looked down and saw my body was made of a slightly translucent white energy, 'Figures...So this is what a Soul looks like, huh?'

I didn't panic as I looked at myself. I didn't do what so many others would do mainly because what was the point? Sure, I could scream and cry, or even have a mini-tantrum at the God in front of me but, again, what was the point? I was about to get wishes granted to me by a God - Possibly even a Devil, who knew - and one of those wishes could be to be reborn. Well, that's only if that's not part of the deal already, which is pretty unlikely.

"Hmm, you seem oddly calm about the fact that you don't have a body...Why is that?" the God seemed curious as it wasn't the first time it had seen a person look at their body and see their soul.

I went on to explain my reasoning and the God let out a jovial laugh why covering their mouth. It was only after a while that it stopped laughing and even then its eyes were still full of laughter, "You truly are interesting...I wonder if my Sister Fate had anything to do with my picking you?" the God looked at me with a discerning eye before slapping themselves on the forehead, "Ah! Nevermind that, let us discuss your wishes!"

My body, or should I say soul, started to heat up in excitement as I started to unconsciously jitter my leg up and down. I looked at the God, all my focus locked onto that androgynous face.

"The guideline I have is that you pick a world - Any world, whether it be from fiction or even one of the presets I can provide to you," the God took a few breathes, letting me absorb the information I was hearing.

Before long they carried on again, "Then depending on that world, you will get to pick a power, maybe even a few powers. Then you will pick your appearance, your family background and even the time you will be born if you pick to be reborn into a world of fiction," the God looked into my eyes before question me, "Do you understand what my guidelines are?" seeing me nod, the God had a slight smile on their face, "Good, now where do you wish to be reborn?"

This question sent me into a spiral of thought, 'Where do I want to go? Hmm, somewhere with plenty of beautiful girls and an interesting power system...Don't exactly want to go to any Dark Worlds where everything sucks ass like in Berserk...Wait, I've got it!'

"I wish to be reborn in the My Hero Academia world! If you require any info on it, just look in my memories!" I beamed a smile while thinking about the fun I'm going to have in that world. The God looked at me and shook her head at my helping hand, she obviously searched for all the information she needed as soon as I spoke the name, maybe even when I thought of it.

"Your power, or should I say Quirk?" the smirk from the God had me wondering if they were maybe a fan of the show or something but I dismissed the idea when I thought about it.

'A God wouldn't watch anime like that, right?' my thoughts quickly moved away from joking as I seriously thought about what Quirk I'd want, 'If anything, I want One For All but I can't take away Deku/All Might's power, right? So, I guess I'll have to make up a Quirk similar to it...' I continued to think for a while, leaning back into the chair and looking at the dark abyss above before it finally came to me.

"So, I know it's a bit of a big ask, but can I have two Quirks?" I looked with hopeful eyes at the God in front of me. Hearing my request, the God went into a pondering of their own. But it took considerably less for them to think up an answer to my question than it took me for theirs.

"Yes, but if they're too powerful I'll have to put some restrictions on them. That sounds fair, right?" I could only nod as it really was a fair trade-off, "Then what are these Quirks you want?"

I took a deep breath, even if I didn't need to, before I spoke, "The first Quirk I would like is called [Bodily Booster], Its power is that it makes the bodily systems grow at an advanced and unnatural pace, becoming stronger and better as I grow older and my body matures. Oh, and I can speed it up by working out, the only trade-off being that it takes some really intense training to improve myself once I hit a certain limit. All in all, it would allow me to go past the Human limits with enough training and time." I cautiously looked the God in the eye, wondering what they thought about my power.

But it seems my cautiousness was unneeded as the God was smirking at me, "And I guess your second Quirk is something similar to One For All, right?" this caused a nervous laugh to escape my mouth as I scratched the back of my head.

"Was it that easy to see through my plan, God-sama?" despite my nervousness, the fact the God was smiling calmed me and allowed me to joke like this.

"I am a God, child, I've seen many schemes and you didn't really try to hide it," the God's smile turned into a short chuckle before they continued, "So, what would this Quirk be called and how would it work?"

"Well, as you said, God-sama, it would work pretty much like One For All. I would just temporarily enhance either my entire body or certain parts of it," my nervous smile spread even further, "and like OFA the strengthening scales off of the bodies already present durability and strength. More physical strength and durability means more of an increase from the Quirk, while also minimizing the damage the body takes, that kind of stuff," I went to stop but suddenly realized I'd forgot something, "Oh and it's called [Reinforcement]."

Again, I looked anxiously at the God in front of me but they just smiled, "That's fine. I don't mind this level of strength as you will need to put in work to gain the full potential of these powers and I don't want to watch a weakling, you need to be strong for this to be exciting~!" hearing the God's words make me let out a breath of relief. If the God was one for the rules, they most likely wouldn't let me have those two Quirks as they made quite the combination.

The God waved their hand and a notebook appeared in front of them. They grabbed it and wrote some things down with their index finger. I guess they're writing down my quirks so they don't mess up the reincarnated process, so while I was waiting I looked around the dark room.

There was nothing in it but the looking served its purpose as a distraction and before I knew it the God spoke again, "Okay, now, think of the appearance you want when you're fully grown and I'll make it so you have a baby version of it."

Following what the God said, I started to imagine what I wanted, 'Blood red hair, royal blue eyes...Incredibly handsome, yep...Tall, hmmm, around 6'3"...and masculine looking, no trap shit here...' my thoughts were flying around in my head thinking of how to make my perfect body and before I knew it I was finished and God let out a small laugh.

"Ohohoh, you've made yourself considerably well-endowed, no?" I felt my face burning up as they mentioned this but hey-ho, he didn't want to disappoint his future wife, "And I must say, you have made yourself very handsome. I'm going to have to keep Venus' and Freya's eyes away from you in this world otherwise they'll eat you up! Hahahaha!" again, my face felt like it was approaching supernova levels of heat but I powered through it.

"I don't mean to be rude, God-sama, but can we hurry this along maybe?" my embarrassment was practically leaking out of my words and this only caused the God to laugh even more before they motioned their hand for me to carry on.

"Okay, then I'd like to be born into a considerable rich family and I'd like to be born around the same time as Midoriya Izuku the protagonist of this world. Whether I'm a few months older or younger doesn't matter, just make sure I can be in his class when he joins U.A," the laughing had stopped by now and the God was jotting this down in their notebook, "Is there anything else, God-sama needs from me? Or can I be reborn now?"

"Just let me get this last bit done..." the God quickly moved their finger across the page, "...Annnnd! Done!" the God didn't give me any warning and I felt the darkness around me open up like a big hungry mar and swallow me whole. It didn't hurt and it just sent me to sleep.

'Now's the time to discover whether that person was a God or a Devil...' and within seconds I was knocked out.

Little did I know that when I left, the God's figure slowly changed. They got a few inches shorter, their hips widened and their flat chest and butt explosively expanded. Their facial features became much softer and lost all masculinity, becoming the epitome of feminine beauty.

What was left was a 5'5" blonde bombshell of a woman who looked where the Soul just was with a red face and a seductive smile etched across her face, "I know I said I'd protect him from that bitch Venus and my wonderful self but why did he have to show me such a manly site~? He can only blame himself if I eat him up~" the God, or Freya, felt a shiver go through her body as a similar black maw swallowed her whole and sent her on the same path as the previous soul.