
After my chat with All Might, I quickly rushed to my room as he went back to the dining room.

I entered my room and felt glad All Might wasn't with me. Having him see all the merch I own would probably be incredibly embarrassing even if it's to be expected of a kid.

Anyway, like before I walked up to my wardrobe and opened it, taking out a white dress shirt to replace my torn and slightly bloodied one. I took the blazer and shirt off before slipping into the new one.

Feeling the fabric travel over the scabs of the recent injury didn't feel very comfortable but knowing I protected my sister helped me push through it. What was a little pain when I saved Ayako's cute red eyes, right?

Sighing, I put the blazer and tie back on before I jogged back to the dining room. Unlike the journey to my room which was interrupted, this journey didn't take very long and I made it back in no time.

When I arrived I saw that my mom and dad were there, speaking to All Might and Gran Torino. Nobody noticed I'd arrived, or at least I thought that was the case.

I chuckled when I saw Ayako's bad form as she ran at me, seemingly not caring about the fact she was about to fall over because of how bad she was at running. Still having reinforcement active, I rushed to her side and picked her up.

"What are you doing running, Ayako? You need to learn how to balance yourself properly if you're gonna be doing this~" my teasing tone didn't seem to affect her and she simply wrapped her legs and arms around me like some kind of octopus.

'Ahhh~ Seems like she knows I got hurt somehow and this is her trying to say sorry...' I let out a discrete sigh before rubbing Ayako's back, "Hey, what's up Ayako? Was Gran Torino mean to you or something? I can beat him up if you'd like~" Ayako instantly started shaking her head, denying my helping hand.

But that didn't stop Gran Torino from speaking up.

"Ahh? You think you could take me, kid?" Gran Torino let out a hearty laugh as he looked over to us, "Well, I'll let you have the first hit but after that don't blame me if you get hurt!" his jovial tone made everyone other than All Might laugh.

"S-sensei, he's just a kid, he was probably joking!!" All Might's worried voice was heard among the laughter but no one really listened; they knew the what Gran Torino's training did to him.

My dad swung his arm around All Might's neck and shoulder, "Calm down Toshi, Gran Torino-sensei is also joking~" he laughed at his gigantic friend before looking over at Tatsuya, "Where did you have to go?" he had a curious look on his face as he remembered that Tatsuya came with All Might to the dining room before him.

All Might, Gran Torino and my mom all looked at me. The formers wanting to see whether I would say the truth for praise or whether I'd just push it under the rug like some kind of low-key protagonist.

I was probably going to go with the latter of the two options.

"Ah, I had to go to the toilet," I innocently smiled and scratched the back of my head in mock-embarrassment. Gran Torino and All Might had knowing smirks on their faces, while my mom and dad just went 'Ahhh' before going back to talking to All Might and Gran Torino.

I felt Ayako pinch my back but I ignored it, laughing in surprise to how intelligent she was, "Haha! What are you doing, Ayako? I truly had to go to the toilet~" this got me another pinch but I found out something; teasing a younger sibling is great.

I walked back over to my family and the pro-heroes I was quickly becoming acquainted with. We all sat around the table, talking and waiting for the party to start.

Back when I was in the bath with my mom, it was around 4:00 pm and by the time the incident with Ayako and the glass happened, it was around 4:30 pm. My party was scheduled to start around 5:00 pm so like I said, we continued to chat for a while.

"Ah, Tatsuya, why don't you ask Toshi and Gran Torino-sensei for some tips on how to use your Quirk better? I know you train a lot with your father but it's always good to splice in other people's views, right?" my mother swept some of her red hair behind her ear before smiling sweetly at me.

I had to admit, my mom really was a beauty, 'How did dad get with her???' I thought this jokingly as I looked at her features. She was quite tall for a woman at around 5'11" - just shy of my dad's height which was 6'1" - and her figure was incredibly womanly with curves in all the right places.

If Ayako turned out to be anything like her, dad and I would have to make a truce and fend off the hordes of males courting her with lethal force. Thinking this I let out a laugh before nodding, seeing the firm look in my mom's eyes I knew this wasn't up for debate.

She seemed to support my want to be a hero and was sometimes more firm than my dad in forging me into a hero - take now as an example.

Shaking my head, I looked over at All Might and Gran Torino who were speaking to each other, "All Might, Old Man, do you have any tips you could give me on how to use my quirk better in a fight?" I saw All Might smile at me and also saw Gran Torino's temple twitch a little.

"Of course, Young Tatsuya!" "Listen here you little brat--!" two voices right next to each other but they couldn't be any more different.

'Oh, the joys of being a kid. Being disrespectful to your elders isn't nearly as taboo as it is when you're older~' I got up and switch chairs so I was next to them. Ayako was still latched onto me, so I had to adjust myself for a while so both of us could be comfortable.

"Then what do you suggest?" I looked up at the two of them with a serious expression on my face. Seeing it, the two of them looked back at me with equal looks.

"Well, kid, you've got to tell us about your Quirk first," he looked at me like I was an idiot before carrying on, "Ahh~ If what Toshi's told me is correct, you should have an Enhancement kind of Quirk, right?"

I nodded and explained to them how my quirk worked. Well, the basics at least. Both of them looked at me with strange looks for a while before Gran Torino looked at All Might, "Oi, Toshi, isn't that like--"

"Yeah, it's like OFA," All Might leaned over to me and spoke, "Young Tatsuya, is there a limit on how much you can 'Reinforce' yourself?" hearing his question I nodded.

"There is a limit, yes, but all I need to do is make my physical body stronger to withstand the stress of the temporary upgrade!" I puffed my chest out in determination, trying to at least act somewhat like a child.

All Might and Gran Torino shared another look before All Might let out a sigh, "It really is like my Quirk...Hey, Young Tatsuya?" hearing the question I looked at him, "What's your limit right now?"

Knowing I could trust the two of them, I quietly said, "I can multiply all of my body's abilities by four but that's my absolute limit as it feels like my body's about to be torn apart," both of them looked a bit bewildered, "What?" was all I could say seeing their faces.

Gran Torino got involved this time, "So, you're saying that you used 4x your current strength to survive jumping off a balcony that was 15ft of the ground?! But you're a 5-year-old! Even a 5-year-old with 4 times their strength wouldn't be able to do that!" Gran Torino was about to go on but my dad joined in.

"Ah, I get what you mean Gran Torino-sensei but Tatsuya's a real monster when it comes to his physical body," this gained the two pro-heroes' attention and they looked at my father, inciting him to continue, "You see, Tatsuya has two Quirks. [Reinforcement] you know about but his other Quirk [Bodily Booster] is why the former is so strong. It pretty much makes all the bodily systems in his body grow stronger and better as time goes by and as he trains they improve at a faster pace," my dad had a proud smile on his face as he continued, "Everything from his Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Systems to his Bone and Muscular Systems are pretty monstrous for a 5-year-old!"

What my dad said caused both All Might and Gran Torino to look at me like I was some kind of hidden gem worth millions. I sighed and decided to knock them out of it, "Hey! So is there any advice you can give me?"

Both of them laughed, feeling embarrassed when they realized a child had to bring them out of their stupor. Gran Torino thought for a little while before speaking, "It'd be best if you learn a martial art or two and dedicate yourself to them. Put with your power, you'll soon be a force to be reckoned with," he looked at me with a smirk before teasingly saying, "You don't want to end up like Toshi here who screams Smash all the time~!"

"S-sensei, those are my special moves..." All Might weakly said while my mom and dad had a good laugh about it.

Meanwhile, I was nodding at what Gran Torino said. I'd been thinking of getting a martial arts teacher for a while seeing as my mom and dad could pay for the best of the best. But hearing the way Gran Torino put it really steeled my resolve to do so.

When I was mid-way through thoughts on what martial art to use, All Might spoke up trying to ignore the laughter at his expense, "Young Tatsuya, you should also look up the proper way to exercise, you don't want to stunt your growth or waste your time on useless exercises. I can send a person your way, they should be able to whip up a diet and a workout plan which would suit your age while also helping you improve as much as possible! What do you say, Young Tatsuya!?"

I looked gratefully at All Might, "Mhm!" I nodded my head enthusiastically which only made All Might smile even wider.

"Good! Good! I can't wait to see how strong you can become, Young Tatsuya! And don't forget, I'm waiting on you to become the next Symbol of Peace!" All Might joyfully pat my head but the moment was ruined when an aggressive voice was heard.

"Hmm? Do you think that boy can beat my own in the race to surpass you? Hmph! Keep dreaming, All Might. Shoto, come!" I felt dread and couldn't believe my parents would invite this man to my party.

A part of me kept denying reality, saying I was imagining this but when I turned my head and saw him, I couldn't deny it anymore.

A tall man with red hair and blue eyes came into the room. His body was bulging with muscle. Not as much as All Might but definitely enough to show that he could easily out-do any bodybuilder in my past world.

Following behind him was an absolutely beautiful white-haired woman who had metallic grey eyes. She was, like I said, a very beautiful woman but she looked incredibly timid and drawn into herself as her shoulders hunched inward, like she wanted to be as small as possible.

Next to her was a single child - a boy. His hair was really peculiar as it was a 50/50 split between white and red. It was the same with his eyes, his left eye was blue like his father's and his right eye was grey like his mother's.

The boy was Shoto Todoroki, the woman was Rei Todoroki and the man was Enji Todoroki.

But to me, they were Cousin, Aunt and...Uncle, respectively.

God, I wish I hadn't asked for Red Hair and Blue eyes or at least specified that I didn't want to be related to a prick like Enji Todoroki.

'Uhhh...I can already tell that this party's gonna be annoying...' letting out a sigh, I smiled at my cousin and Aunt, signaling them to come over.