Words failed to form in my mouth, like each word I thought of saying was held together by melting butter. I just couldn't comprehend what I was seeing.
My father and an injured All Might were fighting against All For One. Currently, All Might had blood coming from his mouth and he was holding the side of his body which looked like it had been slightly caved in.
My dad, on the other hand, was missing an arm and had blood pouring from his forehead, effectively covering his eyes in the red sticky liquid. My eyes widened in fear. Overwhelming powerlessness flooded my system and for the first time in this world, I felt helpless.
'Nononono! Why's dad there?! Stupid bastard! Why's he gotta play the hero!?' despite mentally admonishing him, my worry for him was immense and seeing his injuries, I felt like my heart was being torn from my chest, 'Don't you know we need you to come back for the family meal...?... So dad...please...' I could feel myself choking up despite not saying anything.
I couldn't hear anything, not even the news reporter covering the story. Nor could I hear anything from the surrounding. I could only feel the blood in my head, pulsing with more intensity as each second passed by.
I felt time slow down as I came to a realization - My dad was about to die.
Never had I experienced such a harrowing feeling. Something that felt like my insides were suddenly pulled out of my body and then ground up into mush before being put back inside. It was like my body was falling apart.
Even back in my previous life, when I only had my dad to look after me, I didn't feel this pain when he died. Maybe it was because he was an abusive fuck, but still, I didn't think it'd hurt this much...
My eyes seemed to forget how to blink as I watched the fight that followed. Even my enhanced eyes failed to follow the impossibly quick moves of all three of the people. Even without an arm and being severely beaten my dad still kept up with All For One and All Might, despite how powerful the other two were.
But I could tell how much he was pushing himself. We practically had the same Quirk - we enhanced our bodies and there was always a limit. My father was currently going over his limit by a considerable amount.
Even...even if he did survive this brutal fight he'd be a cripple, his body being beyond repair even for someone like Recovery Girl.
I watched as my father and All Might came to a stop after blasting All For One away with a double attack from the two of them. All Might seemed to want to go after AFO instantly after but my dad put his only arm onto the tall man's arm.
He seemed to want to say something.
POV Change - Takashi Yamamoto
I could feel the blood pouring over my eyes but I didn't care, blinking wasn't an option against such an opponent. Even after Toshi and I had pushed him back with that double attack, I can still sense that he's doing better than either of us.
I saw Toshi go to attack but I pulled his arm back. He looked at me with a confused and slightly angry face, "Takashi, we don't have time! We need to attack him now--!" he shut up when I glared at him. He saw it in my eyes - The will of a dead man.
"Toshi...please take care of my wife and kids, okay?" I put on a pleading smile before I pumped every bodily system with as much energy as I could possibly gather.
My quirk worked differently to my son's. He just seemed to change his body to become better, like the material was made of wood and he switched it out for metal when he activated the Quirk.
Mine, however, was simply me pumping it with so much energy it had no choice but to improve. You could say his Quirk is a much more refined version of mine. But I do wonder how he upgrades it...
'*Sigh* It pains me to think that I won't see you grow up to become the Hero I'll know you'll be Tatsuya...Along with Toshi, you'll need to look after Ayako and your mother...' I shook my head and let a small smile fall upon my face as I was thinking about my family.
I could be strong for them.
"All For One, we're gonna have to finish this soon, I've got to get back for the family meal me and my family have one every two weeks...I simply can't miss it...!" my smile became a little strained when I activated my Quirk to it's fullest potential and beyond that.
I felt the power, unlike anything I'd ever felt before flowing through my body. Strength so peerless it felt like I could give Toshi a run for his money, even against one of those Smash Special Moves he loves so much...
But I could also feel my body being torn under the pressure, my veins and arteries expanding so much they were like an incredibly taut rubber band that would snap if even an iota of force was added to it.
I turned my head to Toshi, "I'll make an opening...when you see it, take it and Smash this bastard's face in, do it so hard he won't even think of getting back up again, you got that?!" my smile was even more strained now. I knew what was about to happen but if I didn't stop this monster...I could only imagine what would happen to the public...what would happen to my family...
It wasn't an option to back down now! I had to do it!
So even though Toshi looked like he wanted to stop me, he solemnly nodded his head and started to prepare himself, powering himself up as much as he could.
I turned my sights to AFO, "After this, let's go eat with my family, Toshi..." I said this as a tear fell from my eye. I heard Toshi's angry grunting, but I ignored it and rushed at AFO with speed, unlike anything I'd ever produced before.
He looked surprised when I appeared in front of him but he didn't seem scared as he enhanced his arm with multiple quirks and sent out a punch. I decided that I'd make him scared one way or another.
I ducked up his punch and swept his legs. He toppled like a massive tree, obviously not expecting my strength and I sent a kick straight into his stomach, making him cough up a small amount of blood before flying backward.
But I wasn't finished.
I chased after him with my improved speed and grabbed his leg before lifting him up and then slamming him into the ground. I could feel my body's integrity falling even quicker now but I held on.
But when I heard his voice, I realized how naive I was to think a simple increase could beat a man who could handle All Might and me like children, "You have an interesting Quirk...Let me test it out, okay? Hahahaha!" The man started to maliciously laugh and I felt a hand pierce my chest, grabbing my heart.
It squeezed around my heart, tightening like iron cables around the vital organ. I felt my blood circulation slow down and heard him speak again, "If I slow your heart down forcibly, one of your quirks powers is suppressed...now to take the quirk," I felt lethargic as I sensed a sucking motion from his hand around my heart but nothing left me which surprised both me and him, "...Hm? I can't take your Quirk...why? Is it like One For All?..." AFO was deep in thought, obviously thinking I was out of commission.
'What an arrogant bastard...it's only a hand clenching my heart...do you think that would stop me from seeing my family?!' my heart forcibly sped up, I pushed my limits even further than before.
I knew this would kill me but...I had to do what I had to do...
"ArghhhhhH!" I let out a scream of pain as I pushed and pushed, as I pushed my Quirk until my body was breaking apart at speeds even my regeneration couldn't heal, even if it was given all of my power it would pale in comparison to the power of this destruction in my body.
AFO looked at me curiously, obviously underestimating me. But he sensed something was wrong and went to crush my heart. But before he could do that, I wrapped my legs around the man's arm and positioned myself before he could stop me.
Using my colossal strength, I grabbed his wrist and got him into an armbar. The pain I felt was immense as I was also moving my heart with his arm due to his hand still being latched onto it. But I pushed past the pain, mainly because I already knew my outcome had been decided.
I let out another screamed before using my entire bodies strength on the man's arm. I felt it cracking, but I also felt his hand clenching even harder on my heart. I looked at the man in question. His face was twisted in a malevolent expression, looking incredibly annoyed at the pain he was feeling.
I smirked somewhat before letting out a shout, "NOW, TOSHI!" I used my hand and legs to keep the man from defending the punch that was coming his way. He tried to lift me to use me as a shield but I did everything I could to keep him from doing so.
I stuck one of my feet under his chin and wrapped the other around his neck, making it so if he tried to lift me, he'd run the possibility of me snapping his neck with my massive burst of strength.
My hearing was going by now and my vision was going black but I still heard and felt Toshi shout "SMASH" with all his heart. I felt AFO let go of my heart and get slammed into the ground. My strength had already waned from the exertion and I'd let go so I just fell to the ground.
I could tell AFO was out of it and wouldn't be getting up any time soon.
Toshi grabbed me and shook my body, I could feel his shouting but I couldn't hear it. It was such a peculiar sensation, 'Is this what it's like to be deaf...? Who knows, but this is pretty weird...' I was slowly going delirious but I managed to look Toshi in the eye with my rapidly blurring vision.
I said something to, or at least I tried to. I couldn't really hear myself so I could've just said some bumbling nonsense instead of words.
Well, he'd probably understand what I mean anyway, right?
I felt my warmth leave me and I could feel myself slipping, 'I really hope Mika will be alright...She has to be strong for the kids....' as I thought this, the last of my warmth left me and I felt myself pass over.
POV Change - Tatsuya Yamamoto (MC)
I fell to the ground as my knees buckled. I could see All Might holding my father's limp body and shouting at it with tears in his eyes. My dad seemed to say something to All Might which shut him up.
I would try to figure it out but right now, I just felt...hollow. My body felt lukewarm and lacked any energy so to speak. But I didn't get any time to wallow as I heard a scream which shook the house.
My sense of danger that had been improved through my training with Master and Aizawa lit up like a firework display and I rushed to Ayako, Natsuo, and Fuyumi, grabbing my sister with one hand, and holding her close, while grabbing the clothes of the older siblings with my other hand.
Then I felt the heat behind my back flare up dramatically, it getting hotter along with the scream getting more pained and hoarse.