Chapter Four

* Trigger warning *

He smirked. " What are you going to do?" " I'm going to torture you until you die." I nodded accepting my fate, just as long as they do nothing to Willow. I'll take all the pain for her. The man smirked wickedly. I shiver went down my spine. Me and Willow looked at each other as he came closer.

" What should I use first? Oh, I know! The whip, it's feeling kinda lonely. " My eyes widened just a bit, Willow screamed," No! You can't! Please! " " Oh yes I can, my dear. " He grabbed a long flimsy object. My eyes landed on it, the whip. " Now you have to turn around. " He grabbed the chains and undid them.

He grabbed my hair and yanked me across the room. My eyes connected with Willow's yet again. Tears were now falling down her face, as she slightly begged for him not to do this. I smiled sadly" I'll make you regret the day you were born. " I spoke sarcastically wanting him to get mad," Which one are you going to do? Torture me to death or make me regret the day I was born?"

" That smart mouth will make it worse on you. Oh, how much I would love to break you. " A second later a smacking sound was heard bouncing off the walls. The sound of a whip meeting skin. My back arched in pain as I gritted my teeth together.

Willow was screaming at him to stop but this only gave him more joy. Hit after hit the whip greeted my skin. I tried my best not to scream. Tears were coming down my cheek from the pain echoing on my back. My body felt numb, my vision losing.

Any noise suddenly stopped, it was dead silent. The only thing you could hear was Willows sobs. " Now for my favorite part, dear. " He yanked my hair and threw me on the ground so that my bloody back hit the concrete. A knife now laid in the man's hand. Pain erupted in my chest. The knife was now drawing on my skin.

" There, now the world knows what you always will be. " The word ' bitch ' was now carved into my skin, forever. The knife, obviously not done with its work, started painting the background.

Scars were all over my stomach with the one word in the middle. " Now for the final piece. " My arms were grabbed and were painted with blood. My vision got even more blurry when suddenly a loud bang and a voice, "Unhand my friends. "

The voice belonged to no other than my friend, Lila. The true badass of the group. She was our mother. I heard a gunshot and the movement of chains. There was too much blood open on the floor to move.

The movement was coming closer and closer to me. "It's ok Rain. The bad man is dead, Lila saved us. " She noticed the amount of blood by her fingertips.

" NO RAIN PLEASE! DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES! DON'T DIE! PLEASE! You can't." " Goodbye. " The man that did this was now dead and I was going to join him. I smiled weakly as darkness came over me for eternity.