I AM HERE!! for your birthday party!

I rushed through the hallways, down the stairs, flying through the air like some kind of rabbit on drugs. And I felt like it too. There wasn't any way to explain how fun it was to be stronger, faster and just overall better than a normal Human, physically at least.

In my past life I was pretty geeky, so I didn't have much athletic ability - not saying you can't be geeky and like sports at the same time, this is just how it was for me - so to get thrust into this life where even in my base form as a child I was stronger than Olympic-level Humans in my past life, it was exhilarating.

Also, incredibly convenient when you need to rush to something.

"Ah! I'll be back in a minute Toshi, I've got to go get my daughter and son, they'll want to meet you!" I heard my dad's casual voice turn urgent when he remembered he'd left Ayako with me.

'*Sigh* What am I gonna do about this dad of mine?...' despite my complaints, a smile adorned my face and I chuckled as I sped up more, causing my little sister to giggle. Luckily there wasn't anyone about.

"Well, it seems like you won't have to, Takashi! I can hear Young Tatsuya running hear right now!" All Might boisterous voice was loud from afar and behind a window, up close it could only be described as obscenely loud.

Nonetheless, I'd expect nothing else from him. Something I loved about him back in the show was that he could be both serious and a complete comedian. He wasn't only strong, he was a real people's person.

'Being able to calm down a distressed civilian is a valuable asset for a pro-hero and All Might could be considered the best!' my fanboy syndrome fueled my speed and I rushed over the balcony. It may have seemed dangerous but I was currently 2 times stronger than something that could be considered Peak Human. I could easily absorb this shock and not take any damage.

My little sister tightened her arms around my neck like two snakes and began to giggle again. I was glad that despite her being quiet, she wasn't timid and seemed to be just as much as a thrill-seeker as me and dad.

"Wow!" "Tatsuya!!!" I heard two voices. One surprised and laughing and the other seemingly furious but also having a weird sense of...pride? I shook my head and focused my Reinforcement on my feet and legs.

A low bang resounded when I landed along with my sister's giggling. I don't know if it was because of my Reinforcement but I didn't feel anything from her giggles. Maybe it was one of the rare times when she had her Quirk under control?

But before I could think any further I felt a swift smack to the top of my head, "Tatsuya, you idiot! Why can't you take the stairs like a normal person!?" feeling my dad's worry warmed my heart but I still felt indignant. I only felt indignant after what he said next, "What would you do if you hurt my precious Ayako-chan!?!"

'It's always annoying being the first born child...' I glared up at my old man before smirking, "Hmph, you're just jealous because Ayako-chan likes me more than you, old man~" my childish tone caused booming laughter before I felt a gigantic hand pat my shoulder.

"Now now, Young Tatsuya, he's only worried about you and Ayako-chan," I looked up at the smiling giant in front of me and felt my mouth open and close for a while like a fish gasping for water.

'Oh god, it's even worse than I thought...My fanboy syndrome is clogging up my brain...!!' as I mentally tried to get my mouth into gear, All Might saw my expression and started laughing again.

"Hahaha! Young Tatsuya, don't worry, I AM HERE!! for your birthday party!" hearing him say his line I felt like I was ready to die. The bliss I felt as a fanboy was unparalleled but I couldn't stop myself from laughing as I heard him switch from his more boisterous hero persona to his more restrained persona which he usually used around Midoriya in the show.

Back to my father, I felt Ayako crawl up onto my shoulders and starting to pat my head gently, obviously thinking dad's earlier smack had hurt me. I saw my dad go pale and I looked up to see Ayako glaring at him with a pout on her face.

I smirked and teasingly looked at my dad, "See, dad? Ayako-chan's on my side!" my words seemed to make an arrow go through my dad's heart. He looked ready to cry blood.

"NOOOO! AYAKO-CHAN!!" my dad's face became teary but we could all tell he was only messing around, so we had a good laugh about it. Apart from one person.

"Dear?" a cold voice came from behind me, contrary to the surrounding area becoming hotter. I started sweating but I didn't know whether it was because of the heat or my fear for my mother who'd just spoke, "Why are you making such an embarrassing sight in front of Toshi and the Kids???" I turned around and I swear to God (or Gods) that I saw my mother's eyes light up red like some kind of Demon King character from a Shounen Anime.

I looked over at All Might who was also nervously sweating. Both of us made eye contact and nodded at each other, an understanding between kindred spirits; Runaway and abandon dad/Takashi to his doom.

All Might, I and Ayako on my back all slowly slipped away. Not like my dad and mom didn't notice but my dad was too busy trying to placate his wife to worry about the 'betrayal' he'd just experienced and my mom wasn't angry at us so she let us go.

We went to the dining room where maids and butlers were rushing around setting up food.

I looked around the massive room and saw the usual table where he and his family ate was gone. Instead, multiple long Tables were spread throughout the dining room and they were stacked with food which made my mouth water.

'Oh god, it's back again...' feeling my stomach growl I thought about one of the bad things in this new life; My absolute gluttony. As you might expect, your bodily systems upgrading constantly took a lot of energy. So I had to replenish that energy every day, plus the energy I spend on training with dad, and this made it so I had to become a glutton.

But I had to put my voracious appetite aside for now and wait until the party started.

"So, Young Tatsuya, you're display earlier was brilliant for a 5-year-old, even with a Quirk!" All Might smiled down at me and we sat on some seats next to us. Hearing his praise filled me with joy and caused me to smile at him.

"Thanks, All Might! But still, it's nothing compared to what you can do..." my voice slowly fell away as I remembered some of the feats All Might did in the MHA series. All Might seemed to mistake my remembrance for self-doubt and he ruffled my head with his oversized hand.

"Don't say that, Young Tatsuya!" his boisterous voice caused more than a few maids to jump up and nearly drop the trays and platters in their hands, "I got where I am now through rigorous training, so if you want to be like me, all you need to do is train!" his smile was bright, like a confident sun if that made sense.

Even if it didn't, it filled me with confidence even if I wasn't doubting myself. What? It always helps to get encouragement. I looked up at All Might, feeling my confidence gathering in my eyes, "Mhm! I will All Might, I'll be stronger than you!" my declaration seemed to stun everyone in the vicinity, even All Might.

They couldn't decipher whether this was my true goal or whether I was just overly excited. My answer would probably be that it's a little bit of both.

Anyway, All Might soon broke out of his stupor and started laughing. So much so that tears started to collect in his blue eyes, "Ahh!~ Young Tatsuya, I'll leave it up to you then," he clasped my shoulder in his hand, "To become the next Symbol of Peace, that is!"

'...' I felt my mind short-circuit as I heard him say this. His words seemed to just click something in me like the words were a cog I'd been missing and now that the machine had this cog, it could finally start working at max-power.

Whether this was purely a mental thing or not, I didn't know. What I did know, however, was that I really was gonna aim to be the next Symbol of Peace with everything I had. I knew I had a long way to go - an unimaginably long way to go - and I knew All Might's 'rigorous' training was much more intense than he made it out to be but I didn't care.

I'd achieve it. Whether it was a childish dream or not, I'd achieve it.

Suddenly, before I could sink further into being a fanboy, I heard a tired voice behind me, "Toshinori, what are you doing influencing the youth like that? He's 5!" I felt the voice was familiar and when I turned around I was shocked.

"Gran Torino!" "S-Sensei!" my voice was full of joy while All Might's voice was completely full of anxiety and even maybe a little bit of fear. I knew what happened between them when Gran Torino trained All Might so I wasn't too surprised by it but Ayako who was now sitting on my lap was curious on why All Might was scared of an old man.

"You not gonna give me an answer then, huh, All Might?" Gran Torino smiled a little bit but I could feel that it truly wasn't a smile, "You might be the Number #1 Hero but remember who trained you in combat!" his voice caused a shudder to go through All Might while I and Ayako laughed at it.

Ayako's Quirk activated and a few glasses next to us pretty much exploded. I saw some shards heading straight for her eyes and I quickly cast reinforcement on my arm, shielding her from the glass.

"Argh!" a sharp intake of air came across as a harsh hiss in everyone's ears, instantly catching everyone's attention. My arm was covering Ayako's eyes and she kept trying to see what had happened but I wouldn't let her.

If she saw that she'd indirectly hurt me it might cause some kind of trauma and she might not speak or make a noise ever again. I couldn't let her do that to herself.

I looked at my arm and saw 4 shards of glass firmly stuck in my reinforced arm, 'Tsk, even when I was reinforced the glass cut through me like butter. Ayako's Quirk will be super strong when she learns to control it...Good, I've always wanted to save the day with my little sis~'

Despite my joyful inner thoughts, the pain was cascading up and down my arm. I felt I was lucky that I'd took the blazer for the suit off when we sat down, otherwise mom would kill me.

Ayako was getting incredibly restless as she kept trying to move her head to see the other side of my arm. Why she didn't use her hands to hold my arm still was beyond me, maybe she was treating this as a teasing game or something. It didn't matter to me as long as she didn't see it.

All Might and Gran Torino looked at me with shock and worry in their eyes but I signaled them with my eyes to not say anything and just leave it to me. The maids and butlers got the same message from my eyes and stood back. But at the first sign of any real trouble, they'd step in.

"Ayako, let me cover your eyes for a minute, okay?" hearing my words, Ayako shook her head left and right, knowing that I was up to something. I sighed and tried again, "If you let me cover your eyes I'll get you that strawberry cake you love so much, just don't tell mom and dad, okay?" her body went rigid when I said this, obviously enthralled by the idea of strawberry cake.

Soon after she nodded her head and I covered his eyes with the hand on my injured arm.

Quickly, I grabbed the first shard of glass and slowly pulled it out, not wanting to leave any glass bits inside. The pain was something else but I didn't make a sound. Any sound of pain I made would only unsettle Ayako.

Again, All Might and Gran Torino looked at me with shock in their eyes and felt slightly unsettled themselves. They couldn't believe a five-year-old could be so calm about pulling the glass out of his arm, even to the point where he didn't make a sound despite the pain he must be feeling.

But at this point, they could feel the pure selflessness in the boy's actions. The trait only a hero could have.

I, on the other hand, wasn't thinking about that, but more along the lines of stopping the bleeding. I thought in my mind on what to do and instantly the idea came to me, 'It's still a bit experimental but I should be fine...should be...'

"[Reinforcement: Regeneration x3]..." I whispered in the lowest possible voice. It was the annoying thing about the quirk; I had to say what I wanted. I had started making some progress on only using mental commands but it required much more thought than just saying it.

But still, I was making progress and in not too long a time, I should be able to sort it out.

I saw the cut on my arm quickly stop bleeding. It didn't heal but it was enough for now. So I continued to take the other 3 out before I waited for the wounds to heal up a bit more.

I looked over at All Might, "All Might, can you look after my sister while I go change my shirt?" I had a slightly tired smile on but it was a happy smile; I'd done what I needed to do without hurting Ayako's feelings.

Being knocked out of his stupor, All Might quickly nodded his head and I passed her over before quickly slipping on my blazer and smoothly putting the shards of glass into my pocket, "Well, I'll be back in a minute Ayako, don't make any trouble for All Might, okay~?" I pat her little head before jogging off leaving All Might and Gran Torino who looked at each other with strange looks.

I made it to the hallway when I heard a loud voice behind me, "Wait up, Young Tatsuya!" I turned around and wryly shook my head. All Might had run after me, presumably after giving Ayako to Gran Torino.

I stopped and waited for All Might and when he was in front of me, I innocently looked up at him, "What do you need, All Might?" I put on a smile as well, hoping he wasn't here to question me.

But those thoughts were dispelled when I felt his hands clasp onto my shoulders, "Well done, Young Tatsuya!" his voice was filled with admiration as he thought how he wished he was as strong-willed as Tatsuya when he was younger.

I became a bit embarrassed and felt my face heat up from the praise, "Uhh, it isn't anything too big. It's something I have to do anyway..." my voice trailed off as I thought about my family.

All Might looked at me confusedly, "What do you mean, Young Tatsuya?" he crouched down so he was more on my level and looked at me with eyes filled with the intent to know what I meant.

I let out a small sigh before looking All Might in the eyes, my sapphire blue eyes staring into his electric blue eyes.

"I'm her big brother and she's my little sister. It's my duty as the big brother to always stand tall in front of my sister no matter what happens, even if the pain hurts so bad I wanna cry, I need to look strong for her!" I clenched my fists as this wasn't just my feelings on my sister but for my whole family and the relationship we all have. I'd look strong for them even if the world was falling down around us.

The determination and pure tenacity in my voice seemed to surprise All Might and he even started to subconsciously smile.

He'd definitely found someone with the potential to become the next Symbol of Peace. All Might thought Tatsuya's dreams weren't so hard to achieve when he heard him say this. As he already has a worthy quirk, he just needed the ideals.

And he had them.