Chapter Three

" You look familiar. Who are you?" The man stepped forward," Am I, little Rain? No one can save you now." " What's your name?"

The man laughed coldly. " Don't you remember me? I'm the brother of the man to set on fire." " I didn't set anyone on fire except - "


We were in the car, Willow and I, we are going to spend the night, going to her dad's house- Willow's parents are divorced. " Willow when will we get there?"

She spoke, playfully rolling her eyes," Rain we'll get there soon stop being impatient. " " When I'm an ever patient?" Willow thought for a moment," Good point." Darren, Willow's dad, grinned at us," Ok kiddos we are almost there." " Yay!"

When we got there I jumped out of the car, quite literally. Willow told me," Calm down Rain. " " You did not just tell me to calm down." She froze," Uh. I think I hear someone calling me."

She ran to the door of the house. I said quietly to her dad, Willow being in the house, she couldn't hear us," You ready for tonight?" Darren replied," Of course I am. No one hurts my baby girl. "

I smiled softly at his protectiveness and then said," I feel bad that we didn't tell Willow. " Her dad sighed," Me too but it's better if she doesn't know. " I breathed in deeply," Just remember we are doing this for her. " Willow called my name, wondering why both of us weren't inside.

I said before running into the house," Set some of the traps, I got the weapons. "Willow said," What took you so long?" " Just talking to your dad to get to know him more. " Confused Willow answered," Um, ok. What do you want to do?" " We can write?"


It was now time for the pan to roll into action. We just finished eating. Right when the clock struck six, I looked at Willow's dad. He nodded. " Willow get your camera ready. It's showtime!" She looked confused.

She said," Rain what are you up to?" I smirked," You are about to find out. " I got up and went to the door. " He should be here any second now." Darren nodded," He should. " A car pulled up into the driveway.

" Step one, complete. " I jumped on top of the cabinets, Darren snuck out the back door. Willow, even more, confused asked," What's happening?" " Something I've been wanting to happen for a long, long while. "

I looked out the door and Willow's dad tackled the alien who was standing outside in the grass. Willow's eyes widened, hearing the noise," What's happening?" " Record this. Please. "

I opened the door as Willow gasped but started recording. My feet were literally out the door," Rain, what are you doing?" I tell her in a duh tone," I'm going to join them." I grabbed a lighter and ran out of the door. Willow called after me," Rain!" I got where Willow's dad and the alien were wrestling.

" That's enough." Darren got off of the alien. The alien, Willow's stepfather, saw me," Look who it is. " I hid the lighter so he couldn't see it, the alien snarled at me, " What are you doing here?" " What? No thank you for getting him off of you? So rude. "

The alien rolled his eyes," I never liked you whore. " I laughed darkly, taking a step towards him," Sweetheart I never liked you either. " I took out the lighter and lit it.

Darren grabbed oil and then poured it all over the alien. He exclaimed loudly," Eww. Why the hell would you do that?" I smirked and tossed the lighter on him. He screamed in pain as he was set on fire," That's what I like to hear."

End of flashback

No one really spoke much of that since then, the police just assumed it was a tragic accident. Only, Darren, Willow and I know the truth. That's why she began calling me psycho

The alien's one and only brother smirked at my helpless state," He didn't really like that you set him on fire. " Dude, I forreal didn't ask," Didn't even ask if he did or not. " The guy said," He didn't like that you smashed a bottle on his head either. " " Tell it to someone who cares. " " You are going to pay for hurting my brother. " Doubt it.