Four Years Later and Changes

Currently, I was standing underneath a shower, letting the hot water wash away any dirt or blood on my body.

I'd just gotten back from the dojo and I couldn't help but shake my head in a mixture of regret and fear. Both the Aizawa's were hardcore, ruthless monsters. The amount of times I'd been beaten black and blue in the past 4 years is so high it'd be easier to count the times I wasn't nearly beat to death in a training session.

It was 47 if you were wondering.

But still, the training had benefits that matched and maybe even exceeded the cons. I'd learned so much about martial arts it could easily be said that I didn't have to rely purely on brute force in fights anymore.

And trust me when I say that my brute strength had grown immensely.

For the first year, it was mainly body strengthening through simple bodyweight exercises (push-ups, sit-ups etc) and running. I found out that the first day I went there for the test, the old man had got his daughter to come and use her Quirk to increase the weight in the room. He occasionally had her come and do this every few months to see how far I'd progressed.

Still, I hadn't seen her yet because she always did the Gravity stuff before I arrived. She was an elusive creature, like bigfoot - you hear about her but you'd never see her no matter what you tried.

Anyway, my body through the catalyst of the exercise - and my Quirk -started to grow at an unimaginable pace. If before I was a bit better than an Olympic Athlete while not using [Reinforcement], I was now easily in the realms of being completely inhuman, not just for a child but for a normal human in general.

This body strengthening carried on for the entire four years and by the end of it, I could easily go up against 5 of the old me's. And that was purely through brute force and not my newly acquired martial skills.

After the first year, I started school which was very aggravating, to say the least. The only kids I'd ever put up with are Momo, Shoto, and Ayako and that's because two of them are my family and the other becomes one of the characters for the show. Plus, my obscene height didn't help things either. 4 years ago I was around 120cm, now I was around 145cm tall and I was beginning to think I'd be taller than the height I decided on in my appearance customization with that God...

Forgetting my terrible times surrounded by mindless brats, let's get back to my training, shall we? The old man said that I need a solid foundation in martial arts of all kinds before I can properly inherit his own, so for the past 3 years, I've been practicing a multitude of martial arts.

If my brain hadn't been constantly upgraded by my Quirk, along with my bone and nervous systems, I probably would've fallen behind on the martial arts for biting off more than I could chew. I guess you could call me a pseudo-genius.

I wasn't the kind of genius that was incredibly clever and knowledgeable about specific subjects, or the kind that could teach people and point out their mistakes with a single glance, I was only a genius in the fact that I could learn things incredibly fast.

So after the second year, I was told that I'd solidified my foundation and that I needed to pick some martial arts to focus on. Apparently, this was to help me with the later levels of the martial art they'd put together but I honestly started to suspect that the old man and Aizawa were beginning to wing it because of my rapid progress.

Nonetheless, I picked Military Boxing, Karate, Muay Thai and Taekwondo. Oh and also dappled in a little bit of Systema and Krav Maga for their suppression and capture potential. And that was that nothing else had changed as I continued to train like that for the last two years.

When I turned 9, I felt like I'd forgotten something big but I couldn't remember it, so I kept it in the back of my mind while I tried to think about what I was forgetting.

Oh, and if you're wondering what happened with Chiyo over the years, not much happened actually. I was wary around her when it came to me going to sleep, after the forehead kiss I received after my first day of training but other than that, I truly came to see her as a(very yandere-like) big sister.

She came to some of my training sessions to cheer me on and whenever I had breaks from training or sparring we'd talk. Despite me only being a child, she could see the intelligence in my eyes and tried to treat me like I was older.

But that usually went out the window when I did something mildly cute...

Anyway!! Back to me forgetting about something and trying to remember it. This is what I was currently trying to do in the shower, as like any normal human when I was on the toilet or in the shower, my brain started to think about things I could never think about.

As I was thinking, I scrubbed myself down with soap and washed it off before I started washing my red hair with some special soap to keep it nice and fluffy. I didn't let the shampoo rest for long as I needed to rush outside - we had visitors.

Speaking off our visitors--"Tatsuya, hurry up, the pizza's here!" I heard Shoto's voice come from behind the door. Yeah, there had been some other differences as well.

'Haaah~...Seems the butterfly effect is real after all...' I let out a silent breath before smiling and answering, "Okay, give me a minute, Shoto!" I rapidly rinsed my hair with the shower on its full setting before turning it off and getting out and into a towel.

A few minutes later I was fully dried and I'd put on some pajamas. Because I was a child, despite my maturity my parents had still gotten me, well, let's say childish pajamas.

Pretty much, my pajamas were covered in pro-heroes. Mainly All Might, my dad and Endeavor - The big three.

Exiting the bathroom I saw Shoto waiting there in identical pajamas, an excited smile on his face. One of the biggest changes would have to be that his mother didn't throw boiling water over the kid, he still had to go through the ruthless training but at least he still had his mom to comfort him.

This led to his becoming much less aloof and indifferent than before, his hatred for Endeavor was also much lower. I didn't know if Rei's mental breakdown had been completely averted but it had been.

Endeavor also seemed to be much more...calm, ever since my 5th birthday. He even gave me some tips on my training and said I was free to use his training room whenever I was round there's.

It was at that point that I realized that he saw me as his family and another potential candidate for overtaking All Might as the Number #1 Hero. Seeing as I was Half-Todoroki after all, this didn't seem that far-fetched.

I don't know whether this was completely the truth but it would explain why he wasn't so harsh to Rei and Shoto like in the show.

I'm sure he still abuses them, and no matter the abuse's intensity it's still abuse, but it's still probably much less than in the show where he forced Shoto to throw up constantly due to the intensity.

What I didn't know was that having me as a cousin was one hell of a motivation to get stronger. Shoto had seen me blast ahead of him in terms of overall brute force and also combat prowess, so he took the training in his stride and took it as a stepping stone to get stronger.

This led to him talking to his mother about letting him train with his father which led to her not trying to stop Endeavor as much meaning Endeavor didn't turn to physical violence to get her out of his way.

And all this was because of me wanting to learn martial arts. The Butterfly Effect was pretty crazy.

Meanwhile, Shoto and I were chatting about our training, finding solace in each other knowing that we were both pushed to our extreme limits each and every training session. We continued walking until we arrived back in the living room and saw my mother talking to Rei, while Endeavor was watching the Tv while occasionally looking at his watch.

Next to him, Ayako was playing with two children, or should I say, teenagers. One of them was quite a bit older than us at 16, while the other was 4 years older than us and was 13. These two were Shoto's older brother and sister.

The 16-year-old was Fuyumi Todoroki, a beautiful looking girl with white hair like her mother but little clumps of red scattered around her hair, which she presumably gained from her father. The other was Natsuo Todoroki, he had pure white hair and had a handsome face which seemed to make people more comfortable around him. He also seemed to sport a cheery grin wherever he was.

But my concentration was on the massive pile of pizzas on the table in front of me. Before I could grab one, my mother grabbed my ear, "Hmm? Not even thinking of greeting your mother before you eat? How did I raise such a son...~" at the mock-hurt in her voice, I could only wryly smile.

'How is it my fault that I'd been forced to train in an inhuman way for the past few hours and said training has left me with a much more voracious appetite than usual? Hm?!' like always, despite my inner thoughts, I let my mom do whatever she wanted, knowing that an argument would only make things worse for me.

After a lengthy scolding, I saw my mom's face morph into one of worry, "I really wonder where your father is...he should've been back by now..." her voice was seeping in worry and seeing her like this caused me to feel uncomfortable.

I took her hand in my small one and squeezed it, "Don't worry, Mom, dad will be back soon!" I beamed one of my famous smiles at her and when she saw it, a gentle smile of her own spread across her face. She bent over and pinched my cheeks playfully.

"Hmph! When did you learn to calm girls down, Ta-chan? Have you been getting girlfriends behind my back in school?" seeing the teasing light in her eyes, I rolled my own.

"Mother, I'm 9, I won't have a girlfriend for a while..." my words seemed useless, however, as both my mom and Rei covered their mouths and started laughing in a "Ufufuf~" kind of way - exactly how a mature woman laughs when you've fallen into their teasing trap.

But when they were about to continue, Endeavor's deep voice echoed throughout the room, "What the...?!" he stood up from his chair, his flames flaring out around him.

I curiously looked at the Tv, wanting to know what had set him off. But when I looked at it, I felt any coherent thought leave my head like someone had knocked a hole in it.