Chapter Five

Willow's POV

" RAIN! " I yelled as her eyes began to close. Lila said from behind me," I don't think she's going to make it Will. " " Don't say that Lila! She's going to be ok!" I shook Rain's limp arm. " Come on. Rain, please. "

" We have been through so much. Don't stop our adventure now! Come on. We need you, Psycho. " Lila pulled me away. " No! Psycho! Wake up! Please! " A bright light shines through the room, too bright to not shield your eyes from it. Lila had let go of me to cover her own eyes.

When the light dimmed, an angel was in front of me. She had snow-white wings and halo, " Your friend is brave and courageous to have such a cruel fate. " " Is she dead?" She angel nodded and a tear fell down my face.

" This one has proven love and loyalty towards the ones she loves. She gave her life the safe another. From now on she will protect not only her friends but will be the protector of people. " " Can her nickname still be Psycho?"

She angel laughed lightly confused, " Yes child. You need to take a step back. I will perform the ceremony for her. " Lila rolled her eyes and said," Will you just do the ceremony already? "

" Lila. You can't say stuff like that to an angel!" Lila said," Wanna bet?" The angel lightly laughed again. The angel raised her hands and Rain rose with them. The angel chanted," By the angels of the heaven above, I declare Rainbow Anderson as an angel, to watch over her friends, protect and guide them. -"

Lila whispers to me, " Did you know Rain's full name is Rainbow?" I giggled.

" She told me once. She says it counts as a middle name for her. " Lila said," She doesn't like her full name, does she? " " Nope. Now let's listen to what the angel is saying, it could be important." Lila rolled her eyes," Likely. But ok. "

" - Not only will she help her friends on their journey but a journey of her own will begin. " The room glowed white or it seemed like it. When the light dimmed the angel was gone.

Rain was on the floor, she gasped, jerking awake. I looked at Rain. She was now sitting up, her eyes were wide. She didn't seem to notice us in the room. I yelled and ran towards her. " Rain!"