Chapter Two

I kept running until a factory approached me. How am I going to defend myself and Willow? A weapon will do. My eyes drifted off to an empty wine bottle. Smirking, I picked it up and dangled it between my fingertips. Ok, what else will do?

Think Rain. What else do you need? I need to find some way to get in without them noticing me. The air vents! Perfect, now let me sneak into the vents unnoticed. I saw Willow chained to a wall, and gasped. There was a man standing in front of her. The man had an evil smirk on his face.

No way. Her stepfather is her kidnapper?! I knew the alien had something to do with this. Long story short. His nickname, her stepfather, is the alien. Willow struggled against the chains. She yelled," Psycho help me!"

The alien laughed darkly," Whoever this psycho person is, she's not here to save you. " I smirked. Or is she? Jumping down from the vent, I landed quietly on the ground. Willow saw a glimpse of me but with a finger on my lips, she looked away.

" Or is she bitch?" The alien spoke harshly before he could turn around," Who the hell are you?!" I raised the empty wine bottle and grinned," My name's Psycho Bitch. " I smashed the bottle on his head and he fell to the floor and went to Willow.

She exclaimed frightened," Rain you have to get out of here!" " Not without you." She continued," The alien isn't working alone!" My eyes widened. Something small pricked my back on my neck. Willow screams out," Rain!" My vision became blurry before blackness came over me.

When my eyes opened, my body was slumped to the wall, chained. My eyes connected with Willow's blue ones. Reaching for her, I was yanked back suddenly, feeling the metal collide deep into my skin. Oh God, they chained me to the wall?! " Willow!" She turned to me and softly spoke with her head down, " I'm so sorry Rain, I never meant for this to happen."

" You didn't do anything Willow. It's my fault. I should have brought back up." A tear slipped down Willow's porcelain skin," They're going to kill us Rain." " I won't let them hurt you, promise. " She exclaimed upset," But that means you'll get hurt. " I sighed," If it means protecting you and keeping you safe then I'm willing to go through that. "

Willow shook her head," But they'll kill you." " Stop being so negative Willow. " Silence filled the air for a moment. "Who chained me?"

Willow said," A person working with the alien." I rolled my eyes," I didn't know that at all." Willow laughed lightly," Even when we are chained to a wall you still are sarcastic." " Yep. But seriously what did they look like?"

She said," The man that knocked you out had white hair and green eyes. " I nodded," Ok. Do you know when they come in here?" She said," Around noon and midnight. " " Do you know what time it is?" She thought for a moment," It's eleven. " I asked," Willow did they do anything to you when they come?"

" No, not much, they have just been checking on you. Rain you have been out for two days." I shouted," And why am I just finding this out?!" Willow tried to shh me," Rain! You don't want them to come in here because you are too loud!"

" Sorry. But you really should have told me earlier" Suddenly a bell was heard," Looks like they are up." Willow whisper/yelled," Rain their coming! They are going to kill us!" " Calm down. I won't let them. " The door opens to reveal a man. The white one. " Well well well look who we have here, little Ms. Anderson."