Life so far

5 years later~

I sat on a small seat as I felt a gentle hand scrubbing my back. My red hair was wet and fell across my eyes causing some discomfort, which adding to my already nervous feelings caused me to practically slap it off of my forehead, slapping myself in the process.

Seeing my frustration, a calm and gentle voice spoke out behind me, "Eh, Ta-chan what are you doing that for? Are you nervous about your birthday?" as I listened to the voice, my shoulders slumped slightly.

"Yes, I am Mom. You and dad didn't need to invite all the big heroes to my party, neither did you have to invite all the rich families in the area..." my annoyance which I was trying to hold back lashed out slightly and I heard a slight sigh behind me.

"Ta-chan!" I felt my mother smack my shoulder, albeit playfully, "All you do is study and do that silly quirk training with your father, you need to socialize!" I went to interrupt her but I got another smack which was slightly harder this time and I could feel the air heating up around me, "Don't push your mother, Ta-chan! I might not be a Hero like your father but I'm not weak!"

Hearing her, I couldn't help but shiver at the earliest memory of her getting mad when dad and I destroyed one of her new vases, "I get that mom, but still--!" my voice was cut off by my mother pulling me back into her for a hug.

"You're so clever Ta-chan but sometimes you can be so dumb...You know I worry about you, right? You need friends your age and this is a chance for you to do so," he felt guilt building up in his gut from making his mom worry but he pushed it down, "So, just do this for your dear old mom, alright Ta-chan?"

I nodded my head and even without turning around I could feel the smile radiating from my mother's face, 'I really am a mommy's boy, huh? Guess that's to be expected since I've never had a mother before...' he dismissed the distressing thought and stood up, "I'm going to get ready then, mom. See you in a bit!" I smiled at her and rushed out of the bath.

"Stop running in here!" I heard her shout after me before another shout came my way, "And you better wear the suit I brought for you! Or else!" feeling the shiver go down my back, I steeled my resolve and grabbed a towel before wrapping myself in it and rushing to my room.

It had been 5 years since I was reborn and I'd been born to a lovely couple called Mika Yamamoto and Takashi Yamamoto.

Mika was the heiress of a multi-billion yen company which sold just about anything. From super durable clothing for heroes to microwaves, the Hero Company did just about anything if they could gain a profit from it. She had a quirk that allowed her to control the heat in a 10-meter radius around her but despite her potential as a hero, she became a businesswoman instead.

And a good thing too, she was a business genius. Oh, and she was also where I got my red hair from, genetically at least.

Now, onto my father Takashi Yamamoto or better known to the public as the Enhancing Hero, Upgrade. He held a Quirk which allowed him to temporarily strengthen the bodily systems in his, well, body. This allowed him a multitude of abilities, a few of them being Regeneration, Super Strength and Immense Reflexes.

But when he wasn't out kicking villain ass, he was a goofy dad who loved his two children and would do anything for them. And speaking of my dad--

"Ah, Tatsuya! I've been looking for you," a tall man with black hair and blue eyes walked up to me with a toddler in his arms, "Can you look after your sister for a little while, I need to ask your mom something," I rolled my eyes at the pleading man but I couldn't help but smile at the trust he had in me despite my young age.

It had to be known that even at my age I was stronger than the average adult due to my body having been passively upgraded over the years by my [Bodily Booster] quirk. But even then, it didn't matter about my strength, a five-year-old is still a five-year-old.

So seeing my dad recognizing my maturity was nice.

Little did I know that my dad was just an idiot and thought strength was equal to intelligence so he could hand my sister to me and because I'm as strong as an adult, I should be as intelligent as one, right?

But I didn't know this and I just nodded with a bright smile on my face, "Of course I can, dad. I'll look after Ayako, you can count on me!" puffing out my chest, I felt big brother pride filling me, 'Oh no, I couldn't possibly be a sis-con, right? Right?!'

Despite my rigorous mental troubles, I held my arms out and took my 2-year-old sister off of my dad. Despite me being 3 years older, she was still quite big for a 5-year-old to carry and the slight must have looked quite comical.

"Thanks, Tatsuya, I'll come to get her from your room when I'm done!" with this, dad practically disappeared making me wonder when my eyes would upgrade to the point when I could see him moving at that speed.

I looked down at the black-haired, red-eyed toddler in my arms before smiling, "Okay, Ayako-chan, come with big bro to his room and if I finish getting changed before dad gets to my room, we'll play, okay?" my words seemed to light a flame of joy in my sister's eyes and she vigorously nodded her head.

She didn't speak because her quirk made speaking a bit difficult for her. More specifically, difficult for those around her.

You see, Ayako's quirk was a mutant quirk which allowed her to project soundwaves and shockwaves out of her mouth. The strength varied and for the most part dad and I could withstand them but when she was around average people without any physical training like mom or some randomer, her voice could easily burst their eardrums.

This was why she had been taught not to speak until she could control her quirk. She was an incredibly clever kid and despite him being a reincarnator she even gave her big brother a run for his money, so she picked up on the lessons and performed them brilliantly. As such there hadn't been an accident for a while.

Anyway, getting this out of the way, I started walking back to my room after letting Ayako crawl like some kind of monkey onto my back. The house I lived in with my family was understandably quite big but with my enhanced 5-year-old body, it didn't take long for me when I jogged my way.

I entered my room and saw a spacious room with a double bed in it. But the most striking thing was the hero merchandise collection covering the room. It was to the point where if he showed it to Midoriya Izuku he'd probably faint from envy.

All Might figurines and posters covered half of his walls while the other half was covered by figurines of his dad and also posters. He not only loved his dad, but he also respected him. Immensely.

He saw videos of his dad holding up tons of rubble just to save a people, but one especially stood out to him. I remembered first watching it on the news like it was yesterday. My father stood in front of a gigantic villain and had a blue glow around his body, his hero costume was torn in places and blood poured from his body.

He stood in front of a group of civilians - children, men, woman, old people, you name it - and each and every one of them was shivering from fear. But not his dad. No, his dad had the brightest smile he'd ever seen on his face.

A smile so bright that it burned itself into his retinas. He wanted to be a hero from the start, this smile only strengthened it.

Of course he respected All Might just as much, he was the Number #1 Hero after all - even above his dad who was the Number #2 Hero - it was just that he knew his dad personally, so it had a much bigger impact on him. Especially when he remembers how goofy his dad was usually.

Shaking my head, I knock myself out of the nostalgia and walked over to my bed, "Ayako-chan, come on off of me and sit on my bed for a little while," Ayako did as I said but that didn't stop a little pout from appearing on her face.

I shook my head in mirth as I saw her before walking over to my All Might wardrobe. It was pretty much a life-size version of All Might posing with his hands on his waist. I could almost hear the "I AM HERE!!" as I looked at the wardrobe.

'Wait--! I don't think I imagined that!' I rushed over to my window and saw a tall, impossibly muscular man walking through the front gates of the house. The man had two blond bangs which were shaped upwards and looked suspiciously like bunny ears.

Words failed to form in my mouth as I felt my knees go a bit weak.

Imagine you're about to meet your hero, a person you've admired for all your life or at least a majority of it. Their influence on you has shaped how you are in more than one way and you would love to meet them.

Now, picture that feeling...and make it a hundred times more intense because meeting them in real life is much more daunting than you'd ever imagine! Especially if they were an Anime Character in your past life and you never properly prepared yourself to meet them!

I know my dad is one of my biggest heroes but that's my dad, he's a big goofball and I see him on a daily basis. This is All Might. A-L-L M-I-G-H-T!

Before I passed out from fanboy syndrome I quickly rushed over to my wardrobe and tore out the suit my mother brought for me. I threw the towel off of me in a dramatic way causing my little sister to quietly giggle and even then the soundwaves shook my window like it was going to break it.

But right now I was too focused to care and I threw myself into some underwear before practically throwing the suit on. It was made up of red slacks, a white dress shirt, a red tie, and a red blazer.

The entire suit went well with my blood red hair and made my blue eyes stand out even more than they usually do. I knew I probably looked good but I rushed in front of my mirror to make sure I did.

I stood just shy of 120cm, probably around 119cm, which was considerably tall for my age and because of my body-centric quirks my body was incredibly well-proportioned. Along with my adorably handsome face, even at 5, I could probably be called a future lady killer.

I quickly slipped on the red dress shoes that came with the suit and I quickly rushed over to the window.

I saw my Father bear hugging All Might off the ground with a goofy smile on his face and I could hear the boisterous laughter booming from the two of them from here. They looked to be incredibly good friends and I could understand why - they were both quite goofy when compared to most pro-heroes who are quite serious about everything they do.

I looked at my little sister, "Ayako, do you want to go meet All Might!?" I pointed at the figurines around my room for context. You know, just in the abysmally low chance of her not knowing him. Her eyes went wide and she rapidly shook her head up and down.

I quickly picked her up and whispered, "[Reinforcement x2]..." my body was instantly covered in an array of red vein-like lines which arranged themselves in a weird way before I shot out of my room at an abnormal speed.

I didn't worry about my sister as although she hadn't acquired a physical-based quirk, she'd inherited our fathers weirdly hardy constitution just like me. And besides, we were off to meet the Number #1 Hero, she wouldn't complain about me going fast so we could meet him sooner.

The joyful light in her eyes like she was enjoying the speed was also a big reason I didn't slow down with my running.

I pushed my muscles further as my excitement grew into a slightly manic smile. I couldn't believe I was about to meet All Might!