Birthday and Request

It didn't take long for us to get back to the dining room and it took even less time for us to here boisterous laughter and yelling.

I felt my face drop into minus temperatures as I sped up my walking. Shoto and Momo saw my expression and felt a bit of fear from it but they quickly followed behind me.

Entering the room I saw All Might sitting down with a plate on his lap. The plate looked incredibly small compared to his massive size and it was completely packed high with sandwiches. In front of him, I saw Endeavor looking like a totum of fire, glaring down at All Might.

"You bastard, do you think this is all a joke?!" Endeavor's flames got wilder but luckily Rei was standing nearby right next to my mom and they were both stopping the heat from traveling too far from him, stopping the possibility of a fire from happening on my birthday. Which I was grateful for.

"Endeavor, you need to calm down, it's a birthday party! Have some fun!" All Might put his plate aside before standing up and clapping Endeavor on the shoulder, obviously unfazed by the red and orange flames around the glaring man.

All Might looked behind Endeavor and saw the three of us who'd just entered the room. I smiled awkwardly at the sight I was seeing and he replicated it as well, obviously trying to apologize for the problem he was involved in.

I looked to my left and saw that Shoto was shaking and couldn't lift his gaze from the ground even despite knowing All Might was there. I looked over at Momo and saw she was practically the same.

I let out an annoyed sigh, "Uncle, what are you doing ruining my birthday party?" my voice came out slightly colder than I wanted it to but I didn't really care. But this wasn't the same for others as nearly everyone looked at me.

I could see the surprise on their faces when they looked at me, a child who could speak in a cold voice and didn't seem like a kid at all.

Endeavor spun around and looked down at me, "Stay out of this, brat. This is between me and All Might!" his flames got even more intense.

'I wonder what pissed him off this time?' after mentally wondering about it I shrugged it off and looked up at him. Despite his glare and the flames flowing out of him like a fiery tsunami, I wasn't scared. All Might, nor my mom or dad would let him get within 10ft of me if he came at me with intent to harm.

"But it's my birthday, Uncle, can't you do this in your private time? You're making a bit of a scene..." my voice trailed off as I saw his flames start to die down. He was still glaring at me but a semblance of respect was in his cold eyes. He seemed to respect that I didn't back down.

He grunted, "I'll listen to you this once, nephew, just keep that bumbling fool away from me and I won't need to get angry at him," he stormed off to another table and sat himself down with a loud thud, the wooden chair barely being able to take his bulky figure.

My mom had an awkward smile on her face and rushed over to Endeavor to speak to him. My dad, however, treated it as if nothing had happened and started to goofily smile while talking to All Might who did the same.

Rei and a tall black-haired woman looked over at me, Shoto and Momo. I guessed that the black-haired woman was Momo's mother and I could definitely see where future Momo got her good looks and mature figure.

I went to walk over to them but I noticed that Shoto and Momo were still scared stiff from earlier. Both for entirely different reasons that stemmed from the same thing; Endeavor being an ass.

Sighing, I tried to comfort the two of them but it didn't have any effect. Thinking for a while, I decided on a way to get them to snap out of it.

"Come on, you two, let's go over to your moms!" I grabbed each of their hands and clasped them firmly before using my inhuman strength to drag them over. What? Brute strength can be used to solve most situation~

Shoto, feeling my hand seemed to relax as he realized he wasn't alone and his gaze left the ground and he looked over to his mom. Momo, however, kept her gaze on the ground even when she felt more relaxed. Mainly because as soon as she relaxed she thought about Tatsuya holding her hand and it sent her back into being rigid as a statue.

Both Rei and Momo's mother let out chuckled behind their raised hands as they saw this. In truth, they were just about to go over and console their children but it seemed that their worries were useless with Tatsuya there.

I brought the two kids to their mothers and received plenty of praise and head pats from the mature beauties.

'I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy those head pats immensely...' shaking my head from my inner thoughts I started to talk with Shoto, Momo and their mom's while we waited for the party to fully start.

. . .

As I had expected it didn't take long for loads of people to arrive and for my body to be buried in presents from all sorts of rich people and pro-heroes who were friends with my mom and dad.

I knew I wouldn't like most of the presents - they were presents for a 5-year-old after all and despite me loving my family and this world, it didn't mean I had to love being a 5-year-old - but I still received them with a smile on my face.

This gained me a lot of compliments about how handsome I was, which only went to inflate my ego even more but Ayako and Momo were both there to pinch me back into modesty. Plus, Shoto being there also helped dampen it as he was also a potential lady-killer just like me, his wonderful cousin.

During this time, nothing big really happened other than Momo and Shoto realizing that All Might was here and getting incredibly excited and hyper. I took them over and introduced him and All Might muttered something about not being ignored anymore, but I ignored him and let Momo and Shoto fire question after question at him while I played with Ayako.

Ever since I came back inside and started talking to the others, Ayako would leave my side for some reason. Not that I really gave it mind, I was just curious to why she was so attached to me at the moment.

After a while of partying, eating abnormal amounts of food - which got me more than a few weird gazes - and playing about with Momo, Ayako and Shoto, the party was over and it was incredibly uneventful for the most part.

Shoto and Momo were incredibly reluctant to leave, especially Shoto. But they couldn't stay over because Shoto had 'training' tomorrow and Momo had etiquette lessons to complete. This aggravated both of them to no end and it even annoyed me a little - I wanted to cement myself as a friend in their lives but with families like ours, we were constantly being pulled apart to do one thing or another.

'Nonetheless, I'll always try and help them...Shoto especially. He's family after all,' letting out a smile as I waved off Momo and Shoto, I turned around to see my mom and dad looking at me.

"What?" I asked them with a raised eyebrow. They were looking at me with weird expressions and I was curious to why. I wish I hadn't been curious.

"I'm just surprised you made a friend," came my dad's response, which made a vein appear on my temple.

While my mom came up and ruffled my hair, "Haa~ You've already got me such a cute daughter-in-law, I'm so happy I could die~!" the vein on my temple pulsed even harder. I looked at my mom with a twitching eye.

'Is there a brain in your head or is it just completely hollow in there?...I'M.5.YEARS.OLD!!' seeing my glare, my mother just laughed before ruffling my hair more thinking that I was embarrassed.

This happened so much that I don't even try to fix my hair anymore, it's in a permanent messy, wild state.

Before I could get any angrier and give my mom a piece of my mind, she came and unlatched Ayako from my back. Ayako had already fallen asleep and had a small smile on her cute face. Said smile disappeared, replaced with a pout when my mom took her away, "Come on, Ayako-chan, let's get you to bed~!"

'...I'm beginning to think my mom's an airhead...' I let out a laugh. Despite being annoyed slightly by her behavior, I wouldn't have it any other way. This was my family and I loved them all dearly.

While I was deep in thought, I felt a hand rest itself upon my shoulder, "So, Tatsuya, what's your request this year? Last year it was Quirk Training with me, is it going to be another thing no normal 5-year-old would ask for?" I snapped out of my thinking and looked up at my dad's goofy smile, feeling a smile spreading on my own.

"Well, if I'm not normal, you're to blame - I am your son after all~!" I let out a laugh before thinking about what I wanted.

This was a custom in our family. The parents would wait for the day of our birthday to come and instead of getting us a present beforehand, they would ask us what we wanted. It could be any toy we wanted or it could be a specific request.

I usually went with requests.

Suddenly, I knew what I needed when I remembered my earlier conversation with All Might and Gran Torino, "Dad, I want you to get the best Martial Arts teacher you possibly can for me, okay?" I saw my dad's smile like he knew it was going to be something like this.

He let out a low chuckle before speaking again, "Yes, my son, I can do just that. Do you have any specification on what kind of martial art?" he smiled down at me, looking weirdly proud that I had such a drive to get stronger.

Going back into deep thought, I started to ponder on what I wanted from a martial art and which one could give me what I wanted.

'I want power, but I also want speed and flexibility...I guess I'll ask my new master what he can teach me...he just has to be strong,' I can out of my inner thoughts and looked up at my dad, "Well, other than him being strong in all areas and being an incredible martial artist, I don't mind which kind of martial art. As long as he can make me stronger, it'll be fine~" I said this to my dad before walking past him and toward the stairs, I was feeling quite tired.

Behind me, my father was coldly sweating, "Haaa~ Why do you always make such requests, Tatsuya?..." and so started my father's search for the best martial artist he could find.

Little did I know that I'd really dug my own grave on this one. Future me looked back on this 'mistake' with regretful eyes, thinking 'Ignorance is bliss~'.

But I didn't know any of this, I was busy falling asleep into my comfortable bed.