
A week after my party, I was sitting in the living room, watching Tv and waiting, when my dad entered the room with a smile on his face and two people next to him.

The first one I recognized instantly. He was tall and slender, had black eyes and matching long hair which was equally as messy as my own. His eyes were half closed and I could see the blood vessels threatening to pop in his eyes from here. His face seemed stuck in neutral and he had uneven stubble growing on his face.

'Shota Aizawa...how did my dad convince him to come and train me? He's a lazy bastard...' my lip twitched when I remembered how much of a hard-ass he is on his students, 'I've really done myself in here...why wasn't I more specific...!'

Aizawa looked at me and I saw his eye twitch in annoyance, "Did you just think something bad about me, kid?" I felt cold sweat on my back when he said this.

'Is he a psychic or something???' I shook my head, ridding myself of those thoughts - mainly in case he was indeed a psychic - and put on an innocent smile, "Nope, I was just wondering if you're the one who's gonna teach me how to fight!" I felt equal parts excitement and dread when I thought about how Aizawa would probably be completely ruthless. But I'd asked for this, so I had to go through with it, right?

Aizawa just let out a small grunt before looking over at my dad and nodding, seeming to signal that he'd train me. My dad laughed before grabbing Aizawa and taking him somewhere.

But not before he turned back and looked at me, "Stay and chat with Chiyo, she needs to do some tests on you!" and with that my dad dragged the tired-looking Aizawa off. I looked over to the other guest and she felt familiar.

When I really looked at her face, or more specifically the mask she was wearing, I nearly let out a scream. Silvery white hair, tall curvaceous body, and a beautiful face, if I was older I'd probably have to put a book on my lap.

She was wearing a white lab coat which hung loosely from her toned body. But under it was what caught my attention - a tight-fitting dress with a design of two stripes of orange covering a third of each side of the dress, with one white stripe going down the middle of the dress separating the two orange ones.

She had thigh high pink boots with raised heels on her perfect legs. I was genuinely stunned by her.

Don't get me wrong, I'd seen plenty of beautiful woman in my time alive in this world. My mom and Aunt Rei would be brilliant examples. But the difference with this one was how she was dressed - she dressed like she was trying to brag about her curves and hot body.

Seeing me looking dazedly at her, Chiyo laughed, "Oh? What is it, boy? Are you stunned by my beauty?" I damn near subconsciously nodded my head out of pure honesty before I stopped myself and looked up at her.

"Why are you here, Chiyo-neechan?" I saw happiness flood her face when I used '-neechan' and knew my plan was a success - more mature women like to be recognized as younger, I guess it makes them feel more beautiful - but what I wasn't expecting was for it to be too successful.

Before I could react I was pulled into her bountiful cleavage and was being slowly suffocated.

'...I could deal with dying like this. Let's just sink into this softness...~' before my wish could come true I felt myself being picked up, carried and then placed on Chiyo's lap.

"You might know who I am if I tell you my hero name," she looked proud as she puffed out her chest like a kid proud of passing a simple test. Obviously, it was a much better sight. I looked up at her with a fake-curious expression. I already knew who she was but it'd be best to play along.

"What's your Hero name, Chiyo-neechan?" I saw another flood of happiness - Is she really this easy to please??? - before she looked down at me with a gentle smile.

"I'm the Youthful Heroine [Recovery Girl]!" I put on a fake surprised and excited look and even went as far as gasping in 'surprise' causing her to chuckle at my cute appearance. Meanwhile, I was laughing in my mind.

'Isn't she suspicious that I knew the name but not the look/costume? Or is she too happy with my attention and fawning that she's ignorant to the obvious??' I shook my head before I spoke, "Wow! You're Recovery Girl?! That's amazing!"

"I know, I know," Chiyo seemed to want to continue to bask in my praise but she suddenly realized something, "Ah! I almost forgot I've got to do those tests on you!" she reluctantly took me off her lap and placed me next to her before she got up and walked to the door, "I won't be long, wait here Tatsuya-chan!" and then she was gone.

Fortunately, I didn't have to wait long before she returned with a bag and a technologically advanced looking device which looked like the metal detectors they use on you at airports.

"Okay, Tatsuya-chan, stand up, I've got to scan you and do some medical tests before I can fulfill your Father's and All Might's wishes!" I did as she was told although I was pretty confused about what she meant by "your Father's and All Might's wishes". I didn't mind it and stood in front of her looking up.

"Chiyo-neechan, what do you mean my dad's and All Might's wishes?" I tilted my head, obviously going for cute factor knowing that she seemed too weak to it. It's obvious to say but it worked.

Her face spread in a happy smile as she looked at such a cute kid.

'Did Recovery Girl teach Midnight how to be a pervert? Or did Midnight and Recovery Girl merge together in this world? And why's she so young!?!?!' as I was mentally questioning everything, Chiyo started to explain to me what she was here for.

"I'm here because All Might said you needed someone to fix up a special diet for you so you max out your potential as a youth. I'm also going to come here when Shota does so I can heal any injuries you receive from the training...Oh! And Shota's here because he's the one who'll be taking over your combat training - which you already knew - but he'll also be making the workout plan to go along with my special diet and medical results about your body!"

I nodded my head at what she said. She was a doctor and she did work at U.A so I guessed it made sense for her to be the one who All Might was speaking about when he mentioned a person he knew.

Chiyo lost her smile and replaced it with a serious and stern expression, "Now, Tatsuya-chan, stand completely still with your arms raised, okay?" Seeing me nod, she started scanning.

This was the start of multiple tests. Some I knew and others I didn't but from what I gathered, she was trying to see the limits of my body and what areas I was weak in and what areas I was strong in.

But a surprise for her when she compiled all her results together was that--

"Your body's too strong! Everything's strong and nothing falls behind!! How?!?!" Chiyo looked at the cute kid in front of her with completely wide eyes, surprised such a monstrous physique was even possible without the activation of a Quirk.

Suddenly there was a voice behind them both, "What's wrong, Recovery Girl?" Aizawa's voice caused Recovery Girl to spin around to face him at breakneck speed.

"This new student of yours is a complete monster! Under such a cute exterior he's--" she was silenced by Aizawa's capture weapon floating up and wrapping its way around her mouth. Aizawa ignored her glaring and simply stared at her with his indifferent eyes.

Seeing she wouldn't get to speak about it, she walked up to Aizawa and slapped the results into his chest while staring at him with aggression in her eyes.

Aizawa grabbed the results and released Chiyo from his capture weapon, she went to have a go at him but she felt someone tug on her coat, "It's okay now Chiyo-neechan, right? He let you go, so let him off this once? For me?" I looked up at her with my practiced puppy eyes.

I swear I saw hearts in her eyes for a moment. But shrugged it off as the visor in front of her eyes messing with my vision. I couldn't blame the visor, nor did I want to, for what happened next.

"Ah~! Tatsuya-chan!" I was dragged once again into heaven by Chiyo which caused my dad to chuckle. While Aizawa glanced, shook his head and got back to reading the results. After a while, I was released and Aizawa was standing in front of me which shocked me.

Normally I wouldn't be shocked, but right now I saw something genuinely scary; He was grinning like crazy.

For a lazy bastard like Aizawa to be wasting precious energy by smiling like a madman, it meant that he'd found something that had thoroughly enthralled him. But this didn't scare me nearly as much as what Aizawa next.

"Haha! Good, good, you should be able to withstand the Aizawa Limit Break Training on Very Hard Difficulty! I've got to go call my dad, he'll want to train you as well! Haha!" Aizawa had a mad grin across his face, surprisingly not only me but also my dad and Chiyo.

They both knew I was strong for my age. Impossibly strong for my age, even. But they'd seen this man fall asleep and feel indifferent about an innumerable amount of people, things, and situations, so they expected him to treat the little monster in front of him no differently.

What they didn't know was that Aizawa and his father were looking for a person to inherit their end result in making their own martial art but sadly, no one could make the cut. Some of the contenders were strong and big but they lacked speed and flexibility, others were the complete opposite - no one could inherit the full thing.

But if these results were right, hidden within their 5-year-old in front of him was the successor he and his father had been waiting for! A well-rounded child! It also helped that despite being well-rounded, all of his physical specs were indeed quite abnormal for a child.

Without waiting for anyone to speak, Aizawa took out his phone and rapidly dialed a number which picked up near instantly, "I've found the one, father!" I heard some loud yelling on the other line and saw Aizawa excitedly nod his head a few times.

'This has got to be the most emotion I've seen on his face, even when I read the manga or watched the anime he didn't have this much life in him...' I felt completely shocked by what was happening in front of me but I kept up the facade of an innocent child and just stood near Chiyo who was the embodiment of my inner turmoil.

"Why's he so excited...? I get that Tatsuya-chan's great but is there a need to change this much, Shota?..." she muttered to herself, not knowing I was wondering the same thing with her.

Suddenly, Aizawa put his phone away and looked at me, "Kid, get your shoes on, we're going to meet my old man so he can test you!" I looked at my dad who looked at me with a 'Have a nice time~!' expression on his face, then to Chiyo who looked at me with a smile saying 'I'll come along to protect you!'.

'Why is no one questioning or trying to stop this?! Dad, come on, you can't be that much of an idiot, right?!' despite my protests, I trudged away with Chiyo, Aizawa and my dad following behind me.

I quickly put my shoes on and waited for Aizawa to do the same.

All I could do while waiting was think, 'Why wasn't I more specific about the martial art...?!'

Despite my mental whining, deep down a fire was lit inside me. I really wanted to know what this test was and to see if I qualified for the Aizawa Limit Break Training that was set to Very Hard Mode.