Chapter Six

Rain's POV

How am I alive, thought he killed me. Wait, is my body a ghost? What happened? I sat up, Willow yelled my name and ran towards me. She ran into my arms crying. " What happened?"

Willow pulled away a bit so that she looks into my eyes. " You are immortal now. An angel came and did this thing and it made you come back alive. " Huh? Lila walked towards us.

My head snapped up towards her. She smiled and said," So? Rainbow Anderson huh?" " Shut up. " Willow said in awe, " I can't believe it your an angel now. "

" I can't believe it either. I thought he killed me and that was the end but I'm... alive?" " She said that you gave your life to save Willow so she gave you another chance at life."

I asked," But what if I die again because someone killed me?" Lila said back sarcastically," I don't know why don't you go die and find out?" I was about to respond but Lila spoke again when she saw Willow's face," I was being sarcastic."

" How do I explain this to my parents?" Willow said," Don't. Just say to you are living with me. " " But they know about your stepfather." Lila said next," Just think of something. Willow is right. Your parents cant know. Who knows. They might send you to a mental asylum or blab it out to the whole world. "

I muttered under my breath," Thanks." Lila added," Also I know you probably don't want to hear this but I'm sorry about what happened between you and Alec. " Willow looked at me confused. " He cheated on me so I dumped him and how do you know that?"

" He's been asking where you were and said he did something to upset you. Just kind of figured " If only I knew that wasn't true

Alec's POV

I groaned slightly when I didn't see Rain at school again. Why couldn't she just let me explain? I never cheated. She kissed me, I wouldn't or couldn't do that to her, she has to know that, she has to. She needs to come back to school, God I hope she's ok.

After school, I went straight to my room, she has to be somewhere, I to find her. It just isn't right that she missed school. She always comes to school because her parents make her. I guess, it doesn't hurt to ask her parents and could go to her house to see if she's there.

I decided to actually go to her house. Pulling up in the driveway, I got out of the car and took a deep breath. Please be here Rain. I knocked on the door. A minute later Rain's mom opened the door.

She looked at me surprised," Alec what are you doing here?" " Is Rain home?" Her mom shook her head sadly," She hasn't come home in days. " " I just assumed she was with you, but I'll keep an eye out for her if I see her. " Her mom smiled softly before closing the door. Oh god, hope that I'm not the reason Rain is missing. Who am I kidding? Of course, it's my all fault.